𝕭𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖙 part 2

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It was night time and you were at the hotel taking care of Toshimaes night time needs, you were massaging his small body so he could calm down and get into a sleepy like state. Once he was settled you put him in his travel crib to sleep and you got dressed to head to the circus.

"Gotoh can you please watch Toshimae for me so I can go somewhere."

"Where will you be going?"

"To some local circus to meet up with the lady from the tea vendor."

"Master Illumi ordered me to protect you so wherever you go I have to go as well."

"I will be fine on my own, and someone has to watch Toshimae."

"How about we all go but I will stay in the limo and watch Toshimae while you go meet up with the woman."

You really didn't want a chaperone but you knew Gotoh was not going to let up, "Okay, let's go."

You got into the limo and tried your best to make sure Toshimae stayed asleep. Once you arrived it was dark and the circus looked closed.

"(y/n), call me if you have any trouble." Gotoh said.

"I will." You replied as you got out of the car and followed the directions Miss. Fritz sent you. Following the street full of colorful tents you made it to the one you were supposed to go in. It was purple and had gold ribbons around it and as you entered there was a crystal ball, pillows, a tea set, and some cards.

"Hello, come sit." Ms. Fritz said.

You sat across from her on a fluffy patterned pillow, the room smelled like black mixed with lavender sage. Looking around the room some more you saw she had some colorful crystals and abstract carpets that made the room pop.

"Here, drink some of this tea I made."

Miss. Fritz handed you a beautiful decent sized tea cup filled with a dark pink liquid, you were skeptical of the drink since the woman was a stranger. And unlike the Zoldycks you were not trained in poison tolerance since you were breast feeding.

The lady took noticed and tried to reassure you, "I promise I didn't spike the tea dear, it's my favorite hibiscus tea other wise known as sorrel." She closed her eyes and took a deep sip out of her cup.

You were still a bit unsure of the lady, it didn't matter what her favorite flavor was nor if she drank her tea, she was still a stranger and since you were breast feeding she could easily poison it which would poison your son in return. But you did drink some of her tea you had bought earlier from the bull market, so you relented and took a sip. "Oh, this is delicious."

"Thank you, now let's start with the palm reading." You extended your hand out to her and she closed her eyes and put her hand on top of yours. Using gyo you could see that the lady was using her nen skill to read your future. She made a bunch of "ahhhh" and "ooooh" sounds which made you interested then she made a sudden "huh" sound which you were dying to find out way. "So far my dear, you will be blessed with extreme wealth indeed, I have to say I'm jealous . I also see a little bit of growth and pleasure in a relationship but something about the person you're involved with is bothering them."

"What do you mean?" You questioned.

"Well this person seems very calm and stoic but the amount of inner turmoil inside is of them is daunting."

You knew she was talking about Illumi, it was obvious, and now you were even more curious about the things Illumi thinks.

"I also see feel the prescience of a familiar stranger and a surprising new piece of information will come to light. My advice is to let others come into your life, and to seek wisdom and never lose interest of your curious mind."

"Oh wow that's a lot to take in, thank you for the reading Miss. Fritz I loved it."

"Your welcome, I like you (y/n), so that's why I have a gift for you." She pulled out a shiny amethyst necklace, "Just wear this at all times my dear, from one mother to another hold your baby tight and never let them go. Because you just might lose them."

You didn't know Miss. Fritz was a mother and you wanted to get some advice and know more about her situation, but you could tell that she was hurting after bringing it up. "It's beautiful, thank you, but I didn't know that you had a child? Where are they now?"

"I had a daughter, but I lost her."

"Oh wow I'm so sorry for your loss."

"She's not dead, well at least I hope she isn't." Miss. Fritz sighed, "It's a long story."

"I understand, but I'm also curious as well... are you married?"

"No I am widowed, but my husband, he was a circus performer just like me but died of an old age. But I've come to terms with it."

"I'm sorry for your loss again but thank you for everything, this was nice."

"Yes this was nice but I also have another gift for you." The lady pulls out an elephant baby onesie"It was my daughter's."

"Wow thank you so much! Miss. Fritz I consider you a friend."

You saw the elderly woman smile warmly, "Come back to visit anytime dear, you're always welcome."

You hugged the lady then left, there were so many thoughts racing through your head at the moment, and you were glad that you decided to show up.

"I'm back, did you have fun waiting in the limo?" You teased.

"I just want to know if you're alright (y/n)?" Gotoh replied.

"I'm good, actually I feel great." You checked on Toshimae who was still sleeping peacefully in his car seat. During the ride back to the hotel you heard chaos and gunshots coming from the direction of the southern piece auction. Something bad was going down, you wondered what happened, but you weren't stupid enough to go check it out for yourself. Illumi would tell you all about it if you asked.

Once you made it back to the hotel, you put Toshimae  to sleep, and got in bed to read your news books. Then you started to feel sick and nauseous, you quickly got up and barfed into the toilet, you started to get a headache as well. You thought maybe it was the tea or something and figured that a good night sleep would do you some good. Tomorrow you were set to leave and had to say goodbye to Yorknew, you had a ton of fun and made some good memories so leaving is going to be bitter sweet.


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