𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖘𝖔 𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙ᴥ︎ part 3

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Your heart rate sped up and the urge to throw up overwhelmed your throat, he was mad... very mad as his black hooded eyes mixed with his sharply furrowed brows stared daggers into your soul. You reached your hand out to open the door but Illumi aimed a needle at you, causing you to immediately retract your hand. It would have been pointless trying to open it anyways since it was locked.

You didn't know what to do, any action you took in that moment could lead you to a fate of death or something much worse. So you decided to put on a brave face and stand your ground, "Watch who you're aiming at okay... I'm not a human pin cushion like you."

Wrong Choice

Illumi unlocked the door and got out of the limo, you wondered what his deal was until he yanked you out of the vehicle by your arm and started dragging you.

"Illumi stop! I'm sorry!" You shouted.

He didn't like all the noise you were making. "Be quiet." He said in a toneless voice.

You did as he said and you were put up against a rough brick wall, which you were held up by your throat with his arm in the middle of your exposed breasts. His hand squeezed your esophagus, not enough to knock you out but enough to cut off some decent airflow. And a yellow needle which slightly pricked against your forehead caused a stream of blood to trickle down your cheek.

You wheezed as limp breaths escaped your lips, you tried scratching his fingers so he would release the grip on your throat but it only made him push the needle in your forehead more. Tears dwelled into your eyes and flowed down your cheeks which were turning a purple-ish color from the lack of oxygen.

"Stop crying, you wouldn't be in this position if you would have listened." Illumi voiced with a dull tone.

You sniffled and whined, "Please let me go! I'm sorry!"

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here, right now?"

"Because I'm you're fiancé!"

Illumi cocked his head to the side and slid the expensive ring off your finger. "Now you're not."

He squeezed your throat tighter causing you to grip his hand and flail your legs, you felt a pain in your heart that throbbed and stung like it was about to break.

"I'm pregnant! You're not allowed to kill family!" You yelled sheepishly.

If one things for sure is that Illumi loves and cares deeply for all those who he considers his family, you hoped that even if he didn't consider you to be apart of that. Then he would at least consider his unborn son to be.

He stuck the needle back into his body then laid his cold hand underneath your dress to feel your tummy which was being bombarded by a bunch of jabs and kicks from the baby. Illumi would never kill his son and so he let you down as you fell to your knees and your palms pressed against the rough concrete. Your lungs quickly consumed the air making you cough so much that you vomited, it was dark so you couldn't see the chunky liquid but one thing was for sure is that it smelled putrid.

You slowly got up and stumbled on your feet from the dizziness, looking around your surroundings you were in a dark alley and you could see the limo from there.

"HEY ARE YOU ALRIGHT MA'AM!" A random man shouted.

He was middle aged, average sized and dressed like he was a lawyer as he wore an expensive suit and held a notebook in his hand.

You looked like a deer lost in headlights as you waddled and stumbled around, you opened your mouth to answer his question but in a flash the man was attacked. As Illumi had leaped forward at an extremely fast pace and took the mans heart out in seconds, without a drop of blood staining his inhumanly sharp nails.

His body dropped with a low thud in front of you, he was still the littlest bit alive as he stared at you with a look of shock and pity.

You didn't know this man but you kneeled before him and hesitantly reached your hand out to his face, your body shook all over and you caressed his head as your tears fell upon his face. "I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You sniffled as saliva built up in your mouth. The mans eyes solemnly closed and you looked up to Illumi who held a stone cold face, like this was nothing, like killing this man held no unrest in his soul.

"Get in the car." Illumi said.

In this moment you knew there was no time to joke or play games, you needed to listen and do as he said. You pulled the sleeves of your dress back up and and slowly waddled your way to the limo. Once you got inside you pulled out a large blanket you packed in your baby bag and hid yourself underneath the soft and warm cloth. Toshimae was resting peacefully as he was swaddled in his favorite blanket.

You silently panicked to yourself as you muffled your whines with the palm of your hand over your mouth. The car door opened and you peeked out the blanket to see Illumi step in and sit in the same seat he did before. He opened the cooler and took out a glass of whiskey and a tiny shot glass and poured the strong liquid into the cup. He then took a sip and spoke, "Gotoh, take us back to Kukuroo Mountain."

"Yes master Illumi." He replied back.

You gasped, as Ms. Fritz was still inside the club with Hisoka who went on a mission to find your mother, you had so many questions that you didn't have the guts to ask at the moment. Right now your main objective was to not piss Illumi off even more, you shifted in your seat to try to get comfortable, your throat felt dry and it burned with a sickly abrasion from the coughing, choking, yelling, and barfing. You wanted and needed water bad but you were too scared to ask, you huffed and closed your eyes hoping to fall asleep fast which you did as your breathing steadied and your eyes fell to a heavy close.

You've seen Illumi kill before but this time was different, it felt like it was all your fault that the man was dead. Being a mom you could only think, "What if this man has children?" And it was all your fault that he was dead and the family will forever curse the perpetrators in their heart.


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