𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖉❤︎ part 2

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"Are you upset with me?" Illumi spoke as he crept inside the room.

You choked on your food for a second then regained control of your esophagus as Illumi who had been trained in being silent as possible snuck up on you.

"My goodness Illu, anyways what do you mean?"

"You lied and said you had to change Toshimae though he didn't need it."

You internally facepalmed yourself as you should have know that a family full of elite assassins would have good deduction skills.

"Illu I-"

"Was it something that I said? Was it because I kissed you earlier?"

"No... no it's not about that." You sighed as you gathered your thoughts together, "I just don't like the idea of Toshimae enduring abuse that you call training."

"What do you mean... he is to become an assassin one day surely you know this by now."

"I know... I know it's just that as a mother it's hard to  see your child go through something so cruel, I wish his life differently for him."

"(y/n) you're not making any sense."

You let out a deep breath and put Toshimae in his crib as you stood up to face Illumi, "it's just abuse is so normal to you and the way you trained master Killua has caused him to hate you and I don't want our son to hate you as well."

"Hate me?" Illumi frowned, his eyes laced with anger.

"Yes I don't want Toshimae to hate you like master Killua does." You reached your hand out to Illumi to soothe him but he quickly grabbed your wrist and squeezed it harshly. You tried to free yourself from his grip by hitting him with your other hand but he grabbed that one as well and pinned them both with one hand. You were stunned with fear as he held your throat tightly and pierced your eyes, "You know nothing, you're just a worker, I will train him how I see fit and you will have no say." Illumi growled. He let you go as you fell down onto the floor grasping onto your neck and coughing up for air. Illumi took Toshimae out of his crib and proceeded to leave.

"Illumi... please don't take him away!" You whined and begged.

He paused and turned to you, "It's master Illumi from now on." He scolded then left.

You cried so hard that it was silent as you felt yourself begin to have a panic attack, you wheezed and sniffled. You ran into the bathroom and locked yourself inside and prepared yourself a bath, you looked at your pudgy stomach in the mirror that was slowly but surely going back to it's original size but with a few added stretch marks. Once you got inside the hot water you continued to cry and contemplated the last nine months of your life as a dream. You submerged your whole body underwater weighing in the choice of suicide but quickly picked yourself back up knowing that your son needs you and in making that rash choice you're betraying him. You didn't know how he was going to get dinner tonight since Illumi took him and you didn't want him to starve.

After you were done bathing yourself you slipped on one of your nightgowns and sulked in your bed wondering if you were going to be able to get dinner also since the incident with Illumi. All these thoughts made your head pound so you took a well deserved nap awaiting what's to come when you wake up.
Your eyes started to slowly open as you heard familiar crying noises beside you, and when you looked up you saw Illumi standing beside your bed holding Toshimae who was shrieking. Your heart rate rose and fear kicked in as you quickly jumped away from Illumi upon seeing him after what happened earlier.

"He's hungry." Illumi spoke.

You hesitantly took Toshimae out of his hands as they shook with anxiety, Illumi watched you carefully like a security camera which made you nervous to feed your son. You slowly slid the straps of your nightgown down and latched Toshimae onto your breast as he began to feed. Your lips quivered and tears streamed down your scared face. Illumi felt a pinch of guilt in his heart as the only person who he's made happy, the only person who also loves him without a condition is hurt and fearful because of him.

"Sorry." Illumi spoke, "I brought you food."

"Thank...  thank you master Illumi."

"Call me Illu.... I'm sorry." Illumi stretched his hand out to touch you but your instincts scooted you away in fear. "Don't move." He warned "I'm not going to hurt you if you stay still.

You turned all the way around with your back facing him as you didn't like him seeing you in a vulnerable state right now feeding your son. That was until you felt tight muscular arms wrap around your waist and someone's broad chest press against your back. "I'm going to say it again (y/n), I'm sorry." You felt his warm breath hit your neck and his lips lightly peck it.

"I forgive you but if you do that again I won't... and I promise you that." You spoke.

"I promise to not do that again but I do not believe Killua hates me and everything you said was false. My son will never hate me, he will be a great assassin from my training."

Illumi still couldn't understand your feelings about the situation but in time you hoped that he will for Toshimae's sake.

"Illu... have you found anything on my mother yet?"

"No but I will continue searching, you say she is from meteor city so she will be hard to track. And she could be dead as well."

"Yeah that's a possibility." You sighed and started to burp Toshimae who was now full. "Anyways, wheres Azula? She's not going to like you here with me all alone."

"She's spending a week with her parents at their home for some business to attend to."

You were secretly happy that Azula was leaving even if it was just for a week you were glad that you didn't have to share Illumi for once. Toshimae finally let out a burp and you could do your favorite activity which was cuddle him to sleep, you sniffed him as you inhaled a faint smell of lavender.

"Did you wash him, Illumi?"

"Yes I figured I would already have him cleaned up before you fed him so he could sleep right away. Oh and would you like me to hold him while you eat?"

"Sure... thank you." You handed Illumi the baby as you both sat back on your bed. Toshimae looked adorable curled up on Illumi's broad chest, you took a picture of both of them to capture the adorableness.

"This is too cute." You remarked as you kissed Illumi on the cheek

" You remarked as you kissed Illumi on the cheek••<••>••<••>••<••>••<••>••<••>••<••>••<••>••<••

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