𝕭𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖙 part 1

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It was morning and you were having a breakfast picnic in Dayroad park with Illumi and Toshimae, you sat on a thick comfy picnic blanket in the warm sun. Illumi was doing some tummy time with Toshimae who was starting to be able to lift up his head on his own for a second. You on the other hand were scrapbooking the many pictures of your pregnancy, the ultra sound, Toshimae, and Illumi. You wanted to savor the memories and if you ever find your mom you wanted to show her the stuff she missed out on.

"Say cheese!" You took a picture of Illumi and your son playing. "And into the book it goes."

"What are you doing (y/n)?" Illumi asked.

You lifted up your masterpiece to show him, "I'm savoring moments, see."

Illumi snatched the book and flipped through the pages, he paused at one photo where you sat next to a cherry blossom tree showcasing your pregnant stomach. He also stared at a picture of him kissing your belly and you smiling with your hand on top of his head.

"It's neat right? This picture is hilarious." You pointed to one where Toshimae is spitting up on Illumi.

"I find this one amusing as well." Illumi flipped to a page where you were eating chocolate ice cream and fries while smiling.

"Do you have a favorite photo?" You questioned.

He flipped a couple of pages until he stopped at one where you were butt naked in a bubbly bath tub, playing with bubbles while rubbing your belly.

"Haha my stomach was so big!" You mused. "But, I think my favorite picture is this one." You pointed to a pic of you giving birth while your eyes are scrunched and blood was all over the hospital bed. "That was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt, so it's my favorite since I'm proud that I endured even without an epidural."

"You almost broke my hand from squeezing it really hard." Illumi commented.

You grunted, "I will never have another child again."

"Really? Is that so?"

"Maybe I will change my mind... I want to get married before that. And with the whole Toshimae having magical powers it will be too much."

You looked at your baby boy who was two and a half months old lay down on the blanket and try his best to lift his head on his own. He was a small baby and you couldn't imagine him killing anyone, hell he relied on you for everything yet he healed you. Silva did theorize there was a spirit dwelling inside of him just like Alluka. You barely talked to Illumi about it and it made you uncomfortable since you knew his feelings towards Alluka were terrible. Though he still treated Toshimae well you hoped that he would never grow to hate him because of his power. Toshimae started to cry in frustration from having a hard time lifting his head.

"I think that's enough tummy time for him." You said as you picked him up and held him in your arms. "Do you have any other plans today Illu?"

"Yes, I have a job tonight."

"I guess it has something to do with the Southern piece auction. Sooooo.... who do you have to kill?"

"The ten dons."

"I don't know who they are but they sound legitimate. But do you ever wish to be something else other than an assassin?"

"No that is my calling, it's what sustains me. That is my purpose and it will be Toshimaes as well."

You held your baby closer knowing that he will have to go through torture and live a life of darkness and murder. You were going to make sure to teach him love, care, and humility. He already had healing powers so if he can hurt he can heal. "Toshimae you're such a sweetheart, I will always love you." You kissed his cheek and caressed his head which in return made him smile.

"Well, I'm going to attend the bull market." You announced. "Bye, I will see you later Illu." You gave him a kiss on the cheek and put Toshimae back in the stroller.

Gotoh drove you to the bull market and once you arrived you saw many vendors with a whole bunch of people bidding and selling many artifacts. You strolled through the crowd pushing Toshimae in his stroller while you looked at the potential items.

You came across some ancient text about rare animals and places. "How much for the books?" You asked the vendor.

She replied,"Well that'll be at least-"

"HEY! I WANTED THE DAMN KNIFE FIRST!" A loud man at another vendor yelled. You hadn't noticed that a whole bunch of people had lined up to bid on some super rare artifact.


You scoffed, "The artifact better be rare for it to cause a scene like this." You whispered to yourself.

The lady you bought the books from heard you and replied, "Yeah that happens at least once every year, they're bidding on the Bens knife."

"What's a bens knife?" You questioned.

"It belonged to a notorious serial killer by the name of Benny Delon and he forged unique knives for every one of his 288 victims. I have a book about it if you would like to know more."

"Oh, yes please I'm interested now."

"(y/n), we must go." Gotoh interrupted. Things had gotten worse and it seemed like a brawl was about to break out.

You hurried and purchased the book and left to a different side of the auction far away from the ruckus.


You saw a beautiful lady with large black glasses that concealed her eyes, sell expensive teas, tea cups, and pots. You were interested and approached the old lady's vendor.
"Hello miss I-"

"Oh dear my! What a lovely young lady you are! What is your name?"

You gave her a fake name to conceal your identity, "My name is Toshiko."

"What a lovely name! You can call me Miss. Fritz! I'm a tea vendor as you can see and a former circus performer!"

"A circus performer?"

"Oh yes I was a prized acrobatic... THE BEAUTY!.... THE JEWEL... THE APPEAL OF THE CIRCUS!"

"It seems you still have that same energy within you."

"Oh yes I will always be a circus junkie at heart, I remember traveling from place to place doing flips and tricks. Now I sell my precious teas and do fortune tellings and palm readings on the side as well."

"That's amazing!" You wondered if she knew knew nen and was a specialist like yourself, and could actually read fortunes.

"Anyways are you interested in buying any teas? I see you are with a baby I have teas that can help with producing nourishing breast milk and get rid of pregnancy stretch marks.

"Oh wow sure! I will give it a chance." You bought the tea and was about to leave until the lady stopped you.

"Oh Miss. Toshiko I would love to give you a free fortune telling, if you would like I will give you the location of the circus and my phone number."

"I will take you up on the offer." She handed you her information on card and you left the bull market. You were unsure of the lady's intentions but being the curious person you are, you had to check it out.


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