𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖈𝖐❀ part 1

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Three months had passed by and you were four months pregnant, this gave you hope that you would not have a miscarriage since it will most likely not happen during this stage. But the doctor did warn you that just because it wasn't common doesn't mean it wouldn't happen, you still had to be weary of a stillbirth. Right now you were in the gym with your grandmother doing some of her hippie yoga routines, she kept telling you how she was going to help you open up your heart chakra.

"Okay (y/n) breathe In and out, clear your mind of all distractions."

You were sitting with your legs crossed and your eyes closed, though you kept peeking them open to look at Toshimae who laid in his baby bouncer smiling and giggling every time you made a funny face at him.

"(y/n).... focus my dear." Ms. Fritz said.

"I'm trying... but why do I have to breathe in out and so many times?"

"Because it will help you clear your mind and reduce stress which can lower your blood pressure, now I want you to picture a beautiful lake. The soft yet abrasive water flows over a bed of rocks and softens them down over time. Now what's the first word that comes to mind when you think of this."

You followed her instructions and thought real hard about it, you breathed in and out deeply before you answered, "Burger."


"With extra pickles and a side of cheese fries."

"Okay I think we should do something else."

"Or maybe we can get out, and have a little fun day... come on you can't tell me that you're not already bored of this place."

"Well I do feel a bit cramped, even on this giant mountain."

"Then let's go out, come on I'm starving." You picked up Toshimae and went to look  for Silva to get permission to leave.

"Good afternoon master Silva."

He sat on a mat with Kikyo discussing some things, you had grown a pregnancy belly but hid it with oversized sweats so nobody could know.

"What brings you here (y/n)?"

"I just wanted permission to leave the house with Ms. Fritz."

"Where will you be going?" Kikyo questioned.

"The mall." You replied.

Silva and Kikyo looked at each other like they were conversing through their facial expressions, you couldn't tell what they were trying to convey but Silva turned to you then nodded." Okay I give you permission, but Gotoh has to come with you."

You were perfectly fine with Gotoh attending, you thanked both Kikyo and Silva then left to get inside the limo to leave, you placed Toshimae in his car seat then buckled up your seatbelt. It felt so nice to be out of the house again, you looked out the window and started to get dizzy at the blurred mesh of tress and other cars passing by. You picked up an empty bag and proceeded to barf in it, you decided to never look out the window again.

"Are you alright (y/n)? Do we need to head back?" Ms. Fritz asked.

"No, no I'm fine it's just a little nausea from looking out the window. I'm so happy to be out... what store should we visit first?"

"Well I wanted to go to the market to get some fresh herbs and shea butter to make a body oil for your belly."

"That sounds nice, I want to shop for some clothes for Toshimae.... then stop by the food court to get something to eat."

"Oh, by the way where is master Illumi?"

"He's out and about, doing things for his job."

Ms. Fritz hummed and spoke, "Are you sure that's all he's doing?"

You frowned a little, "What do you mean?"

"You don't think he could be out there cheating? I mean he goes in and out the house as he pleases but you have to ask, and then it seemed like he doesn't care about you when you told me that he threatened to kill you one day."

It was no lie to you that Ms. Fritz didn't like Illumi, she expressed it all the time, you know she doesn't think highly of Illumi but to blame him of cheating on you was crossing a line. "I trust him, and I mean come on, I can't imagine him sleeping around with just anybody. That's not like him."

"But how can you trust a man that threatened to kill you, he reminds me of your father which is a bad thing."

Ms. Fritz started to make you question him, I mean she did have a point, you two haven't had sex since the day before you left to heaven's area. Thinking about it made you blush, he really did know how to do everything right, even so since he made you squirt and moan out his name all night. Then it started to make you question him even further, where did he learn to do that kind of stuff? I mean the first time you guys did it, it wasn't that spectacular but it wasn't bad either... it was really good actually but it doesn't compare to how he is now. Now you wondered if you could compare, he came when you two did it, so much so that he got you pregnant again, but he mostly did all the work. Then again he was so dominant because he didn't let you take control, only he could do all the work. You shook it out of your thought process and laid the thought to pasture so it wouldn't make you stressed and raise your blood pressure.

"Ms. Fritz.... what was my father like?"

"He was very possessive over your mother, and manipulated her in every way he could. He was also power hungry and obsessed with the need to be powerful."

"You think Illumi is like that?"

"More or less I think they share some of the same traits but Illumi is much smarter and cunning. I see how he looks at you, like an object that is his and only for him."

"So you don't think he loves me?"

"Oh no, he loves you alright, just in his own twisted way."

You appreciated Ms. Fritz outlook and opinion on Illumi, though it wasn't what you wanted to hear you were glad that she was honest with you. You didn't disregard everything she said but did have caution with most of it since it was just the opinion of one woman. And also because she has only known him for four months compared to your nine years of knowing him.


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