63. Are You Abby?

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When Miley saw these photos again on the Internet after so many years, she was really heartbroken.

She was already striving to live, but why were there always people who liked to hit her when she was down?

Was she suffering because she was bad in her last life?

Why was it so hard for her to be happy?

Miley sat in front of the computer and stared at the photos all morning.

Strangely enough, when she saw these photos again, she still felt heartbroken but was able to control herself.

She just felt sorry for her sister and herself.

She heard something in the living room.

She stood up and opened the bedroom door.

At the entrance of the living room, Kenneth was changing shoes with a briefcase in hand.

"Why are you back?"

Instead of mentioning the news, Kenneth only looked at her gently and said, "I miss you, so I come back to stay with you."

Miley's heart skipped a beat.

She knew that he had already seen the news on the Internet.

He was afraid that she would be sad in her room alone.

She tried her best to smile.

"It's still working time. Don't you stay in the company? What if there's work you need to deal with?"

Kenneth waved his briefcase. "With my phone and computer, I can work anywhere."

Miley bit her lip and said, "I ... Have you seen the news?"

Kenneth tossed the briefcase onto the sofa, walked to her side, put his arms around her waist, and lowered his head to kiss her.

Miley raised her head to kiss back.

After a while, Miley turned her head away and said, "Well, I'm fine."

Kenneth rubbed her hair.

"I just don't want to leave you alone. I come back to face this untrue news with you to make it easier for you."

Miley didn't know why, but Kenneth's hand seemed to have magic power and brought a ray of sunlight when she was in the dark.

She nodded hard and smiled at him.

After lunch, the two took a nap, cuddling.

After getting up, they went to the supermarket.

In the supermarket, those who recognized them kept pointing at Miley.

Some gossip people even shot videos with their phones and posted them online.

But the two of them simply ignored all this.

Miley held Kenneth's arm and picked things she wanted to buy at the shelf.

Kenneth pushed the cart.

The two of them were talking and laughing, and what was happening around them didn't influence their moods at all.

Afterwards, Miley also saw the videos on the Internet.

Some people said she was acting, while others didn't think so and didn't want to be so nosy.

But no matter what they said, Miley knew that Kenneth believed her.

With Kenneth, she truly felt happy and safe.

These days, Miley returned to the villa to live and turned off her phone on purpose.

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