𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖘𝖈𝖆𝖕𝖊𖨆 part 1

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It was the next day and your bags were already packed, it was nothing too much just some light essentials since you didn't plan on staying long. You did some research on Glam Gas Land and found out it was a city known for its night life with its bustling casinos, fancy hotels, and clubs. Gambling was a major activity almost everyone there took part of, but you weren't interested in that sort of stuff. Right now you were getting Toshimae ready as you dressed him in a purple sweater and some khaki pants, you combed his fluffy hair then gave him a toy.

"We're all done Toshimae... are you ready to meet your grandmother?"

He lifted his arms out and cooed, "Muh muh."

For some reason he didn't call you mama but he always said muh muh, you have tried to get him to say it the other way but he always sticks to muh muh. You picked him up and have him multiple kisses on the cheek, he smelled like the soft lavender and vanilla soap you bathed him with earlier. You gazed at him and he looked around with his mouth open like he was searching for something. "What's wrong love?" You questioned him.

He looked at you, clear boogers running down his nose and his face innocent confusion, "Buh buh."

He was referring to Illumi who was gone at the moment for a job, normally this would be the time of day him and his father would have play time. Toshimae had a set routine so It was ingrained that he would have that time at the moment. "Buh buh left, he's not here. Don't worry he will be back soon then you and him can have some quality time." You voiced childlike as you raised the tiny infant in your hands. He giggled and you brought him back down to your chest where he laid his head.

A knock sounded on the door and Ms. Fritz walked in with a serous look on her face, "It's time." She said as she took your packed bags. The Zoldycks knew she was leaving but not that you were planning on sneaking away with her, the only people that were there were Kikyo, Kalluto, and Milluki. So the only real lingering threat was Kikyo who never new how to mind her own business.

"What should we do about Kikyo?" You questioned.

"I shall distract her while you sneak away into the car."

"Okay... by the way I recommend talking about Killua or something to distract her."

"Got it, now go you have to hurry if you want to leave."

You nodded and crept out of the room with Toshimae securely in your arms, by no means were you fast so you had to be stealthy to make up for it. You couldn't help the slow waddle your pregnancy caused you, but still you proceeded down the dark halls. Suddenly you heard Gotoh and some other butlers talking in the corridor, you panicked internally for a second until you got it together, there was another hall you could go through without being detected though it would take longer. As you prepared to sneak away Toshimae started to whine and coo out of nowhere, alerting the butlers.

"Anybody there!" Gotoh called out.

You internally cursed and tried your best to calm down Toshimae, he was having stomach bubbles and gas which is something he always gets "Please calm down love, I will give you stomach rubs in a second." You bounced him in your arms and walked back from the halls, there was no way you could go back at the moment but luckily there was a room you could hide in at the moment which was Milluki's.

"(y/n), what are you doing in here?" Milluki questioned.

"Umm, me and Toshimae are here because we just wanted to see you."

"But he's crying."

You ignored the second eldest son and put Toshimae on his bed so you could lift up his sweater and soothe his achey stomach with a rub. You applied some minty cream on it as well which made him quiet down in relief. "Is that better my love?"

He had his finger in his mouth and made a constipated face until he let out some gas and relaxed.

"Ewww, get him out of my room!" Milluki yelled.

You rolled your eyes and picked up Toshimae but then you started to get a sudden cramp in your belly, and handed the child to his uncle.

"Take him back." Milluki complained.

You took deep breaths and massaged your tummy, "Hold on, I'm contracting."

"You're about to give birth!"

You groaned and replied, "No, just be quiet and hold him for a second, he's your nephew for god sake."

Milluki growled and held Toshimae in his arms who was starting to make heavy breathing noises. "What's wrong with him? Why is he making those sounds?"

You knew exactly what was about to happen and before you could take Toshimae out of his arms he threw up on him, making  Milluki fume with anger. "That's it! I'm calling Illumi."

You rushed over to them and grabbed Toshimae out of his arms, you pulled out a napkin that was in your pocket and wiped Toshimaes mouth then Milluki's shirt. "I'm so sorry, I got it out the best I could with the napkin and it wasn't even a lot of puke. Trust me he's done worse there's no need to call Illumi."

Milluki groaned and snapped, "Just get out already."

You huffed and cracked opened the door to check the hallways then crept out and continued your journey to the car. You used zetsu to hide your aura and walked through the now vacant corridor that led outside to where the car was. You took a moment to breathe before entering the black limo, there was no doubt you were going to get caught escaping. As soon as one of the butlers delivered your meal or Kikyo comes looking for you and your not there. Then a whole alert will be given to the family and everyone will stop what they're doing to locate you and Toshimae, you wondered how Illumi was going to react to the situation. He would no doubt be angry but you had no clue how he would express/release it, you knew he wouldn't try to put his hands on you since you are pregnant so you wondered what else he would do. But you had no time to hesitate, you were thinking in the now and as you stepped inside the vehicle you felt a wave of bravery and independence.

"I can do this... rather we can do this. Right Toshimae?"

He chewed on his favorite stuffy and peacefully sat in his black car seat making coo sounds. You sat back in your seat and waited for Ms. Fritz to come, you were anxious to leave and hoped Ms. Fritz didn't get caught. You rubbed your belly which was being jabbed and kicked by the baby, this was a time you wished Illumi was here. In all honesty you missed him, he gave you a sense of security that everything will be alright, you felt ensured in his protection, but now he's not here and your about to go out on your own. You have never been out on your own without Illumi or a butler, you had Ms. Fritz but she wasn't a vital protection and you were about to travel to a dangerous city. Either way your decision was final and you were going to see your mother.

"Okay we're clear to leave." Ms. Fritz said as she opened the door. "Are you ready to be reunited with your mother again?"

You looked at your grandmother with a look of endearment in your eyes, "Yes."


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