𝕮𝖍𝖔𝖈𝖔 𝕴𝖈𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 & 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘☕︎ part 1

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Being on bed rest wasn't too bad, it meant that you could stay in your bed all day but the pain you experienced was unbearable. You were also always craving chocolate ice cream paired with french fries which Illumi didn't like since he now controlled almost everything you did. When he wasn't working  he would stop by your room and spend most of his time with you. Canary also checked in as well making sure you weren't  lonely as you were now five months pregnant. As you were laying in bed munching on your favorite craving Illumi walked in wearing sweatpants and a green jacket carrying some clothing in his hands.

"You need to get dressed." Illumi said as he handed you the garments.

"Why though where are we going? I thought the next doctor visit wasn't until tomorrow."

"Just cooperate with me." Illumi snapped as you got out of bed slowly and headed to the bathroom. The clothes he gave you were comfortable, it was a pair of black joggers and an oversized green sweatshirt just like his. You looked at yourself in the mirror as your stomach had grown over the course of the five months you were pregnant. You couldn't stand having to leave your room because to anyone's concern you were no longer (y/n), you were the maid that got knocked up by Illumi.

"So where are you taking me?" You asked Illumi as you stepped out the bathroom.

"Just follow me." He replied back.

Soon you arrived to the destination as Illumi had taken you to the mansions indoor training room/gym. It looked scary as all types of weapons hung on the wall along with a sign that read  "A kill a day." While you were busy analyzing the room Illumi had gotten out a yoga mat and ball. "Sit down." He commanded as he pointed to the mat. You did as you were told as Illumi stretched your body putting you in a cat-cow position. "Good now hold this for one minute." Illumi counted.

"Illumi why are you making me do this?"

"Because laying in bed all day is not good for you nor the baby. Your one minute is up now take a ten second rest."

You laid on your back and sucked in a huge breath and relaxed for a moment until Illumi grabbed you and put you in another position in which you had to squat all the way down in a garland pose while he squatted down with you, holding your belly from behind. His chin rested on your shoulder as you felt your back press against his firm chest which made you hot.

"Hold this position for thirty seconds."

"But it burns." You protested.

"Hold it." Illumi reprimanded.

"Has it been thirty seconds yet?" You whined.

"In 3... 2... 1 okay the thirty seconds are up." Illumi said. But before you could take a rest he picked you up and placed you on the big yoga ball as he started to stretch your legs and thighs. Suddenly you felt a tap on your stomach then another one as you placed your hand on your belly.

"I think the baby is kicking Illumi."

"Really?" Illumi lifted up your sweatshirt a bit to expose your extended tummy as he placed his palms on it while he was met with a tap. You saw a tiny hint of a smile plaster his usual stoic face as he whispered and laid kisses on your stretch mark riddled stomach. You blushed at his affection as it made you feel all warm and tingly inside but you were also tired from today's work out as you let out a yawn, "Illumi can I go back to my room now I'm tired." He nodded and you both left the gym. As you two were walking in the hallway you bumped into the last person you wanted to see... Azula.

"There you are, I have been looking for you everywhere Illumi."

"You could have just called me."

You stood behind Illumi as him and Azula exchanged minimal conversations, you did not want to be seen by her.

"And who is that behind you?" Azula questioned.

"Damn!" You thought as you internally facepalmed yourself. You slowly revealed yourself trying to cover your baby bump to not anger her more. "Master Azula, greetings."

She gasped and contorted her face into a scowl upon seeing you, "Oh I remember you, who knew such a simple maid would become such a naughty wench."

"Azula stop... we will talk later." Illumi intervened.

"I know we will because my parents set up a meeting with you, Kikyo, and Silva about the situation. And you better be there and on time." And with that Azula walked away her gaze piercing your stomach.

"Master Illumi what does Azula do for a living?"

"She's an assassin like me of course not as skilled but decent as far as I've seen."

"I wonder if she'd ever try to kill me, I mean what's really stopping her." You pondered aloud.

"Me and my entire family is what's stopping her, it doesn't matter if she's mad, your carrying a Zoldyck child so naturally they would want to protect that."

"So I'm free game when I'm not pregnant anymore?"

"Do you not listen to me, I've told you before I would protect you and the baby."

It was silent the rest of walk as you both finally made it to your quarters.

"Tomorrow we find out the gender of the baby, are you hoping for a boy or girl?" You questioned.

"I would prefer a boy but it would notable if I produced the first girl. And you?"

"I don't care, either way I just want to be in their life... speaking of which do you have any news on the situation? Will I still have to leave?"

"That is what the meeting Azula spoke about earlier is pertaining to. Trust me I'm not going to let Azula get away with anything, especially since the Zoldycks are in another league compared to her family."

"I guess that gives me some reassurance though I still feel a bit worried."

"Don't be, I will have Gotoh bring you a healthy lunch and no more chocolate ice cream and french fries. It's unsatisfactory to the development." Illumi placed his hands on your belly one last time before he left.


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