𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖙⌫ part 1

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Toshimae was now a week and a half old and was peacefully sleeping in his crib as you finally got a break from attending to him all day. Illumi was on a job so you couldn't get any help, but he is scheduled to come back soon. Azula was still at her parents abode and the day seemed to be on the regular until you heard loud shrieks and yells coming from what appears to you to be from Kikyo and Milluki. All the ruckus made Toshimae cry as you took him out of his crib to soothe the poor baby. You dashed out of your room as you sped walked through the hallways with the combined screams of Kikyo, Milluki, and Toshimae. You hoped nothing too bad had happened as you followed the reckoning screams, it led you to the front of the estate where you were met with a hysterical Kikyo and an angry Milluki.

"That brat!" Milluki roared as a pool of blood emerged from his side.

"Oh my son! He is finally growing up to be a worthy assassin!" Kikyo boasted as blood seeped down her slashed face.

You were left dumbfounded and distraught as you tried your best to comfort Toshimae who's cry's got even louder upon hearing the noise.

"Master Kikyo, Master Milluki... are you alright? What happened?"

"It's Killua... he's finally growing up, I'm so proud."

"Master Milluki you must get your wound treated immediately, you're losing a lot of blood fast." You took the second eldest son to the nurses office to get sewed up.

"Does that baby ever shut up!" Milluki growled.

"Please lower your voice master Milluki, your yelling is making it worse." You figured Toshimae must have been hungry since he did just wake up from a long nap and your breasts felt heavy and full. You took one of the blankets from the nurses room to discreetly fee him.

"Do you have to do that in here?" Milluki complained.

"My apologies master Milluki, I just want to know what happened, I will be on my way once I know."

"That brat Killua escaped and attacked momma and I, he's growing up to be a real pain."

"Huh... I see."

"Yeah and everyone let's him get away with it, accept for me I promise when he returns home I will show him. He's not like the rest of the family... he's too weak... too emotional."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Of course it's a bad thing, we as Zoldyck's must carry out our duty as assassins. You should already know this by now since you have been working here for nineteen years. And not to mention your raising a Zoldyck."

"Oh of course, must have slipped my mind. That's all."

"Well Killua has the potential to be the most powerful out of all of us, he needs to get it together or it will be a huge waste."

You sighed at the young mans inconsequential rant as you kissed the top of your sons head who continued to feed on his meal. This conversation made you even more fearful of what's to come of Toshimae's uncertain future, all you could do was follow your instincts as a mother... which reminded you of something.

"Oh master Milluki your an expert when it comes to technology, could you possibly do me a favor?"

"The favors going to cost you, but go ahead what is it."

"I want to find my mother, the last time we were together was when I was ten and we lived in meteor city. But I left her to earn money and work here but now I want to find her."

"That's nearly impossible, anyone from that junkyard does not exist in any formal records. Let me give you some advice give up on finding her, the amount I'm going to charge you to find her is not worth the answer that you want."

"No... I will pay however much it takes."

"I'm charging 200,000 jennys."

"What? There's no way I can afford that."

"So it's settled, like I said again give up. It's impossible."

You felt hopeless as you knew something rather someone who could defy the impossible, someone who could grant you anything that you desired. But with a cost that's not worth the undying want. You needed Alluka at this point but there's no way you would be able to have any access to her and let alone you would most likely die from asking anything from her.

Illumi calmly walked into the nurses room and the vibe suddenly shifted to a more tense one. "Hello master Illumi, I'm glad to see you have returned."

"I have an important upcoming job that requires a Hunter license so I will be gone for a month, my mom wants me to check up on Kill as well."

"I see, but your leaving for a month? That's a long time to be away from Toshimae."

"I know but it's for an important job and I will be back soon I promise." Illumi handed you what seemed to be a phone, "I will call to check up on you and Toshimae, and you have to answer every call. If you don't then I will alert my entire family including the butlers as well... got it?"

"Yes master Illumi... but this all seems so sudden, when are you leaving?"


"But who's going to watch the baby when I need to shower or use the bathroom? I have to keep my eyes on him at all times, I would ask Canary but she's too young. Or Gotoh or Tsubone but they're too... you know."

"Oh that's already taken care of my mother has volunteered to help."

You just about passed out at the thought of Kikyo taking care of your son when her first thought of him was an accident. A part of you didn't think she would hurt him but she let her own kids be subjected to torture. Thoughts wondered through you head of scenarios where Toshimae probably wouldn't stop crying which would annoy Kikyo into slapping him. And if she did slap him you probably couldn't control yourself and might end up saying something or doing something that you will regret and would lead to your premature death.

"You know what Illumi, I don't need any help I got this."

"Nonsense this opportunity will also give Toshimae some time to spend with his grandmother."

You relented talking about it further as you were going to get nowhere with Illumi, your best option was to try your best to deal with the unhinged Kikyo, "Alright master Illumi."


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