𝕻𝖎𝖈𝖓𝖎𝖈 𝖔𝖋 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 part 4

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After being passed out for the rest of the night it was the next day, and the time was noon. Your eyes slowly opened and you found yourself laying in Illumi's bed as normal.

You were so confused as you were no longer dressed in that dress you wore last night, but you were clothed in a fluffy robe with your naked form underneath. You remember the pain you felt yesterday when your head and back collided with the hard tree, you should be in a critical state right now but you're perfectly fine, physically that is.

You sat up and looked around the room until suddenly you heard the door begin to unlock and that's when Illumi came in. He held a blank stare as usual and was dressed in his assassin uniform with his hair neatly combed as always.

Because you were in a state of confusion seemingly as you thought you had died you immediately got up from the bed and waddled as fast as you could to the assassin.

"Illumi!" You shouted as you went in for a hug.
You wrapped your arms around his muscular abdomen then laid your face into his chest. "I thought I died, I thought the baby died.... is Toshimae alright?" You cried.

Illumi stood still as he kept his arms to his side, he'd been out all night completing a bunch of jobs as he tried to forget about your vegetative state. In addition, he felt guilty and blamed himself for all that happened.

"Illumi?" You questioned from his blank reaction. "Please! At least say or do something! Is Toshimae all right?"

The assassin lifted your head up to face him as he stared into your teary eyes, he placed his hands on your sides. Then he glided them down past your waist, hips, and thighs. Until they landed on your plush bottom.

You flashed him an innocent stare and Illumi watched as your chest inflated then deflated as you breathed in and out. That prompted him to open the front part of your robe making you heat up in nervousness. He laid his hand upon your heart to feel it thump it's regular tune, then placed his ear to it to hear it, a hum escaped his lips in response.

After that he brought his head back up then darted his huge charcoal eyes to look into yours then proceeded to switch his gaze to your large exposed breasts. And that's when he cupped them into his hands.

"Illumi!" You shouted as you swatted his hands away.

He wasn't trying to be pervy or anything he was just checking if you were completely alive and intact, and from his intrusive investigation, you were.

He cupped your cheeks and stared into your eyes before he spoke. " Hey." He said.

You sniffled and replied, "Hello."

Illumi wiped his finger along the side of your eye to catch your tear, then analyzed it, he hummed and spoke again. "I'm proud of you (y/n)."

You scrunched your eyes in confusion, "For what?"

"You're a very good mother, you know."

"So, is Toshimae okay?" You questioned.

"Yeah, he's been sleeping all day after he healed your critical wounds."

"He did what? Oh my goodness. I need to go see him." You relinquished your grip on the assassin and turned to leave before he stopped you.

"Put some more appropriate clothes on first." Illumi instructed.

You hurried up and threw on a pair of underwear with sweatpants and a tank top before leaving. Toshimae's room wasn't far, it was right across from Illumi's so you were in there in no time.

You watched as he was cuddled up in the blanket you made and slept like the good little boy he is.

Toshimae's been resting for a while." Illumi spoke, "That must be an effect of using his powers, it drains him of energy. Something to be duly noted." He said aloud to himself.

You grinned and lowered the gate on his bed before you leaned in and rubbed his back gently. "Hi my love." You voiced childlike.

He slowly opened his eyes then smiled upon seeing your face, he cooed and began to sit up as he reached his arms out for a pick up.

You giggled and cradled him in your arms as you strutted around the room.

"I missed you so much!" You chirped while you caressed his tiny feet.

He replied with his mindless baby talk, "Ba Ba!" He cooed.

"I love you so much." You kissed his cheek and ran your fingers through his fluffy hair. "Thank you my sweet boy, for saving me that is."

"Neh nuh." He gurgled as he brought hit tiny hand to your cheek and smiled.

Illumi was slightly jealous as he watched the spectacle, Toshimae was supposed to love him the most but it seemed as though he mostly loved you. The assassin wondered how he could learn to control him and his powers if he doesn't even deem him to be the most lovable.

"Give him to me." Illumi commanded.

You shrugged your shoulders, "Okay I guess." You said as he put him into his arms.

But as soon as you did Toshimae began to cry and fuss. He was fake crying of course since he wanted to be back into your loving grasp.

"Toshimae." Illumi stated firmly. "Stop that."

His words were stern and commanding, it was so powerful that he didn't have to yell to get Toshimae's attention.

The infant paused as he looked into his father's eyes, his lips quivered and his eyes scrunched before he called out, "Muh Muh!" And threw a major temper tantrum.

Gently, you snatched him away from Illumi and giggled, "You're so mean." You teased the infant. "You're being such a rotten little boy... yes you are." You cooed as you blew raspberry's on his tummy and held him up high while you swayed him.

Toshimae chuckled loudly and smiled all the while Illumi held a blank face with a vacant look of disappointment.

You felt a little bit of sympathy for him and so you cupped his chin and gave him a kiss on the lips. "He loves you too." You said.

"Oh, I never said he didn't. Is that what you thought? That my son doesn't love me?"

You rolled your eyes, "And I thought I was dramatic, of course he loves you." You sighed and gave him another kiss before you turned around.

Toshimae who laid his chin on your shoulder stared back at Illumi as he twirled a piece of your hair. He flashed his purple eyes at him making Illumi slightly gasp.

"What's wrong?" You questioned as you turned around.


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