67. Kill Her, She's Kenneth's Wife!

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Kenneth was so furious that he seized her by the collar and pushed her towards the pillar beside him.

"Lily, just shut up. Do you think Miley is as dirty as you are? I know her much better than you do. Don't insult my girl by your nasty mind, otherwise..."

At this time, Stanley pulled up in front of the two.

Kenneth let go of his hand and took two steps back, patting his own hand as if it was stained.

However, in Miley's eyes from afar, this scene was extremely ambiguous.

She thought that Kenneth was kissing Lily just now.

From her point of view, it was.

Stanley saw Miley's car first.

He opened the car door and got off, "Mr. Moore, it's Madam's car."

Kenneth looked over and saw Miley in the car staring blankly at him.

He frowned and walked towards her with that hand in his pocket.

Seeing this, Miley took a breath, opened the car door and walked out.

"When did you come?"

Kenneth dotingly rubbed her hair.

Miley pulled her bag toward her shoulder and tried to remain calm, "For a while, I've been waiting for you to get off work to surprise you."


Kenneth pinched her cheek and said, "I'm really surprised."

Lily also walked over and said, "Kenneth, you are so happy. You have a wife to pick you up."

Kenneth took the opportunity to put an arm around Miley's shoulders and said, "Indeed. I have always been very happy since I had this girl."

"Miley, we've never eaten together, right? I'll treat you to a meal today."

Kenneth said coldly, "No need. We still..."


Miley raised her eyebrows and replied before Kenneth uttered.

She felt that today was a good opportunity to call a spade a spade.


Kenneth whispered.

Miley grabbed Kenneth's arm and said, "Let's go. Lily will pay the bill anyway."

After arriving at the restaurant that Lily had booked, the three went upstairs together.

When they ordered, they each took a menu.

Lily ordered three dishes and put aside the menu.

Miley ordered one and Kenneth two.

Lily smiled and said, "Miley, you really don't understand Kenneth. He doesn't like the food you ordered. His favorite vegetable is broccoli. He doesn't eat spicy food."

Miley chuckled and said, "He ordered what I like to eat."

Lily's gaze fell on Kenneth's face.

He was looking at Miley dotingly.

Lily clenched her fists and said, "I'm going to the restroom."

She stood up and walked to the restroom with her bag.

Kenneth looked at Miley and said, "Did she talked to you a few days ago?"

Miley looked at him in surprise, "Do you know why?"

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