𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖘߷ part 2

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You looked around the room some more, specifically the bathroom where you hoped there were no cameras in. You searched as best as you could and saw that there was none, that was a relief and you could finally relax for a second as you left to sit on the bed. You untied your robe and slid it off your body exposing your semi bare figure as you wore only a bra and shorts. They were black and lacy and all cotton as well which made it oh so comfortable on your achey body.

You groaned and rubbed your exposed belly which was contracting and moving from all the baby's jabs and kicks. You finally had time to think about all that occurred not too long ago, of course you were upset. You felt like you lost everything, your grandmother, Illumi, and your freedom.

You huffed and turned on the t.v to heavens arena, it was very boring as their were no interesting fights and powerful players. You got up and looked into the mini fridge to grab a snack, there were only healthy options but you didn't mind since you ate really bad in Glam Gas Land. You grabbed a mango yogurt and water then hopped back into the bed.

Though you liked relaxing and taking breaks you missed caring for Toshimae full time, you wondered what him and Illumi were up to at the moment. You glared at the camera and flipped it off, hoping the long haired assassin would see. But, you also wondered what happened to Hisoka and Ms. Fritz, you've been contemplating asking the question. Illumi is already upset with you, so upset that he broke things off, but you didn't accept that. You figured that you could win him back and that's exactly what was the plan.

But for right now you stretched out on the bed and relaxed until you felt a build up in your throat and stomach. You set the yogurt down and briskly walked to the bathroom as you started wheezing and heaving, until you vomited. It was a lot and it burned your throat with an intensifying sting. You looked into the toilet and saw traces of blood in it, you covered your mouth with the palm of your hand and shook in fear.

You began to cough as well and blood came out of it, you felt dizzy and lightheaded like you were about to pass out. So you quickly got up to get your phone to call Illumi for help, but the downside was you couldn't find it. You didn't know where you last had it but you figured Illumi took it when you slept in the car. You panicked and just screamed, hoping anyone could hear you and that's when the door opened and Zeno walked in.

"Why all the ruckus?" He questioned.

"I need the doctor and Illumi now!"

The old man groaned and pulled out his phone to call Illumi, you on the other hand went back to the bathroom to throw up again. You hadn't been this nauseous during your pregnancy since the first trimester, it scared you that something was going wrong with the baby. You wiped your mouth and flushed the toilet and proceeded to wash your blood cached hands. You walked back to your room and spotted Zeno sitting in the rocking chair beside your bed.

"Illumi's on his way." The old man reported.

You sighed in relief and replied, "Thank you."

Your bed never felt so comfy as you burrowed your body in the soft sheets, there was unrest in your belly as Toshiko wouldn't stop kicking. This made you shift and contort as you tried to get comfortable, but Zeno's watchful gaze didn't help at all. Especially since you were wearing nothing but a bra and shorts. 

"Can I give you some advice?" He said.

You paused and raised your brows, you were intrigued, "Sure."

"Listen to Illumi, do as he says. He cares more than you will ever know."

You smiled, "Of course...... but if you don't mind me asking. Why are you telling me this?"

 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 ☠︎𓀀 Where stories live. Discover now