79. Kenneth Would Never Want You!

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Miley wondered, 'How could it be coincidental? I hadn't appeared in five years. Is it possible that they hadn't seen each other in these years?'

'It was impossible.'

She thought that Kenneth and Lily might be together when she was not here.

She couldn't understand why they didn't see each other in these five years.

Kenneth's furious voice interrupted Miley, "Amy, why are you guys still standing there? You don't listen to me now, do you?"

Amy didn't dare to hesitate any longer and pulled Lily out.

Miley raised his eyebrows and turned around, "Mr. Moore, maybe it is not nice to the guest."

"She's not my guest. She's my enemy who nearly made me lose you."

Finishing speaking, Kenneth glanced coldly at Lily and went upstairs.

Lily glared at Miley.

She whispered through gritted teeth, "It's all because of you. Kenneth ignored me and left me because of you."

Miley raised her eyebrows and said, "Miss Black, let me walk you out."

Lily snorted and turned around.

She thought that Kenneth wouldn't drive her away if she came here for condolence.

She didn't expect such a result.

When Miley walked with Lily, Lily turned around and glared fiercely at her.

"Are you here to laugh at me?"

"Lily, I'm quite curious about why you have made yourself so old and ugly in five years. If I run into you on the street, I won't recognize you."

Lily said angrily, "What did you say?"

Miley looked at her and smiled, "You're like an unattractive old woman now. You're without any charm. By the way, it seems that you are despicable and have an unkind face."

"You didn't lose your memory!" Lily glared at her.

"Do you have anything to do with my amnesia?" Miley asked.

"Are you lying to Kenneth?"

Lily was surprised.

"Yes. I'm lying to him. I don't want to go back to him. So, I lie that I have lost my memory and stay away from him."

Lily frowned and clenched her fists, 'She is showing off. Kenneth doesn't care about me but is chasing after her.'

Miley said, "I'm different from you. You can only pretend to be pathetic to get his attention. Kenneth will never want you."

Lily raised her hand and was about to slap Miley.

But Miley grabbed her wrist.

"Lily, do you think that I am still me from five years ago? Do you think that you can still drive me mad with your old tricks? Let me tell you. I even want to thank you who made me reborn and taught me to hate a person!"

Finish speaking, Miley flung Lily's hand away and slapped her in the face.

Lily covered her cheeks in pain and looked at Miley blankly, "You ... How dare you slap me on my face!"

"Yes, I just slapped you. Think about what you did to me. You deserve this."

Miley sneered grimly.

Lily was angry and wanted to fight back.

However, she was slapped by Miley again, "I am no pushover. Kenneth once taught me that I should fight fire with fire."

"Miley, it was you who destroyed my life. You stole Kenneth from me. And my son could only go to the bad schools in these years."

Lily shouted, "Because of you, I have to earn a living by my only job. You made me a completely ordinary woman. You stole everything from me including my ideals. Do you feel wronged now? But I am the most pathetic one who should revenge."

When Miley was about to hit Lily again, she saw Kenneth running towards anxiously.

Miley sneered, "Is that so? But I think people like you deserve this kind of life."

Lily pushed Miley.

This time, Miley did not resist and fell to the ground.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came.

Kenneth rushed forward and grabbed Lily's wrist.

He shoved Lily straightly to the wall.

Lily held her heart painfully.


Kenneth slapped Lily without hesitation, "Anyone with shame will not speak like that. I never owe you anything. But it's you who have ruined my life!"

"You are a slut dumped by men. How dare you hit Miley? Lily, let me tell you. I will let you pay for your arrogance. You will be a poor woman forever."

Then Kenneth turned around and helped Miley up, "Are you alright? Do you feel any pain?"

Miley pursed her lips and shook her head, "I'm fine, Mr. Moore. Don't be angry. She didn't do it on purpose."

"Miley, don't speak for such a shameless woman. I can see clearly with my eyes."

Kenneth turned around and looked at Lily, "Get out! If you appear again, I will let you know that your life couldn't be more miserable."

Miley stood behind Kenneth and looked at Lily with a triumphant and sinister smile.

An eye for an eye.

Lily knew Kenneth's temper.

She did not dare to argue with him at this time, so she could only leave.

After Lily left, Miley said to Kenneth in a low voice, "She said just now that I ruined your relationship. I'm the home wrecker. Is that true?"

"Of course not. She is one of my ex-girlfriends. But you are my wife. When I married you, she had already married someone else. How could you be a home wrecker? She is the one who wants to be the homewrecker. This woman is very scheming. You must be careful of her if you see her again."

Miley stared at Kenneth.

She was surprised that Kenneth said so.

What had happened in the past five years?

Seeing that Miley became serious, Kenneth got close and asked, "Tell me. What are you thinking about?"

Miley stared at him.

She was curious about what had happened in the past five years.

Kenneth raised his eyebrows slightly, "If you don't speak, I'll kiss you."

Miley frowned, 'If I told him, he will know that I didn't lose my memory.'

Kenneth always kept his words.

Miley didn't say anything.

Then Kenneth kissed her.

Miley instinctively pushed him aside and turned her head away.

Suddenly, she saw someone familiar standing in the distance, staring at her with astonishment...

She pushed Kenneth away and looked nervously at the man standing there.

That was Adam.

It seemed that he had a long trip.

Adam held a trolley case in one hand and his phone in the other.

Seeing Miley's expression, Kenneth turned his head but smiled when he saw Adam.

He was happy that Adam saw the kiss.

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