81. Gastric Hemorrhage...

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Hearing this, Miley immediately shook her head at him and said, "Adam, you don't need to feel stressed. This isn't your fault."

After finishing speaking, Miley turned to Kenneth, "Why are you here? Go away."

"You want me to leave? Do you know what would happen to you if I didn't show up tonight?"

"It's none of your business."

Miley said ruthlessly, wanting to warn Kenneth not to say anything else.

To her, Kenneth betrayed her, but Adam saved her and her child's life...

She knew Kenneth very well—whatever he says goes, so she couldn't let him target Adam.

At this moment, Daren's cry came from the door.

Miley didn't know when Daren heard their talking and came to the door.

He was barefoot, looking at the three adults in the room, and obviously frightened.

The crowd dispersed.

Kenneth bent over to hug Daren, but Daren recoiled.

"Daren, I'm Kenneth. Don't you like me anymore?"

"You are a bad guy!" Daren cried sadly.

"You hit Adam. I don't like you anymore."

Miley hurriedly tied up her clothes.

She glanced at Adam, who was sitting there blankly.

At last, she did not say anything but ran straight to the door.

She picked up Daren and said to Kenneth, "You should leave now. Don't trouble us again."

Then, she closed the door and carried Daren back to her room.

Kenneth stood in the corridor, feeling extremely angry....

Miley sighed and returned to her room.

She tossed and turned all night and finally the dawn came.

She personally went to the restaurant downstairs to order some breakfast and came to Adam's room.

She had already thought it over. When meeting Adam, she would pretend that nothing had happened.

She kept reminding herself about this and then knocked on the door.

No one answered in the room.

She knocked again.

Still no one answered.

Miley received a text message.It was sent by Adam.

"Katherine, I'm going back to G City. I'm sorry for what happened last night. I was too impulsive. I know I can't be forgiven, but I really didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry, really sorry. I won't suspect you and break your heart again. Come back as soon as you get things done in New York. I'll always be waiting for you."

After reading the message, Miley directly called Adam.

However, Adam turned off the phone.

Miley was a little dejected.

At this moment, her phone rang.

"Hello, Mrs. Moore? This is Amy. Can you go to the hospital now? Mr. Moore is hospitalized."

"Amy, are you kidding me? When I saw Kenneth last night, he was clearly fine."

He must have had much strength, or he couldn't hit Adam so hard.But Amy sounded very anxious.

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