𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞︎♡︎ part 6

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"I know it's just for a week but I don't want you to leave, do you know how dangerous your job is?" You stood and watched Illumi get ready. He was walking around the room placing things in a suitcase to prepare for his departure.

"I can well enough handle myself (y/n)." He replied.

You continued to eye him until you whimpered in pain from a sudden wave of contractions, Illumi walked over and shooed you back to bed. And as you bended down on all fours to crawl onto the comfortable mattress he lightly smacked your ass.

"Don't touch on me when your about to leave me all alone." You said.

Illumi raised his brows then went back to packing as you curled up into a blanket and twitched in pain from the nasty contractions. Tomorrow you planned on sneaking out which you hoped that the pain would subside by then. "Illumi can you call the doctor?" You asked.

"Alright." He replied as he picked up his phone.

You clutched your stomach and continued to whimper, it didn't help that Toshiko, the baby inside of you kept kicking and jabbing like there was no tomorrow. And in addition to the constant kicking was the need to pee all the time since he kept pushing on your bladder. Illumi finally came back with the doctor and you sat up in the bed so he could inspect you.

"So what's going on today (y/n)?" He questioned.

"So the contractions are getting worse, I find myself quickly getting out of breath when I walk, and my hips hurt like a burning sensation."

The doctor lifted up your nightgown to unveil your tummy and you shivered from your skin being exposed to the cold air. "My apologies for that but I need to take a look." He said as he stood in front of you and placed his cold hands on your hips then massaged them gently. You purred from the comforting feeling of his soft yet gentle hands rubbing your aching hips. "Does that feel better?" He asked.

You hummed and replied, "mmmm, very much."

Illumi did not like what the doctor was doing, seeing you with your lower half exposed and the doctor touching all over you peeved him. He was an older man like in his mid or late thirty's and has worked for the Zoldycks for a long time, he was in no means trying to be weird but to ease the pain and stress that was being put on your body. But to anyone else it did look a little bit promiscuous mostly because your underwear was exposed and you were making sounds. Illumi frowned, his dark hooded eyes staring daggers behind the mans back, so much so the doctor could feel his malice.

"Uh, It's time for me to go (y/n), I have papers to sign I'm sorry." The doctor quickly wrapped up what he was doing and left abruptly, just like every other worker he was terrified of the long haired assassin.

"Oh, I hope I didn't do anything wrong." You spoke aloud. "Maybe it's because I'm super gassy today but I can't help it."

Illumi walked over to you and placed his big hands on your wide hips and continued what the doctor had done earlier.

You hummed, "mmmm, thank you Illu."

"You're welcome." He replied. "So what do you plan on doing while I'm gone?"

"I'm going to be in bed all day since the doctor put me on bed rest."

"Is that actually all you will be doing?" You felt his grip on your hips grow tighter which hurt but felt good at the same time.

"Of course." You started to wonder if he heard your conversation with Ms. Fritz last night, and speaking of that night your mind wondered to the sexual act that occurred. You still felt weird down there which slightly annoyed you, but Illumi had to make sure you were well satisfied before he left.

Illumi slightly furrowed his brows and held a tight grip on your hips, he brought his face close to yours. You tilted your head down and he brought it back up to face him, "Look at me (y/n)." He said calmly.

He never yells when he talks to you, though he never really yells in general which adds to his creepiness. "This is a walkie talkie, you will use to to get in contact with me easily." He said as he pulled out a black device.

You were confused because he had given you a phone already which you could only contact him with and nobody else. He could see everything you did on that phone which didn't bother you much because you barely used it. "But I have a phone already, why do I need this?"

"Because it has a button for emergencies so when you press it a signal goes off, alerting every single Zoldyck."

"Oh, that sounds like a nightmare."

"Anyways, don't press that button unless you absolutely have to as a last resort."

"Got it Illu." You gave him a kiss on the lips, then another one until it turned into a sensual teasing smooch, Illumi's arms were wrapped around your body and you laid your hands back, your palms pressed softly against the mattress. Illumi's lips were soft with a pale pink color and his tongue effortlessly tangled with yours, as it cut off your breath with the dominant shoving of his down your throat. You moaned and opened your eyes to see Illumi's open as well.

You immediately pulled back with a string of saliva that connected from your mouth and his, "Illumi we have been over this before, you're not supposed to keep your eyes open when we kiss."

"Oh, but that makes no sense."

"You make no sense."

Illumi pecked your neck before going back to his bag to close it, the time was near for him to leave, you got up and tightly hugged him from behind. But he grabbed your arms and pulled you to the front of him and kneeled on one knee to hug your belly. He lifted up your night dress so he could feel the skin of your tummy, stroking it softly, poking it delicately, and kissing it lovingly. You felt warm inside and a little guilty since you planned to sneak out, but you felt compelled to see your mother no matter what.

"We can't forget about Toshimae." You spoke as you went over to his crib to pick him up. Illumi followed behind and he gave the baby a peck on the head and bounced him lightly in his arms.

"Toshimae say bye to da da." You said.

The tiny eight month old couldn't understand you, he couldn't even talk as well, only being able to make baby noises. "Buh buh." He cooed as he grabbed a piece of his father's long hair.

You chuckled and Illumi handed Toshimae back to you. "I guess I will see you in a week Illu, I love you.

Illumi pecked your lips one last time and snaked his hand down to your ass which he gave a gentle pinch, you chirped and he placed a kiss and a rub on your belly before he walked out the door. Now it was game time for you and your grandmother to sneak out.


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