𝕬 𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍 part 3

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Dying, something that will happen to us all one day and there is no way to reverse it, whether we accept it or not death will come knocking on our door and it will open.

You didn't want to die, well at least not now Illumi said he had too many plans for you and the babies... you want to be in their lives. But something forced you to succumb and so you did.

You'd never thought you would die so young, then again you never thought you would get pregnant and birth three kids. But here you are in these unthinkable situations and all you can do is lay there still and corpse like.

"Mama!" A sweet voice yelled.

"What?" You thought to yourself as you went in and out of consciousness.

"Mama!" The voiced called out again.

You didn't know where this voice was coming from, all you could see was black and you couldn't move.

"Mama!" The voice continued to shout.

You began to feel overwhelmed as your eyes fluttered and forced themselves open until they were fully visible and you could see a white tiled ceiling above you.

Pain is all you could feel as it seized your exhausted body which had been through a lot.

"MAMAAAAA!" The voiced boomed agin, this time shrieking.

"Toshimae stop that." Another voice spoke with a commanding and dominant tone. "You're being disruptive."

You huffed knowing those familiar voices to be Illumi and Toshimae and so you slowly turned your face to gaze beside you to be met with your lover.

He sat with one leg crossed over the other in a rocking chair as he wore a silky green robe decorated with yellow and burgundy flowers, along with a pair of black loafers. His hair was tied up in a messy bun which he pinned with two needles and analyzing his face his nose was rosy red and so were his big ears.

But in his arms, Illumi held a small baby who was swaddled comfortably in a fluffy blanket while he bottle fed the child warm breast milk. He rocked the infant tenderly who softly cooed from his loving attention.

"Illumi?" You spoke with a sheepish groan

The assassin looked up and gazed at you, a tiny hint of a smile plastered on his lips as he replied, "mmmm your awake." He hummed. "Good, because for a second I thought you were going to leave me."

You let out a breath of amusement and shook your head, "I would never, but for a second I thought I was going to be forced to. I thought I was going to die." You replied.

You began to sit up and a whimper escape your lips as you felt a sharp pain on your lower abdomen. You lifted up your hospital gown and saw a scar and a row of stitches that lined it.

"Oh let me explain that, you were given an emergency c-section after you passed out." "Illumi said. "It's going to take time to heal but at the moment I can offer you an ice or heating pack."

You shook your head, "No I'm fine at the moment, but how are the twins?"

"They're doing well, our daughter is in another room getting tests ran and Toshiko our son is as you can see, in my arms. Oh, and they're fraternal twins by the way."

"How long was I out? I thought I died."

Illumi sighed and reposition the baby to lay on his shoulder where a white cloth hung so the infant can spit up on it as the assassin burped him.

"You were passed out for about sixteen hours." Illumi answered.

You couldn't believe it had been that long, you felt a little guilty that you weren't there for your babies.

"Can I hold Toshiko?" You asked.

Illumi nodded and got up from the chair then carefully handed you the infant, you finally got to analyze his features and from first glance you could see he is an odd looking child.

He was by no means ugly but his eyes were shaped as Illumi's but one was black and the other was purple. He had black hair but it was mixed with silver highlights that were intricately dispersed. His skin tone was a beautiful mix of yours and Illumi's just like how Toshimae's is.

"Hi my love!" You softly cooed to the infant. His eyes weren't fully open and he yawned and gurgled as you stroked his head. He smelled sweet, like natural sugar.

You were surprised at how quiet he was, Toshimae was drastically different as he would cry non stop at this age but Toshiko is calm.

"I'll be right back." Illumi spoke. "I'm going to see about our daughter." And with that he kissed your forehead and patted Toshiko's head before he left.

You were starving and wanted to take a proper shower but from how weak you were at the moment you knew you would need help getting up. And with the baby in your arms you didn't want to risk it.

"Mama!" A child's voice boomed.

You looked to your side and saw Toshimae who stood in his play pen with a grumpy face, he wanted attention and waited to call out for you when Illumi left so he wouldn't get scolded again.

"Hello Toshimae!" You chirped.

He lifted his arms for a pick up but you couldn't oblige since you were holding the baby.

"I'm sorry love, but I can't." You replied.

His lips quivered and tears welled in his eyes before he began to cry and throw a tantrum.

You sighed in disappointment, you realized there were going to be times where you can't give him as much attention since taking care of twin babies is a challenge. But you hoped that he wouldn't feel neglected as you love all of your children equally.

Toshimae continued his tantrum until Illumi walked in and he immediately stopped, you huffed in relief as his crying finally ceased.

The assassin strolled in a double stroller and in one of them laid your daughter who you couldn't wait to hold.

"Hey Illu, is everything alright?"

"Yes, Umi's healthy."

"Umi?" You questioned.

"Yes, that is what I named our daughter. Do you like it?" Illumi questioned.

You smiled, "I love it, especially since it sounds like Illumi.... I see what you did there~"

The assassin curled a strand of his hair that fell from his bun as he darted his eyes. "I see, it's wasn't exactly hard to figure out." He said.

You chuckled then groaned right after since it made your abdomen hurt since your still healing from the C-section.

"Can we leave now? I don't think I can stay in here any longer." You whined.

"Yes, and I think now is a suitable time to show you what the key opens." Illumi replied.


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