𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖙⌫ part 2

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It was dinner time and the whole table was tense with the elephant in the room that is Killua's departure. You however were unbothered playing with Toshimae making funny faces at him, he had a habit of staring at you and slightly smiling at your foolishness. "Twinkle twinkle little star... huh boop!" You lightly bopped his nose playfully. Illumi sat next to you watching the spectacle, "Master Illumi, you try." You placed Toshimae on his lap as he slightly smiled at him.

He lightly bounced the baby on his lap, "Hey Toshimae." Illumi spoke. Toshimae stared at him studying his fathers face and then made a *neh* sound signaling that he was hungry. You obliged to his demands as Illumi covered you with a blanket to feed the child. You felt tired and wanted sleep rather than to eat but to replenish your milk supply you had to eat.

"Illumi, Azula comes back tomorrow." Kikyo informed.

"I know but I leave tomorrow to take the hunters exam."

"About that I want you to place a needle in Killua when you find him." Silva spoke.

You thought Silva was out of line ordering Illumi to do that to his little brother, it is cruel and controlling. But there was nothing you could do about it.

After Toshimae was finished eating you burped him and took him to your room along with Illumi who followed behind. You placed Toshimae on his stomach while he laid on a blanket on the floor, this was his tummy time so he could improve his muscles. You dimmed the lights and put on some music as you and Illumi supervised him, Toshimae hated doing this exercise and stared to make *heh* noises which mean he's about to cry.

"This crying is acceptable when he's a baby but when he turns three the crying must come to an end." Illumi spoke as he pacified the newborn.

"Illumi have patience he's just a baby.... I think it's about time he goes to bed."

"Alright I will put him to sleep."

You had no objections with Illumi taking care of the nighttime routine, you were tired and didn't feel like washing, changing, and then rocking Toshimae to sleep. Illumi was the best at putting him to sleep and was overall great at taking care of an infant, probably because he had to help in taking care of his younger brothers since he practically helped in raising Killua. Yours and his relationship was steady and started to become less professional again after his and Azula's wedding was called off for now. You didn't understand why but you couldn't help but melt into his touches and kisses whenever you got the littlest bit of affection. And this week you got plenty of it since Azula was at her parents house and Illumi would spend nights with you to help out with Toshimae. But all of that would come to an end tomorrow so you wanted to savor it as Illumi had put the baby to bed he climbed in yours where you awaited him.

"Illu... are you tired."

"Not really but I should sleep now since I won't be able to later." Illumi wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head on your chest with his body in between your legs and thighs. You stroked the top of his head and massaged his scalp as his hot and steady breaths warmed your body. You cupped his cheeks and gave him kisses all over his face and stroked the bridge of his nose with your pointer finger.

"That feels, good." Illumi commented.

"So I shall continue." You said as you felt Illumi's grip on your waist grow tighter and more possessive. You caressed his ears and repeatedly kissed his forehead as he fell asleep or so you thought as he faked sleeping so he could watch you sleep.
It was morning time and Illumi was already up getting ready to leave but you just woke up to start your morning routine with your newly born. You changed Toshimae and fed him as usual, before Illumi left you made sure to say goodbye.

"I know it's for one month but I don't want you to go, Illu."

"Do you still have the communicator I gave you?"


"Then I will call to check in and you have to answer every time. You can also call me as well if you feel it's necessary to."

"I promise to answer your calls and you better answer mine... come say bye to Toshimae before you go."

Illumi cuddled the young child as Toshimae began to grasp onto his long hair, which made Illumi let out a slight chuckle. He set the baby back in his crib and gave you a long goodbye kiss before he left. You went back to your daily schedule as you finished some chores while Toshimae napped. Once you finished your chores your baby awoken and you took him outside for some fresh air while you sat outside on a thick picnic blanket. Sitting there reminded you of the time you and Illumi had a picnic there and he let you put cherry blossoms in his hair. You sang to your two week old and played games with him that would help in his development. You finally got a call from Illumi as you answered, "Hello Illu?"

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes Toshimae and I are doing great, though he did cry during tummy time."

"I expect more progress however I will call you back soon, goodbye."

He ended the call and you continued to play with your baby until you felt an ominous prescience coming towards you. And then Azula appeared with a happy smile on her face, you wondered what made her so happy as she passed you and gave you a sly smirk. You decided to ignore it for now and go back inside to put Toshimae down for a nap.


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