𝕷𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘☦︎︎ part 1

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You cried into Illumi's shoulders as he wrapped his big arms around you, "(y/n), we're going back to Kukuroo mountain and Ms. Fritz is coming with us." Illumi said.

"Hold on I'm going where?" Ms. Fritz asked.

"You are to come with us to my home located on Kukuroo mountain." Illumi answered.

Ms. Fritz was a little confused but all she wanted to do was be there for you and Toshimae, so she went to go pack her bags while Illumi continued to comfort you.

"I refuse to believe it, I won't have a miscarriage I will be fine, the baby will be fine." You said. "So come on, let's get ready to go." You got up to pack all your stuff and put it into the car, you tried your best to push forward as you placed the last of your belongings into the vehicle. You put Toshimae in his car seat and sat next to him while Ms. Fritz sat next to him as well, on the other side. Illumi started the drive and you continued to question Ms. Fritz. "So why did my dad convince my mother to run away?"

"So he thought you were going to be born with the power because he didn't know that there could be only one holder of it which was your grandfather at the time." Ms. Fritz explained. You saw her tear up a bit and sniffle as she continued, "I will never forget when I came home from work and there was a note your mother left me, detailing how she was running away but she left me a clue which was your name."

"That must have felt terrible, but I'm guessing she ran away to meteor city since it's so hard to locate and that's where I was born and raised until the age of ten. But my dad was never around. I never knew him."

"That makes me wonder what happened between them when they ran away, I'm guessing he left her once he found out you had no powers."

"Yeah... maybe."

An awkward silence filled the car as you thought about the new information, it was all too much to process. Right now you were in a state of denial about the miscarriage, you believed with with your whole heart that it will never happen.

"So what is Kukuroo Mountain like?" Ms. Fritz spoke suddenly.

"Well it's very big, very secure. It's surrounded by a beautiful forest area and the estate is very beautiful."

"Well it sounds very nice, but I'm very curious.... how did you and Illumi get together?"

"Well I was a maid for the Zoldyck's at first but then over the years of working I fell in love with Illumi and then got pregnant by him on accident. But I am beyond grateful for Toshimae and I love him and Illumi with all my heart."

"I don't see a ring on your finger, so I'm guessing you two are not married yet?"

"Well I want to be married one day, whenever that happens."

"Well if it does happen, It would be a joy to see my granddaughter get married. I feel like I have missed out on so much."

"Well you get to be here now."

The rest of the ride was silent as you took a much needed nap.

You were in a glass sphere full of thick and rich velvety blood, like the smell of pennies it was metallic. You were naked and couldn't speak as you floated like a speck of nothingness in the body fluid. You heard the piercing cries of a baby and you immediately tried to escape as you pushed forward with your arms and legs, but you were pushed back and spun around in the globe. The spinning never ended as the cries grew louder and your body was limp and tossed around like a rag doll. You had no control nor balance as you choked and swallowed on the scarlet substance, your eyes began to close and your conscious was slipping in and out. Suddenly the spinning stopped and the glass globe was tipped over slowly until it hit a sudden death drop down a black void. Sharp needles were thrown at the glass breaking it and piercing your skin as your blood was added to the mixture. A bright light below beamed and the inevitable crash landing approached as the glass ball hit the ground and you were free. But your body was left in a serious condition as the broken glass from the sphere stabbed your flesh easily like how a knife cuts soft butter. You crawled around the white space in the room to the abhorrent screams of the child, that's when you saw Toshimae who's skull was cracked open and spilling blood. You screamed and looked down to your stomach which was now big, like a pregnancy belly, you crawled to Toshimae and wailed repugnantly at the horrid sight. You tried to cry but there was so much blood as your watery tears were now thick abundances of blood. You saw a flash of sparkles above and a giant mallet came rushing down and crushed you and your babies. The deafening sounds of crushed bones, squishy organs, and splattered blood were echoed and sounded from the mutilated corpses.

Present Time
Your eyes slowly opened and your heart was beating fast, you were still sitting in the car but it was stopped, you looked out the window to see that you were home, back at Kukuroo mountain. Your car door suddenly opened and you saw Illumi, "We're here." He said.

You looked to your side to see Toshimae who was not all bloody but perfectly fine, sleeping in his car seat. You sighed in relief and scooped him into your loving arms, Ms. Fritz had gotten out of the car and you did to as Illumi helped you out. He carried the bags and you walked inside to be met with the whole Zoldyck family except Killua, Milluki, and Zigg who stared at Ms. Fritz.

"Welcome, I'm Kikyo Zoldyck."

"Hello I'm Ms. Fritz, (y/n)'s grandmother."

"I heard, we have set up a guess room for you, follow me." Ms. Fritz left with Kikyo along with Kalluto following behind.

Illumi started a conversation with Silva and Zeno, you wondered what they were talking about since they whispered amongst each other. It started to make you uncomfortable when they would slightly glance at you then look away when they spoke, so you decided to leave and go talk to your grandmother. When you walked into her room Kikyo and Kalluto were not there but just Ms. Fritz, she was sitting on her bed reading.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" You asked as you sat down on the bed next to her, holding Toshimae.

"I should be asking you that, did you have a nightmare in the car?"

"How do you know?"

"You were whimpering in your sleep, has something been bothering, was it from what I told you this morning?"

"Maybe.... you can see someone's future right?"

"Well yes but I can only look at it once, and I only see a week into their future and that week has already past for you my dear. It's my natural limitation."

"So that means you already knew I was your granddaughter, but you acted like you didn't know."

"One lesson that I have learned in my lifetime is to not mess with the future. Your fortune said you would come back so I waited, meddling with the future can cause drastic changes to happen."

"Now that I think about it, since you can only see a week into my future you must already know that I'm pregnant."


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