𝕬𝖜𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌❥ part 4

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Your eyes began to open as you woke up randomly in the middle of the night, you groaned and turned to your side to look at the clock but that's when you were met with Illumi who laid comfortably.

"Hello Illu, when did you get back?" You questioned him as you gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Not too long ago." He replied.

His breath smelled of fresh mint signaling that he recently brushed his teeth, and a musk scent of mahogany radiated off of his body signaling that he had recently taken a shower.

You curled up next to him and spoke, "So how about that movie and a cuddle you promised me?"

"We can do that." He replied. "What movie would you like to see?"

You hummed, "Hmmmm, how about something scary, I heard it helps induce labor."

"That doesn't seem likely, but I will allow it." Illumi said.

He picked up the remote and scrolled through the options of different horror genres.

"How about that one?" You suggested. "Murder Blood Bath 2: House of Assassins." You spoke aloud.

"Alright." Illumi said as he clicked on the film. He never liked horror movies, not that he was scared of them or anything but because they were boring and unrealistic.

But the movie began and of course it started with the boring introductions, nothing entertaining was happening so you decided you spark up a little bit of small talk.

"So, what all did you do earlier?" You questioned him.

He turned to look at you with his regular stone faced expression, then spoke in a dull tone. "I completed a job then had a drink with Hisoka to talk business. That is all."

"Oh, did you have fun on your little play date~" You teased.

Illumi darted his eyes from the t.v to yours, then replied, "I'm not even going to pretend to entertain what you just said."

"No need to, just tell me what you discussed."

"Like I said, business." He replied with a sassy tone.

You rolled your eyes and continued, "But what was the business about?"

"Nothing for you to concern your tiny little brain with." Illumi said.

You were offended that he just indirectly called you stupid and you opened your mouth to say something until Illumi shoved his tongue in there and began a steamy make out session.

You felt one of his hands slither up your nightgown then cup one of your plush breasts.

You moaned lowly as he stimulated your erect nipple, causing a bit of milk to seep out.

You didn't know what had gotten into him as he rarely engages in behavior like this, but you didn't care as it felt so good.

Illumi continued the kiss as he dominated your lips and fiddled with your nipple bud, you were very much distracted until you heard a blood curdling scream from the t.v.

You pulled yourself away but Illumi continued what he was doing now onto your neck as his soft and wet lips mixed with his tongue grazing tickled.

You stared at the television as the good part was now on. "Look Illumi!" You said as you tugged at his long raven hair. "The exciting part is happening."

The assassin huffed into your neck and placed one last kiss until he turned around to see what was going on.

The killer was beginning his assassination as he gathered the rich family into the living room of their house. And ordered his men to mass shoot the entire blood line as bodies jolted with blood spilling shots, then fell onto the patterned carpet. He looked into the eyes of all the victims and declared a job well done.

"Oh wow, that was intense." You commented.

Illumi laid back and crossed his arms. "That was terribly done, number one he didn't even check to see if all the targets were truly dead. Number two he allowed them to see his face. And number three a dead body does not look like that."

You flashed him an annoyed face then scooted closer to him. "Who cares." You spouted.

Now that the movie was ruined because of Illumi you didn't care for it anymore, there was only one thing you craved other than sleep.

"Illumi." You said sneakily as you climbed on top of his lap. You placed your hands on his shoulders and rubbed your clothed cunt against his his sweat-pant clothed private. "I heard that sex induces labor, so how about we finish what we left off?" You asked.

The assassin replied, "No, we won't partake in that until you give birth." You sighed and departed from his lap as Illumi looked to his side to gaze at the clock. "Oh, it's 2am. Lucky me my show is on."

He picked up the remote and inputed two numbers which changed the channel to a wildlife program that showcased a documentary on birds and marsupials.

You watched as he stared wide eyed at the t.v and hummed incantations of,



How interesting.

Truly fascinating."

But what was fascinating to you was how intense Illumi was paying attention.

Then things started to become weird as the show did a segment on how the animals make calls, and under his breath the assassin mimicked the noises they made. And you were shocked to hear that he was actually good at it, like he practiced doing it many times. But then you figured that's what he did outside when he was little as Kukuroo mountain was filled with all types of wildlife.

You now saw it as a cute thing and giggled at Illumi for doing it, but you joined in the fun and began to do them yourself.

Until the assassin placed his fingers on your lips, "Stop." He said. "You're doing it wrong and I'm trying to concentrate."

You scrunched your eyebrows and tried to bite his finger but he quickly moved it.

"Whatever you say Lu Lu, I'm going to sleep now." You yawned and laid down in a side position on your pregnancy pillow as you clung onto Illumi's body, hugging it tightly.

He wrapped his arm around you and continued to watch his show as you twirled a strand of his hair along your finger until you fell asleep.


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