43. Rose, Wake Up!

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At night, Bob closed his eyes to have a rest in the car.

Suddenly his phone rang loudly and waked him up.

He lowered his head and picked up his phone, "Hello?"

These past few days, he had been living in anxiety.

Even if it was an advertising call, he didn't dare hang up, because he was afraid that he would miss Rose's call.

Battalion's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone, "Bob, I found her. Hurry up and go to New York General Hospital. Rose is there."

"Ho ... hospital?" Bob's voice trembled.

Battalion replied, "Dean called me and told me that Rose was in the hospital when he found her. His men are guarding outside now. It sounds like Rose's injuries are serious. In short, you need to hurry up."

"Ok... then..."

Bob had never been so flustered in his life.

After hanging up the phone, he ordered the driver to set off immediately.

After arriving at the hospital, he went upstairs directly according to Battalion's message.

Outside the ward, there were two strong men blocking the door.

A young woman was arguing with them, "Why did you drive me out? The woman inside is my relative."

Hearing this voice, Bob stepped forward quickly and said frowning his eyebrows, "Miley?"

The woman turned around and looked at Bob with a dumbfounded expression, "Bob?"

When the two people at the door heard Miley calling Bob, they bowed immediately with respect, "Mr. Stock."

Bob nodded to them and asked anxiously pointing to the ward, "Is my wife inside?"

Miley nodded immediately and replied, "Yes, she's there."

Bob pushed open the door and walked in quickly.

Seeing that Bob knew Miley, the two people at the door did not stop her anymore.

Bob walked to the side of the bed quickly and saw that Rose was still unconscious.

Her leg was bandaged and hanged a little higher. He felt very painful to see this.

He held Rose's hand which wasn't injected and called her softly with guilt and longing, "Rose? Rose, wake up. It's me. I'm Bob, Rose..."

However, Rose did not react in the slightest.

Bob stared at her, "What happened? Why Rose didn't have any reaction?"

Behind him, Miley comforted him immediately, "Bob, don't worry. Rose now is out of danger. She can't move because she hasn't recovered from the anesthesia yet after the surgery. Please let her rest for a while."

Hearing that his wife wasn't in danger, Bob finally relaxed a little.

He turned to look at Miley with a puzzled expression, "Miley, what happened exactly?"

Miley sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Bob and telling him about the whole thing.

She worked as a paparazzi now.

Yesterday afternoon, when she went to a club to photograph the scandal of a celebrity secretly, she happened to encounter Rose, who was being guarded by someone.

She originally wanted to greet Rose.

However, when Rose saw her, she shook her head.

Miley felt that something was wrong immediately.

But three years ago, she threw away her past and her old phone when she left.

Therefore, even if she wanted to contact Bob, she couldn't find him.

She called the number of Bob's company, but the receptionist told her that if she had no appointment, she couldn't talk to the president, after saying this the receptionist hung up.

She really had no choice but to find Rose herself.

Through the contacts she had accumulated in New York over the years, she finally found out where Rose was locked up.

In the evening, she had thought that she could climb in from the window to rescue her.

But after she had been hiding for a long time and prepared to move, she saw Rose jump down from the window...

When Miley saw her, in case Rose would be caught again, she shouted immediately and attracted people to come here.

Afterwards, she made a first-aid call. Just as she sent Rose to the hospital, the people at the door came looking for her and even controlled her...

As she spoke, she pointed at Rose's leg and face and said, "She jumped off the building and these injuries were caused by herself. Fortunately, it's not too high and there is a lawn. Otherwise... the consequences would be unimaginable..."

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