𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖟𝖞 𝕮𝖆𝖗 𝕽𝖎𝖉𝖊✵

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You were on your way to Yorknew as you sat in the back with Toshimae while Illumi drove the car, which proved to be a terrible idea. Because he was a terrible driver, he was driving so fast that it made your nausea worse.

"Illumi slow down!" You barfed in a disposal bag for the third time. Toshimae was crying in his car seat which only made things worse. "Illumi pull over, I need to pee and Toshimae is hungry."

He groaned and sharply turned to the nearest exit which made you throw up again, you made it to the gas station and promptly got out of the car to use the restroom. Because you were pregnant you had to pee frequently which was such an inconvenience at the moment. Before you went back to the car you looked around the connivence store for some snacks, your cravings and increased hunger kicked in and you grabbed anything you wanted in that moment. From chocolate robots to pickle flavored chips, cookies, donuts, and soda. You knew Illumi would never let you eat this junk especially since you're pregnant, but you were hoping he would let it slide since he was a little nerved from your complaining. You waited in line at the cash register and saw a poster for the circus Miss. Fritz worked for, you definitely wanted to attend to see what she does. Finally it was your time in the line to pay, "Hello sir, can I have that poster over there." You asked the cashier.

"Of course, a pretty woman like yourself shouldn't have to ask." He handed you the poster and you rolled it up while he scanned the items. "So, you're interested in going to the circus?"

"Oh yeah, it seems like it would be a good time."

"I could also show you a good time if you know what I mean." The older man smiled creepily and kept staring at your boobs making you uncomfortable.

"I'm good, I have a boyfriend..... and he kills people."

The man just laughed, "Pretty and funny I've really hit the jackpot... your total will be 20 jennys doll face."

You handed the man your money and as he processed it and printed the receipt he wrote something on it, "It's my number, I'm heading to the circus tonight as well beautiful... maybe we can meet up."

You took the receipt and the bag of snacks out of his hand, "I'm not interested, goodbye now." You left the store and as you walked back to the car you started munching on one of your cookies, you sat yourself in the backseat when Illumi came in and stared at you. "Who was that guy you were talking to in the store?" Illumi asked.

"He was the cashier, just doing his job though he was a little creep."

"Do you find him attractive?" Illumi questioned.

You let out a laugh at his slight jealousy, "What would you like to know?" You replied.

He blinked twice and darted his eyes away from you and pushed a piece of hair back, you thought it was so cute that he was jealous. Now he gets to feel how you felt when he was dating Azula, you continued to to snack on your sweet treat until Illumi noticed.

"You shouldn't be eating that junk (y/n)." He snatched the bag away from you.

You mumbled to yourself, "I bet the cash register guy would let me eat snacks and be satisfied."

Illumi puased and hesitantly gave you back the pack of cookies you were eating but not the other stuff, he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek then went back to the drivers seat. You thought it was so funny and you were also so happy to be able to indulge into the treat. Toshimae started fussing and you knew he was hungry, so you took a minute to give him a quick meal before Illumi starts his reckless driving again. "Hey Illu, we should attend the circus then talk to Miss. Fritz. I kind of want to see everything in action."

"Alright, what time does it start?"

"It starts at six."

"Then I need to start driving now if you want to make it."

"Hold on, Toshimae is still hungry." You continued
to breast feed him until he was finally content. You burped him and put the baby back in his car seat then prepared yourself for the car ride of death as you munched on your cookies which you knew you would throw up later.

It felt like a dream being back in the city, you loved Yorknew because of how different it was from the Zoldyck estate. Being in the city was exciting and fun, seeing all the lights and the tall buildings made you feel like a child being happy about the smallest things.

As you continued the long car ride you looked out the window to see so many bars and casinos, you had never gambled before in your life so you were intrigued. Peering out the widow some more You observed many boutiques and stores with the most beautiful shoes, clothes, and accessories. Checking out the fashion here some more was definitely on your list of some things you wanted to do.

"Illumi are we there yet?"

He replied, "Almost... are you hungry?"

Hungry was an understatement, you were starving since your energy was always drained from breast feeding and now eating for three. Though you were only three weeks pregnant the developing baby was so demanding, "Yes I'm practically starving."

"There's a cooler back there with food in it." Illumi said.

"I see it, thank you." You opened it and saw that it was filled with water and healthy foods like yogurt, berries, graham crackers, and nuts. Though you craved fatty foods you ate the healthy food because you were hungry and most of all it was good for you. The car ride continued in silence from there with Illumi still pressing hard on the gas.


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