𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝕶𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖔

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"Happy birfway wuncle Kawooto!"

As practiced Toshimae greeted Kalluto as you, Illumi, and the kids walked inside the main estate. He handed off his painting to his youngest uncle who gave him a gentle head pat in return.

The twins were still too young to grasp their older brothers words so they just gave their uncles their painting then clung onto Illumi for further directions.

"These paintings." Kalluto mumbled as he analyzed them.

"Do you like them?" You questioned.

"They're hideous." He replied blankly. "Even so, follow me."

"Wait just a second now." You smiled and shook your head as you bent down slightly and pulled Kalluto into a hug.

It was awkward at first as the young assassin was caught off guard but eventually he melted in your arms and remembered your kind words titling him as your best friend.

Illumi watched and was very much pleased, he prefers when the family gets along.

Eventually you let go of Kalluto and guided the kids into the dining room to give Illumi and his youngest brother a moment.

"Tch, you're here." Milluki scoffed as he looked up from his game guide.

"Well where else would I be?" You questioned though not at all serious.

"Out of my way." Milluki grumbled.

You shook your head, not at all taking offense to his rather aggressive ways of showing care, you knew he didn't dislike you because if that was the case he would just ignore you and not even take a glance from his video games to acknowledge you.

A content sigh escaped your lips as you put the kids in their high chairs and took your seat across from Milluki.

"Where is Silva and Kikyo?" You asked.

"They're not attending, they're too busy. But grandpa Zeno should be coming."

You nodded your head and looked around the table to see a fairly large cake along with a few simple dishes.

As expected Zeno walked in along with Kalluto and Illumi.

You immediately got up and walked over to Illumi and cupped his face to give him a big kiss on his temple leaving a glossy lipstick print.

"(y/n)." Illumi grumbled lowly.

You smiled slyly at his shyness of showing a public display of affection around his family.

"Apologies dear. Where are your parents?"

"They won't be attending, they're too busy."

"Tch, sure they are." You grumbled lowly.

You crossed your arms and shook your head as you walked back to your seat and waited to be served.

"So Kalluto, how do you feel?" You questioned.

"I live another birth year." He answered.

"And that's a good thing, I can't imagine you not being here. Even the kids, especially Toshimae, you're his favorite uncle."

"I'm his favorite?"

"Oh yes, anytime we mention your name he's all smiles. You should be proud, when he is older he will look up to you."

Kalluto nodded blankly in acknowledgement, though on the inside he was beaming with pride. From now on he was going to be the best uncle ever.

"What about me? I hang out with the little runts all the time." Milluki groaned.

 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 ☠︎𓀀 Where stories live. Discover now