37. I Can Cause Rose's Miscarriage!

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Sage placed the wrapped infant on the bed, turned around and left with the brown paper bag.

She had just returned to the villa and Zion was not there, so he could only be in the company now.

She took a taxi to the Brown Group, only to be stopped by the security guard at the entrance.

She had to call Zion, who naturally didn't answer it.

She couldn't bear it any longer and sent a message to Zion, "I'm at the downstairs of the company. You have to meet me. Otherwise, I'll tell Rose what you've done to harm the Clinton's Group!"

Soon, the guard came out and 'invited' her in.

It had been almost three months since her news came out the last time.

After that, this was the first time Zion had appeared in front of her.

At that time, she thought that she could still rely on him.

As long as the child was born, and...

As long as Zion saw the child, he would definitely forgive her for the child's sake.

However, it turned out that Zion tricked her.

She closed the office door and quickly walked to Zion.

Throwing the brown paper bag on the table, she asked angrily, "Why did you lie to me?"

His legs crossed, Zion raised his eyes and looked sideways at her with contempt.

"When did I lie to you?"

Sage broke down and burst into tears, "The paternity test showed the child is not yours. But why did you lie to me? Why did you give me the hope that made me believe the future of us? Why didn't you tell me the truth until I already gave birth to the child? Zion, I've waited for you for so many years. I am not perfect, but I have given you all of mine. How can you treat me like this?"

Zion curled his lips coldly, "Everything of yours? All you have done is conceiving someone else's child yet attributing it to me, and now you even think that does you credit? Oh, then I'm really sorry, because I will never accept a bitch like you!"

Sage lowered his eyes and wept bitterly, "Since you have chosen not to accept it, you should have told me that. If I had known that the child is not yours, I would have aborted it at all costs. Why do you torture me like this?"

Zion's eyes became quite cold. He stood up and quickly walked to her.

He grabbed her collar and said, "Torture you? Yes, you're right. I just want you bitch to live with that bastard for the rest of your life. I want you to be reminded how despicable you are whenever you see that bastard."

"If you had aborted that bastard, how was I supposed to take revenge on you? I even abandoned my wife who truly loved me, just because of your deception. How could you possibly live without a guilty conscience? Sage, people like you deserve to die! "

"You hate me so much?"

Sage asked in despair, "Do you really think my death could lead to your reunion with Rose? Don't you know that she is pregnant? She is going to conceive and raise children for other men, and you two can't be together anymore."

Hearing this, Zion's eyes suddenly turned red.

Rose is pregnant with Bob's child?

He had almost invested all his energy in dealing with the pressure from Bob these days.

Originally, he had thought that as long as he survived the most difficult period, he would be able to attain Rose's love again...

He gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at Sage.

He raised his hand and slapped her to the ground, "It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

Sage lay on the ground and looked back at him with tears all over her face.

"I know I am wrong. I will change. I will never ever betray you again. Zion, both Rose and I have been with other men before. Then why can you forgive her but not me? Could you give me a chance?"

"A chance? When she was with me, she was always loyal to me. But what about you? You betrayed me, and cheated on me, you bitch!"

Zion bent over and pulled up Sage's collar.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have betrayed Rose. It was you. You caused my retribution. I'm going to kill you!"

He reached out his hands and squeezed her neck.

Sage could hardly breathe.

She pleaded, "Spare me, Zion ... Spare me, I can ... I can ... cause Rose's miscarriage ... so you'll have a chance ... to be with her again..."

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