𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖘𝖔 𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙ᴥ︎ part 2

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"Can you believe I actually went on stage and danced in front of thousands of people!" You exclaimed.

"No way... I wish I could have seen that." Spen replied.

You reminisced on the night before as you munched on your chicken burrito. "But they kicked me out after the hard work I put in, I mean I know I sneaked in but a good job is a good job."

"I would have asked for a raise right then and there."

"What I should have done." You chuckled and took the last bite of your delicious burrito, then took a swig of your water.

"What do you plan on doing today?"

"Well I'm going back to the club because I have some more business to take care of."

"You're one wild pregnant lady (y/n), one day you might just get yourself in a lot of trouble."

"Or just get into a lot of adventures."

You let out a satisfied sigh and picked up Toshimae to give him a snack, you sat him down in his high chair then tied his white bib around his neck. You opened a cup of apple sauce and scooped a wee sized amount onto a tiny spoon then brought it to the baby's mouth to eat.

"Good boy!" You exclaimed in a childlike voice.

You continued to feed him while Spen talked.

"So where is Ms. Fritz and screamer?" He questioned.

"Well we got into a fight last night because she couldn't take care of a baby then blamed it on me for being a so called slut."

"That's awful, she's very out of line for saying that and in all honesty she always gave me a bad vibe."

You paused and turned to face him, "Really?"

"Yes, she just seems like a sneaky person but that's just my opinion."

You hummed and thought to yourself, you really didn't know her for that long, only for a solid six months. And both Spen and Illumi never trusted her since the beginning, Illumi's never trusts anyone in general but Spen was normal. Both views made you question her and her intentions, she's probably lied before and you never knew since you were pretty gullible.

"Muh muh." Toshimae voiced as you turned around to see what was wrong. He wanted more apple sauce which you happily fed him more.

"Well I hope things get better, I have to go back to work." Spen said.

You both waved goodbye and you continued feeding Toshimae, it was almost time to leave so you were conscious of the time. You were fearful of bringing Toshimae around the unhinged Hisoka, but one thing you noticed was he only got gratification from killing someone if they were exceedingly strong. And he definitely wouldn't fight nor kill a baby, he even didn't want to fight you because you were pregnant which gave you some reassurance.

"Toshimae you tiny little boy is this your favorite?" You kissed his forehead and a knock suddenly sounded on the door making you groan as you got up to get it.

Standing before you was Ms. Fritz holding screamer with a plain look on her face. "We need to talk." She said.

"So." You spoke. "You've come to apologize."

"I came here to talk."

"I hope that includes saying sorry."

Ms. Fritz huffed and opened her mouth to talk again until Toshimae started to cry and you went over to check on him with your grandmother following behind.

He had accidentally knocked over the apple sauce on his tray as it was spilled all over the floor, you slowly kneeled to the floor while holding your stomach to clean it up.

 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 ☠︎𓀀 Where stories live. Discover now