𝕻𝖎𝖈𝖓𝖎𝖈 𝖔𝖋 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 part 2

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You didn't know what to do or say, all you did was sit there frozen and in complete utter shock. You thought about the night you created Toshiko, it was wonderful and it felt extremely good, but knowing that Illumi had other motives made the moment feel fabricated. Like he had sex with you just to use you rather than to mutually please one another. But there were several questions you had for Kikyo that you needed answered.

"So, if you wanted Illumi to impregnate me to create another baby with powers then why did he and I....... you know do the act before I left to heavens arena. You wouldn't have known Toshimae had powers."

"Well, we have always suspected something about him. You see after I shot you and you were knocked out I looked into that baby's eyes that were turned purple. I felt his powers with just one touch and so I told Silva. I did some minor testing on him on my own and let's just say some butlers lives were killed in the process. While you trained with Zeno we continued the testing until we had somewhat of an understanding of what his powers were."

"So then why did I have to leave to heavens arena if you knew it was Toshimae?"

"Well we didn't want you around when we did the big testing on Toshimae when the Tenashi's came."

"Well why is that, what did you do?" You questioned further.

"Well from what we know he invokes his power through emotion, so we told the Tenashi's that Toshimae did it. And so they tried to kill the child then boom, their brains popped. We knew you wouldn't like it and it was easier to just send you away than lock you up."

You were furious, they put your son in so much danger and now when your next son is born they're going to do the same thing.

"Don't be solem (y/n)." Kikyo spoke. "Just enjoy every single minute you can spend with them like you said. Next month the big day will come and I will be right there beside you in the room. Now, how about you open one of the gifts?"

"No, I still have another question. If you knew Illumi was supposed to impregnate me then why did you test to see if the baby was Illumi's or not?"

"Because the baby still could have been someone else's, you could have secretly slept with one of butlers. And you can't be upset with me for thinking this as you did sleep with my son, your boss. I couldn't rest easy at night until I was one hundred percent sure. Now hush up and open the present."

Kikyo was curious as to what Illumi got you, but you were fed up and irritated at the moment that you didn't want to do anything. But in the moment you were in no position of power so it was best to do as she said so the picnic can end and then you will get to face Illumi who right now, you wanted to kill.

So you opened the gift and saw that it was a key, you were confused as to why Illumi would give you a key.

"Oh I see." Kikyo commented. "How meaningful of him."

"What do you mean meaningful? What does this key do?"

"They open things." Kikyo replied.

You rolled your eyes and spoke again, "I mean... what does the key open?"

"It's not really my place to tell you that."

"Sincerely and with all due respect master Kikyo, I don't think it was your place to tell me about the secret said earlier. So can you please tell me what this key opens?"

 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 ☠︎𓀀 Where stories live. Discover now