𝕴𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 Part 2

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"Sunday what the hell? It's me (y/n)! Put the gun down!" You shouted.

"No, I cannot do that. You see as a black list hunter it is my duty to apprehend scum like you."

"What? I thought you were an escort."

"That was a lie, I only made it up as a ploy. You see I am investigating Pata cities internal drug and prostitution rings. And to my surprise I come across an assassin like yourself and so you are under arrest for the murder of Rickey Honcho and the real Sunday Secret."

"Well I don't believe it." You rebutted. "Tell me your name."

"If I tell you that then I will have to kill you.... but seeing as your an assassin the death Penalty will be brought against you. So I shall tell you that my name is Petra Gayle."

"Just exactly how old are you?"

"I'm thirty one but that's besides the point. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way being that you put your hands up and cooperate and the hard way being that you resist."

You shook your head and scoffed. "I would never cooperate with a washed up zero star hunter like yourself." And with that you effortlessly kicked the gun out of her hand and sent it flying and crashing out the large window. "Now you have no weapon, you have no other choice but to fight.

Petra let out an annoyed sighed as she got in a fighting position. "Hard way it is I guess."

You had your game face on as you held your fists up in a defense position, you were steady on your feet as you walked around slowly in circles.

Petra did the same as she eyed you with pure menace, she had no intention of killing you earlier but now that you pose a threat to her life, she will not hesitate to end yours.

"You know... you don't seem like an assassin. Your eyes betray you, they say you are actually soft of heart in the inside." Petra spoke.

You smacked your lips as your heart skipped a beat. "What would you know?"

"I know enough to tell when someone is faking it. I have arrested many people in my years of working and in their eyes they all told a story of greed and heartlessness. But I don't see it in you, even so when you thought I was a helpless prostitute you took me under your wing."

"Why does that matter now?" You questioned. "Just stop with the mind games and make the first move before I do."

"You really do tickle me.... what is your name?"

"My name is (y/n)."

"Well (y/n).... take this!" Petra advanced towards you as she grabbed you by the head and kneed you in the face. You had no time to react as she proceeded to throw you across the room as you landed on a nearby glass table.

Petra cracked the knuckles in her fists as she spoke, "If you really think you can beat me then you're delusional."

You didn't reply to her as you groaned and spit up a bit of blood from her attack. All you could taste and smell was metallic as you slowly trudged upon the sharp shards of glass now stained with your blood.

"I don't like this any less than you do, beating up on a young and naive women like yourself wasn't my plan. But now that you've killed Rickey Honcho all that is left is you and Florence Night. And I won't allow for you to dangerously run free." Petra said as she began to approach your tattered figure.

You tried you heave your body forward as you scraped your skin against every razor sharp glass shard. Making you breathless in pain as it lacerated against your skin and began peeling away the layers until it exposed your sensitive flesh.

 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 ☠︎𓀀 Where stories live. Discover now