119. Her Days Are Numbered.

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Kenneth said that he didn't care about his uncle, but the next day, there were a few more bodyguards at home.

Apart from the two bodyguards protecting Miley, there were also four bodyguards around the villa.

Miley felt that Kenneth was too nervous.

But she knew how stubborn Kenneth was, so she didn't interfere in.

It was almost noon and Amy knocked on the door.

"Mrs. Moore, someone is looking for you outside the gate."

Miley looked at the door in the blanket, "Looking for me?"

Amy replied, "Yes, a girl about your age. She says that she is your sister, and I have never heard that you have a sister. Is she a fraud?"

Miley frowned.


She took a deep breath and went downstairs.

Amy brought her in.

Miley sat on the sofa and crossed her legs as a hostess.

She looked at Brenna, who walked in and looked around.

"So, what do you want from me?"

Brenna leapt to Miley and said, "Miley, I was wrong. I do know that I was wrong. Please forgive me. Don't let the police arrest me. I don't want to go to jail."

Miley sneered innocently, "That's interesting. The police is going to arrest you, and you come to begging me. What? Am I above the law?"


Brenna gritted her teeth and looked at Miley, "It's what happened five years ago."

Miley pretended not to know, "What happened five years ago?"

"You knew it. Five years ago, I asked gangsters to rob the jewelry of the restaurant."

Miley scratched her head, "Rob the restaurant? No, you asked the gangsters to kill me."

Brenna shook her head, "No, I swear, Miley. I swear. I didn't mean to kill you. I wanted to use those gangsters to scare you. That was all. And my plan was not on the day you had an accident."

"They did go there for the jewelry, but I don't know why it was so coincidental that you were there. After the accident, I once told Lily that both of us were used. Lily also knew it. And it was Sarah that told her to bring you to that restaurant."

"Sarah told Lily that the gangsters I hired that would go there to help her deal with you and Kenneth. But she told me that there was a jewelry exhibition in the restaurant that day, and that I should ask them to do something first to prove they were able to scare you for me. I believed Sarah so I did as what she told me. I didn't know you were going to that restaurant."

Miley leaned over and got herself a cup of water.

"So, you mean that you were tricked? The one who really wanted to kill me was not you, but Sarah?"

"That's right, Miley. That's it. Don't blame me, okay? If you want revenge, go for Sarah. She's the evilest one."

Miley sneered, "Why should I believe you?"

"I'm your sister. Who else can you trust besides me?"

Brenna bent forward and squatted beside Miley's knees.

She pressed her hands tightly on Miley's knees, "Miley, I can't go to jail."

"If you don't want to go to jail, go find your lover, Gabriel. He is very powerful, isn't he? Why did you come to me instead of him?"

Miley kept indifferent.

Brenna bit her lip and said grievously, "I begged him, but he refused to help me at the juncture. Miley, I was foolish. I loved the wrong person. Only then did I know that my family loved me the most. I regret not being nice to you. I'm wrong. Please give me another chance. I'm begging you."

Miley coldly threw the cup onto the table.

"Give you another chance? Who gave Miley and Abby a chance? Who gave my child a chance? You think you're innocent. What about me? Did I do anything wrong? Brenna, listen carefully. If you do something wrong, you can only bear the consequence. You can't ask for another chance to pretend nothing happened."

"It's my mercy that I didn't torture you with the pain I suffered five years ago. If you do something wrong, you must be punished. There is no other choice."

Miley stood up and straightened her dress, "I have things to do today. Just leave."

Seeing that Miley was about to leave, Brenna hurriedly stood up and grabbed her wrist, "I can do something for it."

"Haven't you been hating my mom? Didn't you always hope that my father and mother would divorce? As long as you agree to help me, I can persuade them to divorce. The only person in the world who can make them divorce now is me. I will fulfill your wish. Instead, you must do what I asked."

Miley looked at Brenna, who had already changed her attitude.

She couldn't help but sigh.

Harold was amazing.

He could raise his daughter into this.

Brenna was a real weirdo.

Miley stepped forward and slowly walked back to Brenna.

"Brenna, aren't you ashamed? Your mother is lying in the hospital now. If father divorces her, who will take care of her in the future? Will you? You are indirectly killing your mother. Aren't you aware of that?"

Brenna clenched her fists and said, "I just don't want to go to jail."

Miley sneered.

Brenna did refresh her worldview, "Whether they divorce or not has nothing to do with me but I do have one condition. If you can make it, I will help you. If you can't, then you can leave now."

Brenna immediately nodded, "Alright, tell me."

"Tomorrow, go to the police station to make a statement that the accident in that year has nothing to do with you. It was Sarah that set you up. She won't admit it but I will ask Kenneth to send you a lawyer. I can let you go. But once you are freed from this case, bring your parents and children out of New York immediately and never show up in front of me again."

Brenna was stunned, "You mean..."

"Your mother's seriously ill. Even if you don't force them to divorce, her days are numbered. Why should I pay more attention a dying person?"

After speaking this, she coldly glanced at her and walked upstairs, "Get out!"

She didn't want to argue with this woman anymore.

Right now, it was best to live her life.

As time flew by, Miley was pregnant for five months.

Spring came after the most freezing winter.

She felt as if she was completely isolated from the outside world.

Kenneth did take good care of her.

She felt that she was like a queen now.

She enjoyed luxurious clothes and food, and was protected by bodyguards every day.

Her life was so comfortable that she was a little uneasy.

One day, Miley and Hannah went shopping together.

They suddenly heard Miley's bodyguard shouting at the door, "Sorry, Mr. Moore. Mrs. Moore is busy. You can't meet her without an appointment."

Miley and Hannah both turned to look outside the door.

It was Kenneth's uncle....

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