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You were in the gym training with Illumi who was pushing you hard with his extreme workouts and training. He's a serious man in general but when it comes to training he takes it to a new level with his constant rewording of focuses and and surprise sneak attacks. And after every day of training he makes you fight him one on one which he wins every time. It's also been hard balancing training and taking care of your one month and a half old son who needs constant attention with changing, playtime, and breastfeeding. The only down time you have from him is when he takes his long naps during the day. Right now you were working on endurance along with Zetsu in which Illumi hides and conceals himself while you try to look for him.

You were walking through some unfamiliar woods that you were never allow to be in since that's where the Zoldyck guard dogs roamed. Of course you should be able to defeat them no problem but the impending fear and anxiety of having to still makes you uneasy. Then you have Illumi who would test your reflexes by throwing needles or randomly attacking you. You decided to climb a tree and hop from tree to tree so your not out in the open which became the best decision once you found Illumi leaning against a tree out in the open. His arms were crossed and his eyes were closed like he had no worries, you looked like a stalker gazing at him in the tree. You were strategizing an attack plan to capture him until your instincts felt three needles being thrown your way. You instantly moved out of the way but it was a distraction by Illumi to lure you out and attack you as he kicked you out of the tree. You landed in a offense position and prepared yourself to attack, defense was your strong suite considering the ability of your nen. Illumi knew this so he made sure to put you out in the open and make you attack first, forcing you into an offense situation. You ran as fast as you could towards him to land a kick that would ultimately knock him out but to do that you had to put all your aura to your foot. But your move was too slow as Illumi grabbed your leg and kicked you in your unprotected stomach that sent you flying into a nearby tree.

Illumi slowly walked towards you as you got up. "I thought you excelled in endurance since we worked on it all day yesterday." Illumi spoke. "I guess you're in need of more running." Illumi took off fast making you run after him. You tried your best to trail him dodging branches and uplifted roots, then he disappeared from your sight. You looked insane with your hair all messed up and your eyes buzzing out as you went into a frenzy looking for Illumi. Until you felt someone kick your back harshly making you face plant into the ground, the person got on top of you and turned you over to reveal Illumi who started choking you. You squirmed under his grip, kicking your legs and flailing your arms to escape, you felt yourself seep in and out of consciousness as you clawed at Illumi's hands that were harshly gripping your throat. Then suddenly you got a flashback of Illumi training you in this kind of situation.

"When fighting hand to hand combat with a male you might find yourself in a position like this." Illumi pushed you onto the ground and got on top of you.

"Oooh, I didn't know we were practicing endurance training but I'm into it." You teased.

Illumi quickly scolded you, "Focus."

"Sorry Illu... continue."

"Now, when you find yourself in this position they will most likely try to choke you out of unconscious. When this happens don't panic there is a way out. You will want to go for the groin."

"I will definitely go for your groin~"

Illumi frowned at your comment, "(y/n)!"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry please continue."

"So you will want to place at least ten percent more of your aura into your dominant foot to kick him in his private. That means the other parts of your body will be more exposed, but you will use the power of your aura to send him flying using your wand. Now try it on me."

Illumi started choking you and following his advice you kicked him hard in his dick then used your specialty aura to create a blast to blow him off of you.

"That was good (y/n)." Illumi complimented you.

"I did it!" You exclaimed "I hope I didn't hurt you too bad down there because I was hoping for a ride later on."

Illumi's eyes widened and he threw his needles at you, but you quickly dodged them.

//Present Time///
Now remembering the practice Illumi engraved into you, you followed his advice by kicking him in the lower and aura blasting him off of you, before losing all consciousness. You quickly ran away from him, slowly getting air back into your deprived lungs, you still had to think of a way to catch Illumi before your time runs out. You only had thirty minutes to come up with a plan but as you were running you ran into Mike the guard dog, he knew you were not an intruder. Running out of time causes for desperate measures as you got on top of Mike so he could take you to Illumi, he was fast as the ground shook under his giant paws. You finally found Illumi who stood at the entrance of the house with a timer... your time was up.

"I'm sorry Illumi I'll try harder let me try again."

"You did good (y/n)"

"What? But I didn't catch you before the time ran out."

"I wasn't testing you on that, it was just a ploy to get you to work hard. I was really seeing how long you would last and if you would remember the things I have taught you. Always remember that you can never defy me (y/n)."

"Does that mean I'm done for the day?"

Illumi replied with a nod at your question.


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