87. I Can't Pay Him Back! I Can't!

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Adam sighed, "Alright, I understand the situation you face. Tell me about Kenneth in the future, okay? He is a very good man. With him around you, I feel insecure. I admit that I am incompetent enough so that I'm afraid that he will steal you away."

Miley pursed her lips and said, "Alright, there's one more thing I have to tell you."

"Go ahead."

"On the first day I came back to work, Kenneth transferred me upstairs after his inaugural speech. When we were in New York, he had a dispute with his assistant because of me and his assistant left office. So, he asks me to work as his assistant until he finds a new one."

"You are Kenneth's assistant now?"

Adam held her shoulders.



Adam suppressed his anger and scratched his head, "Miley, just quit your job. You only need to care about our wedding next. In the future, I will support you."

Miley never wanted Adam to support her and Daren.

She didn't want others to think that she and Daren live off Adam.

"Adam, I'm sorry. I didn't give you enough sense of security. I didn't mean to hurt you. When Kenneth transferred me, I wanted to resign, but I didn't do so in the end.I know you can support me. But I want Daren to be proud of me. So... I won't quit."

Seeing Miley insist, Adam felt very depressed.

However, he also understood that Miley was a woman with self-esteem.

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I wasn't considerate enough. I just didn't want you to stay by Kenneth's side."

Miley nodded, "I understand. But Adam, I've already been hurt by him once. I won't fall twice in the same place."

Adam reached out and held her in his arms, "I believe you."

Miley felt a little embarrassed but she finally didn't resist Adam.

Adam was so excited. When he let go of her, he even looked at her in a daze.

It was so rare that Miley didn't refuse his touch.

He let go of her and lowered his head to kiss her.

But just as his lips were about to touch her, Miley suddenly turned her head away.

Adam's lips went past her ears.Both of them froze on the spot.

After Miley unconsciously moved her face away, she seemed to realize that she had gone too far, "I..."

Adam interrupted her and took a step away from her.

He smiled and said, "It's getting late. Go back and rest early."


Miley knew that Adam must be in a bad mood right now."Let's set the wedding date with your uncle when we are both free someday."


Seeing Adam's car moving far away, Miley exhaled and closed her eyes.

She lowered his head and felt unhappy in her heart.

One day in the afternoon, it was finally the off-duty time.

But Miley still had to attend a dinner party so that she couldn't leave early.

It was almost the time when Kenneth answered a phone call.

He answered the call as he looked at Miley with a serious face, as if he was thinking about something.

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