𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕮𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖚𝖒𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘

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Tears threatened to escape your eyes as you watched the butlers prepare Illumi's car for travel. Loading up his bags filled with his assassin uniforms leaving his lounge clothes to your lonesome.

Letting out a tired sigh you stared at Illumi who sat close by, in the gazebo talking to the children. Though they didn't say much back just their mindless infant babble, their presence was what mattered.

"Master Illumi." One of the butlers spoke.

"Hm?" Illumi hummed and turned in his seat, his charcoal hair swaying with him revealing his stoic expression.

"Everything has been packed."

"Excellent." The assassin replied as he ruffled his fingers in Umi's fluffy hair.

He got up and walked over to the butler, peering his eyes over his shoulder to look at you.

A fake smile you plastered on your face to give him and yourself reassurance, though he saw through it.

"Watch the children for me." Illumi instructed the butler before he walked over to you.

"Illu." You croaked nervously.

He raked over your appearance, the faded mom jeans you sported along with his green sweater and gifted necklace he gave you on the wedding day.

"(y/n)." He spoke softly as he extended his palm. "Walk with me."

You nibbled at your bottom lip and hesitantly took his hand and allowed him to lead you around the property.

The both of you walked in brisk silence breathing in the fresh air and letting your thoughts mewl over what was happening.

Illumi didn't want to depart from his family but the job was important and he wasn't going to pass that up.

You just didn't want him to leave, not just because you will miss him but because you needed his help, raising three kids is hard.

"(y/n)." Illumi spoke as he paused in the spot of a secluded forest line.

You stopped with him and let out a deep breath.

"We're alone." He said.

You slowly lifted your head and looked straight into his eyes, watching his hand reach out to your face, gliding the pad of his thumb over your cheek.

"I scanned twice, we are undoubtedly alone."

You darted your eyes and looked around a bit before tugging Illumi's shirt and pulling him into a kiss.

He instinctively cupped your jaw as you wrapped your arms around his waist, indulging in each other's fan of warm ticklish breaths and soft lips.

"I love you Illumi." You whispered huskily in between hot kisses and pants for breath.

"I love you too." He declared back.

Normally this would shock you, but after Kalluto's birthday, roughly a week ago, you were able to spend your days getting to to know the Illumi without the needle who easily welcomed your affection.

"Oh damn." Illumi groaned as you began trailing kisses on his neck.

Illumi gripped your shoulders and gently pulled you away, causing a smirk to plaster on your lips.

"Greedy (y/n)." He mumbled underneath his breath as he lowered your forehead to reset on his shoulder.

A delicate hum escaped your lips as he rubbed your back.

"I will call, answer your phone when I do." Illumi instructed.

You nodded your head in understanding and hugged him tighter feeling his gentle strokes beginning to fade.

"It is time for me to go."

"I know."


"Mama loves you so much Toshimae, be a good boy for me okay?"

You told your eldest son your goodbyes as he prepared to leave with Illumi.

You tried to convince him not to take him but there was no arguing with him, his mind was already made.

You just hoped Illumi can protect him like he promised he would, along with Kalluto who last minute decided to go.

With one last kiss to his head you fastened his car seat and closed the car door, tears threatening to fall again.

"(y/n), big brother and I are strong, Toshimae will be safe, don't worry."

You looked at Kalluto who appeared next to you, trying his best to give reassurance.

"I know." You replied solemnly as you bent down and gave him a hug. "I will miss you too."

The young assassin patted your back awkwardly as he replied. "Likewise." He said calmly.

You pulled away and watched as he got inside the passenger seat of the car.

You waved at Illumi who sat in the front seat, waving back before he started the car and drove away.

"(y/n)." Canary called behind you.

You turned around and saw the once 15 year old now almost 18, just like Kalluto, growing up fast.

She pushed the twin stroller occupied with Umi and Toshiko resting peacefully inside.

"Thank you, Canary."

"It is not an issue (y/n), are you ready?"

"As ready as a Zoldyck should be."

Now that you are without Illumi, you are technically alone, meaning, you solely protect yourself now.

Anything can happen in the Zoldyck mansion

And death,

It's waiting patiently at your doorstep

Can you survive?

Can Illumi survive?

Will your family fall?

Can you handle the secrets buried beneath the seams?

"Canary." You gulped. "Why do I feel scared?"

"Because you should be."

I really miss you all!

Next season is the final season!

 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 ☠︎𓀀 Where stories live. Discover now