𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖈𝖐❀ part 3

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You were in Illumi's room, sitting down on his bed while he snooped through your shopping bags, he pulled out a black tux with a purple vest and suspiciously eyed the attire. "It's for you silly, for when we take maternity photos." You commented.

"Oh, so we are telling everyone about the baby?" Illumi questioned.

"I don't know, tomorrow we find out the gender of the baby and I want it to be a surprise. Like have a gender reveal party and baby shower at the same time. Ms. Fritz suggested it and wants to plan it."

"Is that what you want as well?"

"Yes, what about you?"

"I will go along with it." He answered while continuing to search through the bag.

You heard Toshimae start to whine, signaling that he was hungry, so you unzipped your jacket half way, just enough to pull out one of your breasts. "Awww, my sweet baby." You cooed while you picked him up from his crib and latched him onto the exposed breast to suckle. You sat back down on the bed and fed Toshimae while looking at Illumi being nosey as he proceeded to look through all the bags.



Illumi held up the bottle of sex oil and a heated feeling rose to your cheeks making you shake your head and look away in embarrassment. He opened the bottle to sniff it and his eyes widened at the fresh scent, "Do you want to have intimate time later?" Illumi asked.

It was rare for him to ever ask for sex, he almost never did and you always had to initiate it, but when you did he was more than willing to participate and oblige in the act. He understood you had needs and loved to fulfill them since he had complete control of the situation, seeing you moan, gasp, and squirm from his movements and actions really turned him on. Secretly he wants to chain you up and whip you while degrading you but would never admit to it unless you brought it up. "I was saving it for after the baby shower which is next month, but I would love a massage with the other oil I got."

He nodded and continued to go through the bags which were filled with baby clothes and diapers. "Are you done snooping?" You retorted.

He shook his head and pointed to another bag which he grabbed and revealed your maternity outfit for the photo shoot. "It looks nice right? And it goes with the tux I bought you and the onesie I bought Toshimae."

He blinked and went to hang the attire in his closet, you on the other hand burped Toshimae who finished eating. "Are you content my love." You soothed. You noticed Toshimae had been awfully quiet and tired lately which slightly worried you. "Toshimae, say ba ba."

He just stared at you and started closing his eyes, signaling how drowsy he was.

"Are you sick?" You placed a hand on his neck and forehead to check for a temperature but it was normal. "I know what will get you laughing." You kissed his cheek and tickled his feet making him smile and coo. You chuckled at your sons reaction and finger combed his hair while he fell asleep in your arms, ever so carefully you got up to place him in his crib so he can continue resting. You turned back to look at the bed where Illumi sat, he had changed his day clothes into night clothes. You watched him as he brushed all his loose strands of hair down, it was satisfying to hear his hair get pulled through the brush then come out looking silky and neat.

Letting out a soft yawn you went into the shower to wash, the hot water poured onto your delicate skin and you groaned in satisfaction. All types of soaps lined the bathtub and you chose your favorite hydration body wash that was infused with organic honey and vanilla, you lathered the soap onto your white loofah. Which created a rich sudsy lather and you began to scrub off all the built up dirt and sweat that you accumulated during the day. Like most people, the shower was a thinking space where you reflected on the things that happened in your life, it was also a space for you to release all the pent up sorrow and frustration inside of you without judgment. It always starts off with a single tear, then another one is released until you begin to sob a gloomy desolation, you hated being in the mist of the unknown, being that of the state of your uncertain pregnancy. But still, you tried your hardest to proceed like everything was normal, lathering your skin with soap, then washing it off with the downpour of water until you felt squeaky clean. Every time you went into the shower you rubbed your belly and talked to the developing baby softly, hoping they could hear, "Hullo." You spoke in a child like tone. "I can't wait to meet you." A light chuckle escaped your lips and you continued. "You have an older brother named Toshimae, he's very cute and tiny, he's six months old at the moment and is full of smiles and joy. Then there is your father who is very stoic but will love you so much, hopefully you look like me since Toshimae looks like your dad. Oh, and you also have your great grandmother who is very spiritual and kind." All of that was said while you rubbed your belly and practiced some breathing methods Ms. Fritz taught you. A groan escaped your lips from a sudden cramping which made you sit on the ledge of the tub to ease the soreness. With one of your hands still placed on your stomach you felt a sudden poke, then another one making you gasp in a realization that the baby was starting to kick. You quickly turned off the shower and threw on your night clothes which were a pair of black cotton shorts and and a matching shirt.

Sitting on the bed watching the news Illumi fiddled with a needle and you bursted out the bathroom and hopped onto the bed with a joyous attitude. You burrowed yourself into his lap and brought his face to yours for a kiss, it was soft and electric as his plush lips collided with yours. It continued for a while until you paused to tell him the fantastic new, "Illu! The baby kicked... they're kicking!" You whisper yelled.

He pulled up your shirt and laid his cool hands on your tummy, "I don't feel anything."

"Talk to them.... say who you are, just say something."

Illumi looked a little puzzled but started to speak, "Hey, my name is Illumi Zoldyck." He continued to rub your stomach but was met with no kick, "I still don't feel it."

You huffed and got up to get the belly oil, "How about you give my tummy a massage to stimulate movement." You suggested as you laid on your back and opened your legs out, Illumi poured the slick oil onto his sturdy hand then rubbed his palms together slowly before placing them onto your stomach. He gently started to stroke your plush belly as you closed your eyes and enjoyed the light pressure, a low hum escaped your lips while you were entranced by the pleasure. Suddenly you felt a light poke within your belly and Illumi's eyes widened, "They're kicking out to you Illu."

His eyes were laced with a distant look of warmth which made you happy since at first he seemed to have little faith in the survival of the baby. It was like he was completely detached at first and now he's trying his hardest to receive any sign of life from the expecting little one. You shedded a couple of tears and Illumi looked at you shocked, "Why are you crying?" He questioned.

You sniffled and wiped your runny nose before replying, "Because, everything is starting to feel a little more certain."

Illumi rested his head into the crook of your neck and you smiled.


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