118. The Truth Behind His Parents' Death!

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"Daren, Dad is in a bad mood. Can you forgive him?"

Daren pouted, "I'll forgive him if he apologizes to me."

Miley nodded.

She touched Daren's head and asked him to eat first.

Then she stood up and went upstairs.

Miley knocked and Kenneth came to open the door for her.

"Why did you knock before entering your own room?"

"You are in a bad mood and may need alone time. I thought that if you don't want me in, I would leave. So, you wouldn't be unhappy and kick me out."

Kenneth hugged Miley, "I scare Daren just now, right? I heard him crying."

"Yes, but children are easy to comfort. If you apologize to him later, he will easily forgive you."

Kenneth nodded, "I'll apologize later."

Miley pouted, "You are not yourself today. Why were you so angry?"

Kenneth rubbed her head, "I'm fine."

"The person you met in front of the kindergarten today was your uncle, right?"


"Daren told me what happened. Do you mind telling me the whole story?"

"He said that he wanted to go back to the Moore family. How could I agree? He wasn't there when my parents and my grandparents passed away. Now, the Moore family doesn't need him anymore, he shows up!"

Kenneth exhaled, "He said I was his only family member left. But nearly thirty years had passed, he has become a stranger to me. "

Miley reached out and held Kenneth's hand.

"After all, he is your uncle."

"Miley, don't speak for him. There are many stories between the Moore family and him that you don't know. He isn't worth your help. Believe me."

Kenneth closed his eyes and shook his head.

It was absolutely impossible for him to accept that man.

Miley bit her lip and said, "Then ... what do you plan to do? Isn't he ill? If you keep rejecting him like this, will it aggravate his illness?"

"I don't care!" Kenneth hugged her.

He was not angry anymore, "Do you want to know about the bad things that happened in my family?"

Miley looked up and said, "Actually, I've asked around."

She told Kenneth what Hannah had told her.

"Actually, Hannah didn't tell you everything. That's just what the Moore family said to the outside world. There are some things that only Grandma and I knew. After Grandma passed away, I was the only one in the world who knew. This is actually a scandal for the Moore family. I hate that man so much. Do you know why?"

Miley guessed, "Because he hurt Marcel?"

Kenneth shook his head, "If only that was all. If only he really stopped there. Unfortunately, he didn't. Do you remember that I told you my parents dies on the way to watch the snow because the car brakes failed?"

Miley nodded, "Yes, I know. You told me."

Kenneth sighed, "Actually, it was a man-made accident."

Miley was so shocked that her mouth unconsciously opened, "Was it ... Miller?"

Kenneth nodded seriously.

"He secretly broke the brakes of my dad's car. Then he called and said that he has gotten into an accident. He asked my parents to help him. My parents were afraid that my grandmother would get anxious, so they told her that they were going to watch the snow. The accident happened just like that."

Miley bit her lips, not knowing what to say.

"He is a murderer. I really wanted him to bear the consequences
that he should bear. But ... he was my grandma's only son left. She begged me to let him go. Because of grandma, although I know that he is the murderer, I let him go unpunished for so many years. Therefore, even now he is mentally ill, I still hate him. He made me an orphan. "

Miley had known Kenneth for so many years.

This was the first time she had seen such a sad expression on his face.

Miley hugged him and comforted him.

Kenneth sighed, "Miley, do you know what the funniest thing was?"

Miley quietly placed her chin on his shoulder.

She didn't say anything and was just waiting for Kenneth's words.

"I scolded him today. I said, 'You killed my parents. How dare you return to the Moore family?' Guess what he said to me? "

Kenneth didn't wait for Miley to speak.

He sighed heavily and said, "He said, 'Kenneth, I'm really sorry. You know, I was mentally ill in those years. After I recover, I have forgotten many things that happened in the past, including how I hurt your parents. I know it sounds like a lie, but believe me. I'm sorry but I really don't remember that I killed them. After I recovered, I investigated the Moore family and came to the conclusion that the two of them died in a car accident when they went to enjoy the snow. I thought it was true. I have never thought that the person who killed them could be me.... "

Kenneth shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Look how shameless he was."

Miley patted him on the back and comforted him warmly, "Then what is his purpose? The company?"

"No matter what his purpose is, he will never get the company. When I graduated from college, the Moore Group was facing bankruptcy. I was the one who put it back on track. Also, Grandma was very prescient. She made a will before she died. All the property under her name was given to me, except for the villa which was for you."

Miley was stunned for a moment, "Grandma gave me the villa?"

Kenneth pointed her nose, "Why are you so excited?"

"I really didn't know!"

Miley said, "Grandma did such a nice thing for me and I have never thanked her for it. So, you are living under my roof now?"

Kenneth chuckled, "Yes, I am living under your roof. Not only this villa is yours, our new house is yours as well. I also bought two villas in G City under your name. You also have the most valuable treasure, which is ... me!"

Miley smiled.

This man....

After the two chatted for a while, Kenneth felt much more comfortable.

Then, he was pulled downstairs by Miley to apologize to Daren.

After Kenneth squatted in front of Daren and sincerely apologized, Daren smiled and reached out to hug Kenneth.

He said sweetly, "Dad, I forgive you."

Hearing Daren calling him Dad, Kenneth froze....

Kenneth's eyes turned red for no reason.

He nodded and said, "Daddy ... is here."

All his bad feelings disappeared because of the word.

It really was the most beautiful title in the world....

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