1. Betrayal!

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Then they drove to the gate of their community.

Just as they were going home, Dean's phone rang.It was from Battalion. Dean asked Swift to bring Adriana upstairs.

He picked up his phone at the spot.

On the other end of the phone, Battalion said in a serious tone, "Dean, do you have a moment?"

Dean nodded, "Yes. Battalion, what's the matter? You can just say."

"I want to borrow your connections to find a person."


"Rose Clinton. She is the wife of Bob, the CEO of Poley Group in Philadelphia," answered Battalion.

He turned to look at Bob, who was sitting opposite him with a serious look.

Then, he looked away and added, "Three days ago, she went on a business trip to New York and disappeared. But we believe that she should be in New York still."

Battalion briefly introduced the case to Dean.

Dean nodded at once and replied, "Leave it to me. I will contact you as soon as I get news about her whereabouts."

After hanging up, Battalion patted Bob on the leg and comforted him, "Don't worry, it will be fine."

"Battalion, I can't lie to myself. I have a ... bad premonition."

Bob's chipper face was now replaced by a serious one.

At the sight of his worried face, Battalion knew that he was unable to calm Bob down.

Then he stood up and poured a glass of red wine to Bob and put a pill into it.Bob hadn't rested well for nearly three days, so Battalion wanted him to have a good rest now.

Bob took the wine with a heavy heart. After a few sips, he felt a little dizzy.

Battalion helped Bob back to his room and comforted him, "Don't worry, Bob. My friend have very good connections. With his help, we will find her very soon. Sleep for a while. Trust me."

Bob closed his eyes in a daze, but Rose's figure still lingered in his mind.

He remembered their past. He recalled that year, when Rose had taken the initiative to find him and...

That was the most difficult time to Rose!

Five years ago.

In the Villa No.1 of Rose Residential Community, Rose had prepared a sumptuous dinner for her husband, Zion Brown, in the wedding house in the upscale residential area which was named after her.It was late afternoon.

Rose went home, changed into an exquisite gown and put on a light makeup.She had just come downstairs when she heard the doorbell ringing.

She thought that it was Zion, so she ran to the door. She didn't even turn on the surveillance screen and opened the door.

Soon enough, someone pushed open the door and entered.A faint smile hung on Rose's face as she looked out of the door.

But it wasn't Zion.

It was his secretary, Sage.Rose hadn't seen Sage in Zion's company for a long time.

She heard that Sage had asked for sick leave.

But now, at the sight of Sage's bulging belly, Rose raised her eyebrows.

'Sage hasn't been married, but how could she be pregnant?'

Rose was curious as to why Sage, who had asked for sick leave would come here.

Sage smiled at Rose and said, "Ms. Clinton, long time no see."

Ms. Clinton?

Ever since Rose got married, Zion had stipulated that everyone in his company could only address her as Mrs. Brown!

Her expression turned cold.

Just as she was about to get angry, Sage touch her stomach and said, "I'm pregnant. The baby is six months old. It's Zion's child."

Rose froze upon hearing the last sentence.

'It's Zion's child?Sage ... is pregnant with Zion's child?'

"You're lying! Zion..."

"He's sick, so he needs to abstain from sex, right?"

Sage said with a faint smile, "Ms. Clinton, that's just an excuse for not touching you. He's very strong when he stays with me."

Rose grew up in a wealthy family, so how could she suffer such grievances?

She stepped forward and raised her hand, slapping Sage in the face. "Bitch!"

Sage said calmly, "Yes, I'm a bitch. I can't be compared to the noble Ms. Clinton. But ... since Zion went to school, he had fallen in love with me. I'm his only beloved woman. It is you who couldn't figure it out and forced him to marry you. It is you who destroyed the relationship between us..."

Rose raised her hand and slapped Sage again. "Shut up!"

It was not like that at all. It was true that she took the initiative to chase after Zion, but Zion had promised that he would only love her for the rest of his life...

She had known Zion for ten years and had been married for two years.

Although ...

they had never had sex, Zion had been gentle and refined towards her.

But now... Sage must be lying!

Rose choked Sage's neck and angrily scolded, "You liar! I won't believe you! Zion and I..."

Suddenly, footsteps came from the door.The door wasn't closed, and Zion appeared in front of them.

He was still as gentle and refined as ever, but there was ... a trace of anger in his eyes as he looked at Rose.

"Rose, let her go!"

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