105. A Car Accident!

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Miley loosened the grasp on the cup and slowly held his hand.

"You once told me not to apologize to you. You said that no one in this world owed anyone else an apology, but I don't think so. Today, I have to apologize to you. I'm really sorry."

The smile on Adam's face stiffened a little.

Miley exhaled.

"Adam, what happened five years ago was a misunderstanding. Kenneth never abandoned me. That day, he pulled the wrong person in the chaos. He loves me more than I imagine. You should notice that I never forget him."

"I used to think that time could dilute everything, but Kenneth was right. What could be diluted by time was not true love. We still love each other as time goes by."

"I know that you've paid a lot for me and my child in the past five years, but ... feelings cannot lie. Adam, I ... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I will thank you for the rest of my life, but I can't stay by your side. I want to be. I want to be Kenneth's wife and Daren's mother."

Miley saw Adam sitting there as if he had been frozen.

Miley frowned slightly and called out worriedly,


Adam's eyes finally moved.

"I have kept you company for no less time than Kenneth, and I have paid no less than him. Why do you choose him? Am I really that bad?"

Miley shook her head. "No, you're a good person. You're my benefactor, but...."

"You just don't love me, do you? Miley, you've made me feel like the past few years is a joke. Do you know that I do love you? Kenneth isn't the only one who can die for you. I can also do it. I'll prove it to you right now."

Adam got up and ran out of the café.

When Miley saw this, she ignored the curious gazes of others. She stood up and ran towards the door.

"Adam, what are you doing? Let's chat. Don't be like this."

Adam pushed her away and rushed straight to the middle of the road.

A speeding car was coming towards them.

Miley threw down the bag in her hand.


A screeching brake pierced through the sky.

The expectant pain did not strike Adam.

He only felt he had been pushed by something.

Then he slipped and fell beside the car.

A dull cry of pain came to his ear, followed by the deafening horn.

When he turned around, he saw Miley, covered in blood, lying on the ground two meters away from him.

Miley didn't know what faith she had when she pounced over and pushed Adam away.

Even though the car had stopped suddenly, it hit her.

It was too late for her to run anymore.

After being gently hit, she was thrown out like a parabola and fell to the ground.

The surrounding crowd gathered, and Adam used a lot of strength to get up.

He staggered into the crowd and sat down beside Miley.

"Miley, Miley...."

Adam gently rubbed Miley's cheeks.

"Look at me. Look at me."

Adam had never been so scared before.

Only then did he feel how quiet the world was.

But the surroundings were in a mess.

The crowd was staring at him, but he couldn't hear anything.

He could only see that Miley's eyes were slightly open.

Her face twisted in pain, but she still smiled at him.

It seemed that she was comforting him.

He felt as if his entire soul was about to be drained of.

This was the first time that he felt so helpless and afraid.

He watched Miley slowly close her eyes.

"Miley, Miley, don't sleep. Stay awake. Miley, it's my fault. Miley...."

Adam looked up and shouted, "Help me call an ambulance...."

The bodyguard rushed over and shouted to the driver not far away.

"Quickly drive over and help her into the car. I'll take her to the hospital."


After receiving the call, Kenneth immediately broke off the high-level meeting and drove to the hospital.

He endured the pain in his leg and ran to the hospital as fast as he could.

He and the bodyguard he asked to protect Miley kept on talking on the phone.

The bodyguard told him that Miley hadn't come out since she was sent into the emergency room.

The bodyguard also said that Miley was in a serious condition and had blood on her body.

After Kenneth heard it, his heart was in his throat.

He had been in a daze.

When he arrived at the door of the emergency room, he saw Adam, who was in a trance, at a glance.

Without saying anything, Kenneth passed by everyone and grabbed Adam's collar, fiercely punching him in the face.

"Why ... why did you harm her?"

Kenneth's voice was trembling.

"You clearly know that she is grateful to you. For your sake, she is willing to sacrifice herself. Why do you take the high road and hurt her? If anything happens to Miley, I will definitely kill you."

Adam collapsed by the wall due to Kenneth's beating.

He sat there in low spirits.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the door to the emergency room finally opened.

The doctors took turns walking out.

Kenneth grabbed a doctor's shoulders crazily.

"How is Miley? How is she?"

"The patient has been rescued and is basically out of danger. However, she is still anesthetized, so she hasn't woken up yet. After the patient is pushed into the ward, the family can go in to take care of her. However, not too many people should go inside. The patient needs rest."

Miley was out of danger.

Hearing it, Kenneth felt that he revived.

In the ward, Miley had bandages on her head and body.

She closed her eyes tightly, not knowing many people were looking at her.

Adam was staring at Miley.

Stanley walked to the door and said to him.

"Mr. Jones, the doctor said the ward needed to be absolutely quiet. Mr. Moore could take good care of Mrs. Moore alone. Please go back and rest first."

Adam's eyelids moved, and he obediently left the ward.

No one noticed Adam clenched his fists when he left.

Stanley followed and saw that Adam's right arm was covered in bruises.

He stopped Adam and said, "Mr. Jones, your arm got injured. Let me help you call a doctor to treat your wound."

Adam did not even look at Stanley.

He gently shook off Stanley's hand and walked out of the corridor of the ward without looking back.

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