𝕬 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝕿𝖔 𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 part 2

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Your heart stopped as you gazed at the object in your palm, to those who didn't know the underlying importance of the simple item, then they would think such a dramatic reaction was ridiculous. But to you this object said a lot that words couldn't, it gave you a better understanding of the mysterious assassin and his true feelings for you.

"You kept this for so long, why is this in your pocket?"

"It's a reminder." Illumi answered.

"Of what?" You questioned further.

Illumi lifted up his torso making you shift your position onto his lap. "That you're with me."

You continued to gaze at the green bow in the palm of your hand, your remembered when you lost this bow due to Kikyo knocking you out with her stun gun. It was because she caught you hugging Illumi when you were both children, he didn't know how to so thus you taught him.

So the bow is a reminder of you, he kept it ever since the both of you exchanged your first conversation and physical touch to one another. It all started to make sense as you use to wonder why he kept his hands in his pockets all the time. It was a reminder of his comfort, which was you.

Tears formed in your eyes and you muffled your face into the crook of his neck, you gripped his jacket with both hands and tears streamed down your face.

"Did I hurt you again?" He asked.

You shook your head, "I'm sorry for saying that I hated you and that you were a heartless bitch, you're just misunderstood but I understand you now. I won't ever leave you again. Just trust me when I say this."

Illumi patted the top of your head, and you wiped your tears away and got yourself composed so you could ask the assassin an important question. You took his hands and held them in yours as you confessed your desire.

"I want to be your significant other again, no more on and off making up and breaking up. We don't have to be engaged, all I want is to to be with you." You confessed.

The assassin picked up the green bow and placed it back in his pocket before he answered, "Yes."

Your cheeks felt like they were on fire and you grinned widely, "So can we act normal sometimes? Like go on dates, watch movies, and-"

You were cut off as Illumi pecked your lips then replied, "Yes."

You placed his long front two strands of hair behind his big ears then pressed your soft and wet lips against his. You let them stay there a few seconds longer before you pulled away.

Illumi licked his lips, "Sweet." He commented.

You scrunched your eyes I'm confusion, "What?"

"Your lips, they taste sweet."

You closed your eyes and smiled blissfully as a warm chuckle escaped your lips, you then opened them and it was time to ask the other impending question.

"Since we're together." You began. "Then can I stay in your room from now on. I will continue to follow the schedule just in your room."

Illumi pressed his pointer finger to his temple signaling that he was thinking, then he removed it and replied. "I will allow it."

You let out a breath like you were just hit with a wave of fresh air, for once you were positively happy and you were going to enjoy that feeling. Especially for Toshimae's birthday.

Both you and Illumi got up and you went to Toshimae and Illumi went to your closet. You were confused as to why but then he pulled out one of your sweater jackets and put it on you.

"Why? Does my outfit not look nice?" You questioned.

"As my significant other I expect you to cover yourself up."

"Well as being my own person I can wear whatever feels comfortable." You slowly slid the cover off but then Illumi frowned and you quickly put it back on.

You sighed, "Fine, okay let's go."

Illumi held Toshimae and you both proceeded to the dining room, the whole family was gathered amongst the table along with your sons gift and the cake you made.

The whole occasion was rather enjoyable, Milluki rambled about his newest technological inventions, Zeno told interesting stories about his job, and Kikyo ranted about Killua.

You were secretly laughing at her because she looked foolish obsessing over her child not going out on jobs to murder people. Now that you were a mother you hated that lady even more, you couldn't understand how she could do that to her son. You would never do that to Toshimae and that's a promise.

During the dinner you shifted in your seat many times from painful contractions, you were seven months pregnant and looked like you were ready to pop.

But underneath the table Illumi's hand rested on your thigh and he gave it a firm yet gentle squeeze and caress. That was his way of comforting you discreetly because he is not a fan of showing PDA in front of people.

But once dinner was finished it was time for cake and of course Illumi sliced it and gave you the smallest piece. But you didn't really care since your main focus was Toshimae who was trying the sweet treat for the first time.

He sat in high chair and once his plate of cake was set in front of him he immediately dug in with his hands and got icing all over himself. He made the biggest mess all over himself and you laughed because of it.

Everybody loved the cake you made and you were proud since you feared they would hate it.

But then it was time to open presents which were mostly toys and clothes but then there was your knitted blanket you made. It was large and white and had "Muh Muh loves you" knitted in pink on it. Toshimae would now have to sleep in his own room by himself so you made him the blanket to sleep with. You made sure it smelled of your natural scent so it will feel like you were there, but he will still be sleeping in a crib but it will be just be abundantly larger.

Soon the dinner ended and you were immensely happy with the turn out. A lot of things were going to change again and you were ready for it. Now that you and Illumi were back together you were ready to work on your relationship and build a family.


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