96. I Felt Great Sadness When You Cried!

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Miley laid in bed and nodded so hard, "I love you."

Kenneth felt so happy and smiled, "Do you still want to marry Adam?"

Miley shook his head. "No, I don't want to marry him. I have a husband. Why would I marry someone else?"

Kenneth smiled even more happily.

"I'm so glad to hear such an answer again."

Miley bit her lips, but was still crying.

"Silly girl, why are you still crying?"

Kenneth gestured to someone to push his wheelchair to Miley's bedside.

He held Miley's hand and said, "Alright, stop crying. I feel great sadness when you cry."

Miley wiped the tears with her own hand.

She looked at Kenneth who was still with collar and with plaster on his legs sitting in the wheelchair.

She was worried about him.

She loved him.

"Your neck and legs."

Miley's eyes were red.

She was afraid to hear bad news.

"My neck isn't injured. I just broke my leg. I will probably be in plaster for a while."

Kenneth laughed and patted his thigh.

"It's too itchy. I always want to scratch it with my hands."

Miley was relieved that Kenneth's legs weren't badly injured and would recover.

She felt lucky.

Kenneth then said, "The God doesn't want to tear our family apart. Both of us survived from such danger. We should be glad, right?"

Kenneth kneaded Miley's hand.

Miley kept nodding.

Miley would thank the kind God for giving her the chance to stay with Kenneth.

Miley nodded and said, "I thought we would die. Who saved us?"

Kenneth explained, "It was a pair of young couple who arrived before us. They turned back because their way was blocked. They just happened to save your colleague. After that, they found the emergency services to take us to the hospital."


"We are really lucky. That slope was repaired by the park after an accident. When we passed by and looked down, we thought there were thorns. In fact, it was just soft grass."

"Thank God!" Miley muttered, "Is Ally alright?"

"She's fine. She is back with your colleagues."

"You won't blame her, right?"

Miley looked at Kenneth with a worrying face.

"Not really!" Kenneth answered.

Hearing Kenneth's answer, Miley knew he probably had blamed Ally.

So, she stopped speaking.

Ally was too bold.

Maybe it would be better to warn her.

Because Kenneth appeared and was healthy and energetic, Miley wasn't stressed any more.

"From now on, you must stay healthy. Though you didn't see Mr. Moore in the past few days, he was really..."

"Mr. Davis!"

Kenneth turned around and winked at Jeffrey to stop him from talking.

Miley asked curiously, "What did Kenneth do?"

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