62. About the Photos of That Year!

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Stanley slowly said, "It was a long time ago. The president and senior sister started to fall in love when they were in college. And their relationship was good, but there was a big crisis with the Moore Group later. The then-president suddenly passed away, and Grandma Moore was hospitalized. For a time, the Moore Group was in great danger. At that time, my senior brother was 24 years old and was studying in postgraduate school. Senior sister was about to graduate from university. Senior brother took over the Moore Group under such a circumstance. At the beginning, the Moore Group experienced several major upheavals and almost went bankrupt because senior brother was too young and lacked experience.We all thought that senior sister would always accompany senior brother to encourage him and help him. However, no one expected that senior sister would leave for Singapore after graduating from university two months later.At that time, senior brother was in great pain. He relied on alcohol to hypnotize him almost every day after he finished his work. I've seen senior brother secretly gaze at a picture of him and senior sister. At that time, everyone comforted him that senior sister would come back.Unexpectedly, half a year later, senior sister married a wealthy businessman in Singapore and lost contact with all of us. After that, senior brother cheered up. With the help of the Gibson Group and the Esther Group, he got his second wind and saved the Moore Group. However, it was after that senior brother no longer believed in love. He had been philandering... "

Hearing Stanley's words, Miley felt a little depressed.

She didn't expect that Kenneth had actually suffered from the pain of love in the past, which really made her feel bad for him.

She only felt regret that she hadn't been born a few years earlier and hadn't known Kenneth earlier.

Lily should have abandoned Kenneth when he needed her most...

Such being the case, she would definitely not give her home court to that woman.

On Sunday morning, Miley asked Jeffrey to go shopping.

She bought a suit for Jeffrey with rare generosity.

In the shopping mall, Jeffrey was carrying a suit bag and asked with disbelief, "Miley, are you ... sleepwalking? You won't go back on your word later, will you?"

Miley smiled disdainfully. Her uncle looked down on her too much.Just as she was about to say something, Jeffrey's phone rang.

Seeing the number, Jeffrey's expression tightened a little.

Walking to the other side, he shunned Miley and answered, "Hello."


Jeffrey hung up the phone and came to Miley with a heavy heart.

"What's wrong? What did you just say about serious injuries?"

"Adrien was injured during the site inspection. He is now unconscious in the ICU."

Miley was stunned for a moment, "How could it be?"

"Miley, I think we should go to take a look. Adrien has already separated from his family. He doesn't have any relatives in New York."

Miley nodded.

They went to the hospital.

In the ward, Adrien was heavily wrapped in layers of gauze.

He had a ventilator inserted into his mouth.

Only his two tightly closed eyes can be seen and there was a wound on his right eyelid...

A nurse walked over and asked, "Hello, are you friends of the patient?"

Jeffrey hurriedly nodded, "Excuse me, how is my friend's condition?"

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