68. Left behind a Long Bloody Trail!

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A kidnapper stepped forward and kicked the table away, pulling Miley out from under the table.

He pointed his weapon at Miley's temple and spoke with a sinister tone,"Are you Kenneth Moore's woman?"

Miley took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I am Kenneth Moore's wife. If you want to do something, go with me. Don't hurt my husband."

Kenneth roared, "If you dare to touch a hair of hers, I will make sure you don't get a penny."

Just as he finished speaking, a sound of glass shattering was heard.

Then, he saw a kidnapper be knocked down and fall to the ground.

The kidnappers were in a mess.

The whole dining room was abuzz with excitement.

Kenneth turned around and took Miley to run to the stairs...

In panic, Miley was pressed to the ground by the kidnappers.

When she looked up, she saw her favorite man, Kenneth, holding onto the woman he said he didn't love, Lily, running down...

At that moment, there was only despair in her eyes.

No wonder he wanted to save Lily.

Her whole heart was in pain as if it had shattered.

She lay on the ground and listened to the deafening footsteps coming and going on the floor.

Kenneth, are you leaving me behind like this?

Tears welled up like broken pearls.

Finally, the kidnappers found a good hiding place.

Conveniently, a kidnapper grabbed Miley's neck and hid next to the wall.

Kenneth took advantage of the chaos and immediately took 'Miley' to run downstairs and get out of the restaurant.

"Miley, we're safe."

But when he turned around, his was petrified.

It wasn't Miley.

The person he pulled out wasn't Miley.

He pushed Lily away instantly, and was at a loss.

He lost Miley...

He must be crazy.

Kenneth stood there blankly.

A swat stepped forward to protect them and several customers who ran out with them and pulled them to the safe area.

Kenneth felt as if he had been possessed by a devil.

He was pulled two steps away and immediately turned around to run into the restaurant.

Fortunately, the swat quickly grabbed him.

"Let me go. My wife is still inside. Let me go ... Miley."

Kenneth squeezed in like he was crazy, but he was forced out by a few swats.

This was the first time in his life that he was so helpless.

He pulled out two boxes with trembling hands.

He ran to the police car and snatched the horn of a police officer and shouted inside.

"I'm Kenneth Moore. Don't hurt my wife. I have money. And I'll give you money. I'll give you whatever you want. Don't hurt her."

The kidnapper inside heard the words and tightly strangled Miley's neck.

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