𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙❁ part 2

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You felt bare and naked as the whole family gawked at your tummy like it was a monstrosity, you were already upset from the situation that happened earlier with Kikyo. Now you have to face the wrath of the other Zoldyck family members, you wanted to barf right then and there.

"Surprise! (y/n) is pregnant and this is a baby shower!" Kikyo announced.

The whole family was quiet and looked around at each other in confusion, you shifted side to side uncomfortably while analyzing the decorations. There were purple and green balloons along with a big and beautiful cake on the middle of table which was decorated with yellow beads and violet flowers.

You felt a hand push on your back which was Illumi who guided you to your seat, he placed Toshimae in his baby bouncer and sat right beside you. He stared at your sunken facial expression and noticed how you shook in fear, so he placed a hand on your thigh in an attempt to soothe you. But you scooted away from him, you felt embarrassed from looking so weak in front of his family, not to mention how uncomfortably exposing the outfit you picked out was.

You didn't like the family gazing at your stretch marked riddled tummy which moved from the baby's kicks, as well as your top which was slightly too small from your growing chest. Your actions peeved Illumi so he grabbed you and placed you on his lap, you relented and wrapped your arms around his neck and turned your face to cry silently into the crook of his shoulder.

"This is news to me." Silva boomed.

"And to I as well." Zeno added.

"I didn't know a thing as well.... who all knew?" Milluki questioned.

"I did, not because my granddaughter or Illumi told me, but because I found out all by myself, then I told Kikyo last month so we could plan for the occasion today." Ms. Fritz explained.

"How many's months is she?" Silva asked.

"She is five and a half months." Kikyo answered.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Kalluto butted in.

"That's what we will find out in a moment after we eat." Kikyo replied.

It seemed like everyone had questions that you didn't want to answer, at this rate you just wanted to get this all over with.

"I want to know why we were not informed..... Illumi?" Silva death glared his eldest son who held you securely in his lap.

You lightly tapped Illumi's shoulder and whispered into his ear, "Please don't tell him about the miscarriage thing." You sniffled.

He hummed in agreement and replied to his father, "Because (y/n) was too embarrassed and nervous to."

"Well she should be!" Kikyo interrupted. "That girl already had one accident now another!" Kikyo had zero respect for you, because in her eyes you were nothing more than a weak servant. Secretly she was still angered by Azula's death as she thought of her to be the perfect bride for Illumi, she was a skilled assassin and would of been a great addition to the family.

Ms. Fritz was enraged by Kikyo whom she disliked the most, she was trying to hold herself back from punching the crazy lady.

You continued to hide your face in the crook of Illumi's shoulder, if you knew today would go like this then you would have fought to stay in bed. You felt hurt from Kikyo's words because you were not a hoe, Illumi was the only person you have had sex with. And your unborn child who's survival was already not certain, and for her to call them and Toshimae an accident pissed you off. 

The air was tense and everyone went silent until the food came out in which everyone began their own conversations with one another. You were starving from your increased hunger due to your pregnancy, but felt too embarrassed and scared to take a bite. Fearing that you might mess up in some way making the family's focus switch back to you.

"Eat." Illumi said.

You looked at him face to face and dried your eyes with your hands, "I want to but I'm self conscious."

Illumi placed you back in your seat next to him and you sighed in disappointment, the food looked so good as always and you decided to take a bite. Then another until you finished your entire plate, it was delicious but you were still hungry.

You looked over to the other side of the table where Zeno as per usual was telling stories about jobs he's been on. Silva looked annoyed, Milluki was gobbling up his third plate of food, and Kalluto looked aloof as always. You peered at Ms. Fritz who was peacefully eating her vegetable filled plate then Kikyo who was eating as neatly as possible.

You were still hungry but didn't want to look greedy and ask for another plate, then you looked at Illumi who barely ate his food and you stared intensely at his plate, wishing for more. He caught on and discreetly switched both of your plates so you could eat more, you thanked him and finished his plate of food.

"Now, let's have cake." Kikyo announced.

Illumi cut you, and this time a decent slice of cake with a scoop of ice cream, he himself didn't get a slice of cake but just a bowel of ice cream since it was his favorite.

"So, what do you think the gender is going to be?" Ms. Fritz questioned.

"A girl of course." Kikyo replied.

"I'm betting it's a boy." Milluki said.

"What about you (y/n), what do you think the gender is?" Ms. Fritz asked.

"Well I prefer to have a girl, but if it's a boy then I will still love them no matter what." You answered. Toshimae started to whine and you picked him up from his soft baby bouncer and placed him on the side of your hip as you sat back down. "What do you think Toshimae? Boy or girl?"

He of course being a baby didn't understand what you were saying but just smiled at hearing your voice.

"I think we should open gifts now, I have been waiting so long to get the chance to give (y/n) a present." Ms. Fritz said. She placed three large bags on the table and slid it your way, Illumi opened them and showcased the decorative onesies that were inside. It was also filled with socks, hats, towels, diapers, and other essentials that the newborn baby will need.

"Thank you so much grandmother, these will be very helpful." You said.

Most of the stuff the baby will need like a crib, stroller, and car seat were bought by Illumi so only the little things mattered. Toshimae even got a gift which was a colorful rattle that he really wasn't that interested in.

"I think we've been waiting long enough, let's start the gender reveal." Kikyo suggested.

Ms. Fritz brought out a huge black balloon that was the size of a car. "This balloon is filled with tons of confetti and the objective of the reveal is to use a needle to aim and pop it. If it's filled with green confetti it's a girl, if it's filled with purple it's a boy." She explained.

Illumi got up and you did too, holding Toshimae on the side of your hip with one arm, you stepped in front of the long haired assassin so you could both throw it together. He took his hand in yours so both of you held the yellow pointed needle though Illumi was in charge of where it went. He stretched your arm back with his then aimed, it immediately popped the huge balloon.


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