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You slowly awoke to the bright sun piercing your eyes as you groaned and rolled over to the other side of the bed to shield them.

"Mmmm Illumi." You moaned tirelessly. "Are you okay?"

There was no reply and you huffed in annoyance as you turned around, only to not see Illumi.

You gasped as you looked around your surroundings, only to see yourself back in the assassins room located in the mansion on Kukuroo mountain.

"What the hell?" You questioned aloud to yourself as you slowly got out of bed. You walked around the cold wooden floor as you stood in front of a nearby mirror.

You looked different as your under eyes were darker, the red in your eyes were more apparent, and there were cuts along your arms and wrists as well as dark purplish bruises.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Elise's familiar voice called out. "(y/n)! Is it safe for me to come in?"

She sounded absolutely terrified as her voiced croaked a sheepish tremble.

"You may proceed." You replied in a dull tone.

The door slowly opened and Elise walked in holding a long black gown which she handed off to you.

"Here, it's for the funeral." She said.

"Funeral?" You questioned. "For whom?"

"(y/n), what do you mean by that?... have you been taking those pills again?"

"Pills... what?"

Elise placed her hand on your back and rubbed it tenderly. "I know Illumi's sudden death was hard for you, but you can't keep hurting yourself."

You frowned as you distanced yourself from her and leaned against a nearby wall. "What do you mean Illumi is dead? He was laying right next to me... on the boat. How did I even get here?"

"Oh no she's having another episode." Elise mumbled under her breath. "I better get Dr. Khara before things get ugly."

"Hey I heard that... you better answer my questions right now!"

"(y/n) calm down, you'll wake up the children."

You perked up as you hadn't seen them since the honeymoon and so you darted to the spare room where you opened the door to the nursery. Only to see that they weren't there.

"Elise!" You yelled. "Where are they?"

"You know they're across the hall in a separate room and you the rules now."

"What rules?"

"Only until you get better will you be able to care for them 24/7, as of now you're only permitted an hour of visiting rights."

"But an hour? How will I be able to breast feed them daily?"

"(y/n), you've been drinking and taking pills non stop, and you barely even eat, there's now way your body is possible for providing nourishment to your babies. At least not until you accept Illumi's death and move on. Now put on your dress and let's go, the ceremony starts in twenty minutes and by then you will be able to see your kids."

You were still confused as you grabbed the black dress you were given and marched inside the bathroom.

Removing the shirt you had on which was Illumi's burgundy tank you put on the black dress which didn't help flatter you in the least.

It was plain and looked like something an old poor maiden would wear but for a funeral it fit the look. But you sighed as you fixed your hair up a little and slipped on some black sandals before you walked back into the bedroom.

 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 ☠︎𓀀 Where stories live. Discover now