🦕👑- Hes Not Dumb

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Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- TsukiKage

Setting- The team has been making Kageyama upset so Tsukishima steps in

Tsukishima Pov

It was still the morning and I've already counted at least 20 dumb jokes targeted to Kageyama. It seemed like it didn't end.

Usually the team was very helpful to Kageyama and Hinata with their studies. But for some reason today they just kept firing joke after joke.

I looked around the gym and sighed. I then looked at Kageyama.

We have been dating for a month now. Not that the team knew this.

We kept it ourselves as we didn't want to tell them yet. I narrowed my eyes at Tanaka and Noya who had just made another dumb joke.

Instead of just sitting there I got up. Which got the attention of everyone as normally I didn't interact with them, besides Yamaguchi, when we had free time.

I walked over to where Kageyama was and then looked at Noya and Tanaka.

"Its not funny anymore" I said

"What isn't?" Noya asked playing dumb.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" I said

Noya went silent and just looked away.

"You too Tanaka" I said before looking at Kageyama and motioned him to follow me.

He got up and followed me to my seat.

"Pull up a chair" I said.

Kageyama pulled up a chair and sat down.

"What homework were you working on?" I asked.

"Math... can you help?" He asked quietly.

I nodded and for the rest of the time that's what we did everytime we had a break. I glared at anyone that looked like they were about to say something whenever Kageyama asked a question.

He isn't dumb and I know that. Other people need to see it to.

Word Count- 300

Sorry it's so short and part two to my last onehsot will be out in a few days

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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