42. Disappeared!

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On the same day, Bob began to clamp down on The Brown Group of Zion with the Four Young Masters of Philadelphia.

Originally, it was already difficult for Zion to deal with Bob himself.

Now, there were three more.

Even if Zion wanted to try hard and fight back at the company 24 hours a day.

In the end, he still couldn't escape from his misfortune.

The Brown Group had been defeated in no more seven days.

Bob Stock...

was definitely a devil.

In the evening, it rained heavily.

Since the weather was not good, Rose did not want to go home too late, so she decided not to work overtime and went downstairs early.

A car waited for her outside of the company entrance.

When she came out, she saw a figure standing alone in the torrential rain, staring at her.

Although they were separated by the rain, Rose could still recognize him at a glance.

She had also heard about the news about The Brown Group.

She also learned from Bob why Zion had been targeted.

Bob said that at the beginning he wanted to play with this scumbag unhurriedly and let him feel the pain of going bankruptcy and losing everything.

But Zion was too impatient.

In this case, he would do nothing but let Zion disappear from their world completely.

Rose exchanged glances with him for a moment and then walked towards her own car.

Zion stood under the rain and smiled at her.

Before Rose was about to get in the car, Zion shouted, "I'll take back everything that belongs to me. Rose, just wait and see."

Rose did not answer him, she just pulled open the door and get into the car.

After the car left, Zion clenched his fists tightly.

Although he was in an awkward predicament, his eyes looked very fierce.

He must get all his things back.

Even if at last there was something he couldn't obtain, he would rather destroy it than let Bob enjoy it for the rest of his life!

Since then, Rose had never seen Zion again.

Sometimes she could hear from Pearl how miserable Sage was now.

Sage couldn't find a job at first because of her obesity, but after losing weight she still couldn't.

In order to make a living, she could only go to a nightclub and do some dirty work.

She was truly miserable.

However, there were no news of Zion, as if he had disappeared from the world.

He had also been forgotten by Rose slowly.

After Henry was discharged from the hospital, he began to manage the company's matter again.

Since Rose had already eliminated all the parasites in the company, the current Clinton's Group was now a prosperous company.

Her stepmother Elena had also come back to reconcile with Henry.

However, after experiencing so much, no matter how softhearted Henry was, it was impossible for him to accept her again.

Elena also paid the price for her faults.

As the days passed, in June of the next year, which was the hottest period in summer, Rose gave birth to her first son, and named him Jon Stock.

After Bob became a father, his love for Rose did not diminish at all. Instead, their relationship had become more and more harmonious.

Although they would quarrel occasionally, it would not last longer than three days.

Because one of them would always surrender first.

After a year, their relationship was completely acknowledged and blessed by Yates and Maisie.

At Jon Stock's 100-day party, his grandparents held him and hung around to show off how cute their grandson was.

Rose only needed to snuggle up to Bob happily.

Two years later, they got a daughter named Jenny Stock.

Then after a year, their another son, Elvis Stock, was born.

Bob had truly become the life winner.

Originally, everyone thought that their happiness would continue like this.

However, a few days ago, this quietness was broken.

Rose went to New York on a business trip and suddenly disappeared.

For three whole days, Bob had searched all the New York city, but he still couldn't find her...

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