𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖀𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 part 1

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Your mornings were always set in stone with a
pre-set routine of waking up with Illumi who's hair was always tangled in your face from sleep. To getting administered your shot of meds then heading to the restroom for a bath. Then lastly feeding your son a healthy breakfast and getting to play with him all day long with Illumi by your side, rubbing your belly tenderly.

But the next morning was different, everything was off, you looked to your side to not see Illumi, and you gazed at the baby monitor to not see Toshimae.

Then suddenly you heard a woman scream, followed by, "Killua." The woman gasped. "That was such a terribly cruel thing to say." She paused before she continued. "Wonderful! My little boy is all grown up!"

"Damn it! So there's another way to use the power?" A male voiced. "It's still true that he can only grant one wish... but you can make it into a choice!"

You recognized both the of those tones to be none other than Kikyo and Milluki, but you wondered what the hell they were yapping about.

You quickly got out of the comfort of the soft bed and scurried to the door, you tried to twist the knob but it was locked.

You growled and tried with all your might to open it but it would not budge. But that's when you felt a sharp contraction hit your belly making you groan in pain. In addition, you began to develope a splitting headache.

This only made you angrier as you pounded on the door more, "What the hell is going on!" You screamed. "Let me out now!"

You were starting to get worried as you didn't know where Illumi was, nor where Toshimae was. You continued your kicking and banging on the door until you heard it begin to unlock.

You stepped back a bit and the person who entered revealed to be Dr. khara.

"Oh dear!" She exclaimed. "You need to calm down and return back to the bed right this instance!"

You shook your head and balled your fists in pure vexation. "What are you my mom?" You growled. "Where is my son and where is Illumi? And why is everybody yelling?"

Dr. Khara smacked her lips as she tapped her foot and placed her hands on her hips. "The only person yelling right now is you (y/n)." She barked. "Now go back to your bed and I will give you the answers that I can tell you."

With that being said you groaned and waddled back to the large bed and sat down with a frown on your face, showcasing your obvious disappointment.

"Now then." Dr Khara began as she walked towards your sitting figure. "How do you feel as of right now?"

You rolled your eyes and huffed, "I'm doing just great, now where is my son?"

"I cannot tell you where your son is, nor can I tell you what's going on or where Illumi is, per his command."

"Why can't you tell me? And why is Illumi doing this? I swear this is going to make me go-" You were cut off as you felt a terrible sting hit your pelvic region.

"Ahhh, I see the contractions are already starting... splendid." Dr. Khara said.

You were going to reply until you heard a knock at the door, and the doctor went to go open it and check out who it was.

You watched as she opened the door to one of the maids who rolled in a cart of food, she placed it in front of you then promptly left as the doctor locked the door behind her then swallowed the metal key she used.

"Breakfast is now served!." She chirped. "Eat up while you can! A long day awaits you (y/n)."

"And why is that?" You questioned.

"So many questions and not enough chewing." Khara whined. "Eat some of your food and then maybe I will clear clear up some of your concerns."

You cracked your knuckles before you began to gobble down your oatmeal mixed with fresh fruits, it was delicious but you didn't have time to indulge it. You wanted answers.

"Okay I'm done!" You said. "Now tell me where my son is."

"I already told you that I cannot reveal that information to you, all I'm ordered to do is watch you for the day." Khara replied.

You scoffed, "First of all I'm not a child, second of all I shouldn't have to ask for MY son, and third of all I want out of this room."

"This is way too much stress for you (y/n), as a pregnant woman you should be taking it easy. Relaxing and what not."

Dr. Khara poured you a cup of tea and handed the soothing hot liquid to you.

"Great, now you're going to pull a Ms. Fritz on me." You spouted.

The doctor laughed hysterically and shook her head, "I never knew you to be quite the comedian (y/n), but you got me on that one. I didn't do nothing of the sort, I prepared you a natural remedy healing tea."

"Blah! Blah! Blah!" You mocked. "That's all that comes out of your annoying ass mouth. If you won't give me the answers that I want, then I will get them myself."

Khara hummed amusingly, "And how will you manage to do that?"

You blinked twice before you splashed your blazing hot tea in her eyes making the woman screech in pain.

"AHHHHHHHH!" She sounded as she placed her face in the palm of her hands. "YOU LITTLE BI-"

She was cut off as you smashed the tea pot against her head, knocking the lady unconscious. You kneeled before her and began to perform the Heimlich maneuver to get the key.

It took twenty abdominal thrusts to get her to spit up the key and it flew out of her mouth then clanked on the floor with a slimy residue.

You crawled over to it and covered your mouth in disgust upon seeing the doctors saliva on it. "This is not how I imagined my morning to be like." You commented as you picked up the wet key. You gazed at it seeing your reflection on the shiny metal, then that's when you saw a reflection of Khara standing behind you with blood dripping down her tomato red face.

"THAT'S IT!" She fumed as she pulled out a shot with green liquid that filled all the way to the top. She slowly walked towards you as the needle point pierced a shiny glow. "I didn't want to have to use this on you, but Illumi told me to if the situation called for it."

You scrunched your eyebrows as your mouth was left wide and agape with fear. "Is that poison? Are you going to kill me?" You questioned.

"No." The nurse replied. She cupped your chin in her hand and continued. "It's a tranquilizer, one dose and your knocked out easily." She raised up the shot and pointed it towards your shoulder.

You tried to fight back but her increased strength didn't allow for it. So you activated your nen but it proved to be worthless as the doctors was much more powerful than yours. It prohibited you from moving even the slightest inch.

"Now say goodnight (y/n)." Khara said.

You closed your eyes and scrunched them closed as you awaited for the inevitable pain you were going to feel.

The needle point was placed on your skin, cold and unsettling was how it felt and then you waited.


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