9. He Didn't Take Advantage of My Perilous State!

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Hearing this, Zion turned to look at Rose with much surprise.

Ignoring his gaze, Rose broke free from his grasp and walked back to Bob.

Bob raised his hand to hug Rose's waist, and turned to kiss her cheek, "Did he hurt your hand?"

Rose shook her head with a faint smile, "I'm fine."

Zion looked at Rose unbelievably and asked doubtfully, "Rose, what's going on?"

"I think my personal affairs have nothing to do with Mr. Brown, right?"

Rose's cold eyes finally landed on Zion's face.

The burning hatred in Rose's eyes stung Zion's heart, "I told you that everything was between us. Nobody else should be involved. Why did you...."

"Bob is not somebody else. He is my husband. Also, I think you should first make sure if your wife is OK with you meddling in my business. I still remember how she taunted me yesterday when I got back for my luggage."

"So, you want to marry Bob for revenge?"

Zion said in a deep voice.

"Revenge? Why? If there is real love between you and Sage, then why can't there be any between us? We've known each other since childhood. He's much more reliable than you."

she said as she looked at Bob, "Let's get in and see Dad."

Bob gave Zion a provocative glance, "Alright, let's go."

After two steps, Rose stopped and turned to Zion, "By the way, Mr. Brown, you can save your efforts and not visit my Dad any more. After all, It's you that destroyed the Clinton family. You are a criminal, you disgust us."

After finishing, she held Bob's arm and walked towards the ward.

Zion looked at their figures and clenched his fists.When he and Bob were both courting Rose, she loved him with her whole heart.

For the sakes of his comfort, she wouldn't meet Bob, even said harsh words to shatter Bob's wish to see her again.

But now, she was actually dating with him!

Was Bob crazy?

Did he lose his memory?

Or was Rose crazy?

How could they be together!

He would never let it happen.

He snorted coldly and left by large steps.

When Rose entered the ward with Bob, Henry was still angry because of Zion's arrival.

Rose walked over quickly to comfort him, "Dad, I won't let Zion come here again. Calm down."

To set Rose at ease, Henry nodded and looked at Bob behind her with surprise, "Mr. Bob? Why are you here?"

Bob said with a smile, "Dad, you may stop calling me Mr. Bob now."

Henry looked at him in confusion.

Rose immediately said, "Well ... Dad, I got married with Bob."

Henry turned to looked at Rose in disbelief.They gazed at each other for a while.

Then Henry said, "Mr. Bob, can I have a few words with Rose alone?"

"Alright, I'll wait outside."

Bob turned around and left the room without any delay.

Henry held Rose's hand and said worriedly, "Rose, what ... is going on?"

"Dad, I know what you're worried about, but I've made my decision."

"You stupid girl!"

Henry said angrily, "Rose, no matter how bad the situation is going to be, we can still lead an ordinary life. I won't let you sacrifice your marriage for me."

Rose smiled, "Dad, this isn't a sacrifice. Zion deceived me. I don't believe in love anymore. Bob has always liked me. You know that. And back then, you said that Bob was a better choice if I insisted marrying Zion."

"But now is different. A person like Bob will not accept a divorced woman without any condition."

Rose shook her head, "Dad, he does have a purpose. He just wants me to marry him and give birth to a few children for him. The Clinton family has fallen. None of your good friends was willing to give any help when I begged them one by one."

"Only Bob gave us a hand when it was most needed. No matter how others judged him, he didn't take advantage of my perilous state, but asked me to marry him and be the mother of his future children. He is reliable to me. He is a good man."

Rose's determination made Henry helpless, "Go and call Bob in. I want to talk to him alone."

Rose was a little worried, "Dad, you...."

"Don't worry!" Henry sighed, "You're already married, I can't undo it. I just want to talk to him."

Rose nodded, then walked out of the ward to speak to Bob, "My dad wants to talk to you alone."

Bob said generously, "Alright, you go and wait for me in the car. I'll be back after we're done."

Rose nodded. She stood at the door, and saw through the window that Henry asked Bob to sit down.

They seemed to enjoy the chatting.

Rose was relieved.

A faint smile appeared on her face. She turned around to walk downstairs.

She was going to get in the car and wait for Bob.

However, as soon as she stepped out of the inpatient department, Zion, who had not left yet because of anger, stooped her.

Seeing that Rose came out alone, Zion stepped forward and pulled her wrist towards his own car, "We need to talk."

Rose flung off Zion's hand and cried angrily, "Zion, be a decent man and not touch another man's wife without permission."


Zion pointed at her, "Are you crazy? We just got divorced, and you got remarried right away...."

Rose sneered, "Didn't you marry Sage right away, too?"

"She's pregnant, and...."

Zion suddenly became speechless.

Rose crossed her arms and looked at him coldly, "And what? Zion, you betrayed me first. If you think I would kill myself after you abandoned me because I loved you so much and so selflessly in the past, then you're wrong. I'm not that stupid enough to refuse any man after the pain imposed upon me by your betrayal. Who do you think you are? Do you think you deserve it?"

"I admit that I have used you. But all these years, I didn't touch you just to protect you. I hope that one day, even if you leave me, we will still be brother and sister, and I can still protect you. What I wish the most is that you won't suffer from any malignity because of this marriage with me."

Zion said in a deep voice.

Rose couldn't help but laugh mockingly, "Don't say that. I really should thank you for this. Because Bob is very satisfied with me still being a virgin."

Zion was stunned for a moment, "You ... slept with him?"

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