𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖀𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 part 4

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Illumi was going full throttle on the gas as he was trying to make it to the airport on time where Killua was headed, and to meet up with a couple of butlers and doctor Khara to pick you up and take you back to the Zoldyck estate. But it was ironic as that was how fast he usually drove.

You on the other were knocked out in a state of deep sleep that shielded you of the wrenching pains of contractions.

And, two seats to your right is where Toshimae slept peacefully in his car seat as he been knocked out since performing the teleportation that saved the both of you. Using his powers really drains his energy, so for him to store it back he requires tons of sleep and heavily balanced meals. You and Illumi figured that's why he was so small for his age as his powers drains him of his source of growth.

"Illumi, I didn't know your son had powers."

He gazed behind him at the infant who's hair was styled in two pigtail puffs and sported a purple sweater and jeans.

"Hisoka." The assassin replied. "Learn to separate relationships from business, you do not need to know. It won't help us get to our destination any faster."

The killer magician chuckled, "I'm just curious, I  find it odd how (y/n) and the child just appeared out of nowhere. Don't you find it strange?"

Illumi was no idiot, he was in fact considered smarter than most people so he concluded that you somehow teleported by the use of Toshimae's powers. But he wants to keep the business of his family a secret, even though he told Hisoka about Alluka, to him she wasn't family so it didn't matter.

"I don't care what you find odd, quite frankly I wish you would be quiet." Illumi replied.

Hisoka just let out a breath of amusement and continued, "Awwww alright then, but just answer something for me... will you? I promise to keep quiet then."

"Perhaps.... yes I will allow it." Illumi said.

"Are you still going to give (y/n) the letter? Even if she doesn't..."

"Haven't decided." The assassin replied quickly.

"Oh really? Pinky promise you're not lying."

"I have no reason to lie, it wouldn't serve to benefit me. And I regard myself as an honest person."

Gazing at the backseat where he took a second to analyze your limp figure.

"Oh my..." He gawked. "She's leaking blood, now tell me is that normal for someone who's in labor?"

Illumi ignored Hisoka as he didn't care to answer his question which was a no, it wasn't normal. You were bleeding so much that you created a scarlet puddle that soaked through the assassins favorite pants. But Illumi was prepared for this to happen, after finding out about the concerns of your health from the nurse. He was ready to go through the difficulties to make sure you stay alive and healthy, even if it costed his life, he would remain in your heart forever, eating you up like an infestation of ants on a crumb.

"Finally, we're here." Hisoka rejoiced.

The assassin swerved the car abruptly, making the tires screech and cause charcoal marks on the road. There waiting for him was a black limo with the butlers and Dr. khara inside to take you home.

Illumi stepped out of his car and opened your door, he picked you up ever so carefully and set you inside the black limo comfortably with your body still wrapped in the blanket, which was unfortunately soaked with your blood.

"What happened? Has (y/n) started delivery already?" Dr. Khara questioned as she made her way over to the assassin.

Illumi shook his head as he knelt down onto the vehicle and rubbed your belly, "No, she's in the laboring process. I knocked her out with one dose of the ccc tranquilizer."

The doctor let out a sigh of relief as she wiped her forehead, "Oh gosh that's great news, that woman is a doozy.... look at what she did to my face." She pointed to the obvious black and purple bruise that surrounded her eye.

Illumi's voided orbs widened as he looked at you, he was frustrated that you were doing all of that while pregnant. He sighed and stroked your belly, wishing he could scold you for it.

"So." Dr. khara spoke. "What's the order master Illumi?"

"(y/n)'s life is now in your care, make sure she's comfortable and healthy when I get back. And if you fail to fulfill this order, then you can pay with your life."

"Got it, don't worry she's safe in my hands." Khara replied.

And with that Ilumi left your side and the doctor sat in the seat between you and Toshimae, the butler took off and drove away back to the Zoldyck estate.


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