𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖉𒊹︎part 1

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You arrived at Kukuroo mountain and as you walked through the door both Kikyo and Silva stood cross armed and scowling.

"Master Silva, master Kikyo hello, I have made it to the 200th floor making it eligible for me to return."
They both eyed your broken leg paired with some crutches, "Oh this... it's nothing I just got hurt during a fight."

"(y/n), we have something to tell you." Silva spoke.

"Well what is it? And wheres Toshimae I want to see him."

"The news is about Toshimae dear." Kikyo said.

By their body language and tense auras you knew the impending news had to be bad, "Wheres Toshimae! I want to see him!" You started to proceed down the hallway but you were slow since you had to use crutches.

"(y/n)!" Silva boomed. "Calm down then we will let you see him."

That pissed you off, "Who the hell are they! I'm his mom and I should be able to see my son whenever the fuck I want." You screamed to yourself. But you knew if you wanted to see Toshimae you needed to cool yourself right away. "Okay, I'm good... can I see him now?"

"We have something we need to tell you first... follow me." Kikyo said.

You were nervous as you sat in one of the chairs in the Zoldyck office, your heart was practically beating out of your chest and the air felt thick.

"We found out who killed Azula." Silva informed.

"Really?" You questioned.

"Yes well we have a clue at least... we think it was Toshimae." Kikyo revealed.

You scrunched your eyes and shook your head in disbelief, "What are you saying? That can't be! He's a baby! Only two months old to be precise."

"You being gone and learning nen was just apart of the plan to figuring it all out." Kikyo said.

You rubbed your temples and stayed silent so they could continue to reveal everything to your confused brain.

"The only two killers had to be you or Toshimae... trusting that only you, the baby, and Azula were in the room. By the way have you noticed the strange occurrence when Toshimaes eyes would purple?"

You answered, "Yes I have... I just brushed it off since I thought it was his actual eye color coming in late."

"Hmm I see." Silva continued, "The whole point in testing your nen was to see if you were capable of killing Azula. Or if you had a strange power we didn't know of and you coming back with a broken leg has proved to be false. But during your stay at Heavens Arena the Tenashis arrived to our fake meeting on time."

"We tested Toshimae to see what he would do if he was attacked, you see when the Tenashis arrived we lied and said you escaped to invoke their bloodlust and when they tried to kill Toshimae in
anger, but that's when baby's eyes turned that same purple color and they were killed instantly with one look. After that we thought Toshimae died since he passed out in my arms and his eyes turned normal again. Our theory is just like Alluka's, a spirit is dwelling inside his body, we have little knowledge but we locked him up in a room for the meantime." Kikyo explained.

This was all too much for you to handle right now, you just needed to see him, you were angry as well wanting to pop off on them for purposely putting your baby in danger. "You locked him up? I want to see him... he needs me!"

Silva and Kikyo relented and led you to a large steal door that was heavily locked and once they opened it you heard the deafening cry's of your son who was all by himself and left to cry. You wondered if those monsters Kikyo and Silva ever fed him, it seemed like they left him in the room to die. You went over to his crib and dropped your crutches to hold him in your arms.

"Hi Toshimae mommy's here! I love you so much." You kissed his head and rubbed his back as he began to slowly calm down. You hopped over to the rocking chair on your good leg as you sat down, you wondered where the hell Illumi was.

"Master Silva... where is master Illumi?"

"He is on a job." Silva answered.

"Does he know about this?"

"Yes and he should be back soon." Silva and Kikyo left as you stayed to be with your son.

There were cameras installed in the room and it was nicely decorated and filled with toys. It was weird how the walls were painted with blue and yellow stars along with building blocks and other toys that filled a big playpen. There was also a big fluffy animal print carpet, a changing table, cabinets, and a baby bouncer. All of this looked nice but you were scared he was going to be locked in here forever like Alluka is locked inside her room. You already felt like a bad mom but now you felt like an absolute terrible one, you were supposed to protect and care for him but here you are with a broken leg and little to no say in the situation.

"I'm sorry Toshimae." You kissed his tearful cheeks and patted his back.

"Meh nuh." Toshimae started making his baby noises again.

"Does meh nuh mean hungry?" You smiled and pulled down your shirt and latched the hungry baby onto your full breast. You continued to feed your son who started to stick his hands out to you, a chuckle escaped your lips as you placed your pointer finger in his tiny hand. His eyes turned purple again and a soothing energy emerged into your body which felt like to you what the epitome of love and care was. Toshimae let go of your finger and began to pass out which you immediately tried to wake him up since he was just feeding and needed to be burped beforehand.

"Toshimae you can't fall asleep now." You laid him on his stomach on your thighs and patted his back gently. Once he let out a burp he completely passed out into a deep sleep, as you got up to put him in his crib you noticed your leg was completely healed. It was amazing, like your leg was never broken at all.

"(y/n)!" Silva boomed through the speaker on the camera, "I thought your leg was broken."

"It was but I think Toshimae healed it."

"Interesting." Silva mumbled. "By the way Illumi just arrived."

You nodded and hesitantly left, you didn't want to leave Toshimae but you had to at some point.


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