𝖂𝖍𝖔 𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖎𝖙? 𓁹part 1

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It's been a week since Illumi left making Toshimae three weeks old and you even more tired having no more help from him. You had Kikyo but you didn't trust her to take care of Toshimae for a long period of time, only when you had to shower or use the bathroom. It was breakfast time and you sat at the table with the Silva, Zeno, Kikyo, Milluki, Kalluto, and Azula. Toshimae sat in your lap analyzing the room around him, he's been able to slightly lift his head for a bit and has been smiling a lot more especially when you made faces and played with him.

"(y/n)!" Kikyo called out to you, "I want to dress up Toshimae for photos so have him already washed for me after breakfast."

"Yes master Kikyo." You were excited that Toshimae was going to take pictures but you knew it was going to make him cry. "Hey Toshimae are you excited to take photos? Are you going to be a good boy? And after we finish I can sing twinkle twinkle little star and sway you in my arms." Toshimae started smiling and making *meh* noises since he loved hearing your voice.

"Have you and Illumi set a date to complete the wedding?" Kikyo questioned.

"No he hasn't called yet." Azula answered.

You finished eating and left the table to wash Toshimae and get him ready for Kikyo.

"Look at this (y/n)! Isn't it adorable?" Kikyo boasted as she showed you a tiny black and purple colored Kimono. You had to admit that the garment was cute  and was going to look even cuter on Toshimae. Once she put it on him, she started taking pictures of the baby who immediately started crying from the flash and the annoying position he was in. Kikyo tried to pacify him but Toshimae didn't want it and spitted it out and continued to fuss. "I think that's enough for today, come one Kalluto let's go." Kikyo left you with the crying child as you soothed him.

"Come on, let's go talk to your father Toshimae." You called Illumi as he answered.

"Hey." Illumi spoke.

"Hey Illu, I was just checking in."

"How's Toshimae?"

"He's good but master Kikyo decided to take pictures which made him cry, but he's calmed down now."

"Okay... how are you?"

"I feel tired and I miss you and your kisses... and your hugs."

"I will be back soon don't worry, I will call you back later okay."

"Okay bye." Illumi hung up and you turned around to see Azula at the door way.

"Can I help you master Azula?"

"Yes you can, how about you stop being a whore!"

"Excuse me?"

"You walk around with that damn baby like it's nothing wrong and you didn't sleep around with Illumi."

"Master Azula this isn't appropriate."

"You know what isn't appropriate! Sleeping around with another woman's man!"

"Master Azula this really isn't the time and your making Toshimae upset."

"I think you didn't understand how serious I was when I scratched your belly that first time. It wasn't enough... YOU NEED TO DIE!"

"Stop master Azula! Your making things worse." Toshimae started to cry again as you tried your best to comfort him in this situation.

"Any last words maid!"

"I-uh." You were frozen and didn't know what to do, only concerned for the safety of your son. You didn't know if you were going to die or not, if this in this moment was your final day breathing. And with a quick lunge from Azula you felt In a trance as your heart rate slowed, almost to complete stop and the deafening screams of Toshimae were muffled. When you came back to your senses somebody did die, right in front of your eyes Azula laid there dead and unresponsive with you standing guilty in front of the body. You mentally screamed to yourself not knowing what had happened, "DID I JUST KILL ILLUMI'S FIANCÉ!" You saw Kikyo rush in as she took Toshimae away from you and shot you with a gun that knocked you out cold. Once you woke up you were in a dungeon like room with the a metallic smell that reminded you of the time you first helped to heal Illumi. You heard someone walk in along with the screaming of your baby as Silva walked in holding Toshimae in his arms.

"Your finally awake, here take him he's been crying all day long."

"Crying all day long? Have I been knocked out for the whole day? Toshimae must be starving." You thought to yourself. Once Silva handed you Toshimae he tugged on the front of your top and made *neh* noises telling you that he was hungry. You were still in shock from the whole situation earlier but your motherly instincts told you to focus on feeding your child first.

"So tell me, how did a maid like you manage to kill an elite assassin?" Silva questioned.

"I don't know... all i remember was that Azula was about to attack me then she just... she just... she died. I don't understand."

"I think your lying:"

"I promise I'm not lying master Silva."

"Why did Azula try to attack you in the first place?"

"Well uh, you see... she thought I was sleeping with master Illumi."

"Did you?... Tell the truth."

"No we didn't have... sex but just slept in the same bed sometimes."

"Hmmm I see. Do you have romantic feelings for Illumi? Again don't lie."

You wouldn't even try to lie knowing Silva he would catch you in it, "I do hold romantic feelings for master Illumi."

"So I could infer you were angry when you found out he was going to get married."

"I wasn't particularly happy but I knew my place."

"You say you knew your place but then again you continued to peruse Illumi."

"Yeah, I- I don't know. Actually I do I love master Illumi."

"But Azula was in the way of that, and not to mention servants weren't aloud relationship with the Zoldyck family. Yet you continue to defy the rules because you love him, would you say that you would do anything for the people you love?"

"Yes, especially my son Toshimae." You admitted as you caressed your sons head who was breastfeeding.

"You would do anything for the people you love you say... even kill Azula."

"Master Silva I told you I didn't kill her."

"I think it's time for the real interrogation." Silva snatched Toshimae out of your caring arms as he began to shriek as loud as he could. Tears brimmed your eyes from hearing the cry's of your son and the brutal interrogation that was to come.


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