31. The Feeling of Being Protected for no Reason!

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Rose looked back at Bob with a surprised expression.

Why did he come back?

Was this ... a coincidence?

When Maisie saw Bob, she stood up with a smile on her face and said, "Bob, why are you back?"

Bob reached Rose and put his arm around her shoulders.

"You brought my wife back to bully her. I have to come back."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Maisie's face as she hurriedly said, "No, we wouldn't bully Rose. We..."

"You're bullying a victim by asking her to explain why she was victimized, aren't you?"

Bob interrupted his mother with a sharp voice.

Maisie frowned and did not answer.

They were indeed bullying Rose.

Yates said angrily to Bob, "So you mean that we don't have right to meet your wife or talk to her, don't you?"

Just as Bob was about to speak, Rose held his hand and shook her head at him.

She looked at Yates and said, "Dad, Bob doesn't know what's going on. He probably heard a rough story. I'll explain to him later. As for what you want to know, I can explain."

Bob said disgruntledly, "Explain what? What did you do wrong?"

Rose smiled gently at him, "I don't explain what I did wrong. I want to let my parents know that I do nothing wrong, so I want to explain. After all, they don't know what happened. I will feel at ease after I explain what happened."

Bob was silent.

If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have been bothered by this.

Rose looked at Maisie and Yates and told them everything about the statement that Zion had made last time, as well as the photos that had been exposed this time.

She made it very clear and did not conceal anything.

After hearing what she said, Yates nodded.

If it had happened before, he might not be on Rose's side.

But now, Rose was the daughter-in-law that he had decided to recognize, so he chose to believe her.

Since Yates did not say anything, Maisie walked to Rose's side and patted her hand.

She said, "OK, everything is clear. Stay at home for dinner tonight."

Seeing that they were going to turn the page, Nannie, who had been waiting to watch the show, felt even more annoyed.

She tried to turn them against each other and said, "Rose, I am surprised that you're so scheming. I told you that we shouldn't bother Bob with such a trivial matter, but you have to find Bob to support you. Are you afraid that Bob's relationship with his father will be too harmonious?"

Rose frowned.

She always thought that Nannie was Bob's aunt and she should tolerate the latter.

However, Nannie pushed her too far.

Nannie was trying to slander Rose even if Rose did nothing wrong.

Bob sneered, "Aunt Nannie...."

Rose stopped Bob and walked forward.

She looked at Nannie and smiled softly, "Aunt Nannie, who said that Bob must come back here because of me? I didn't tell him about my coming here at all, because I didn't think that I was in the wrong. Why should I tell him?"

"Besides, he is my husband, and I hope more than anyone else that he can be at peace with his parents. This is his home. He can come back for any reason, can't he? He come back to see his parents, can't he?"

Nannie sneered and turned to look at her Yates and Maisie,

"Yates, when does Bob take the initiative to be filial?"

Maisie was angry.

"When was Bob not filial? Even if he doesn't go home often, we never doubt his filial piety."

Bob looked coldly at Nannie with folded arms and said, "Aunt Nannie, you are getting more and more skillful at turning the facts upside down. Since you love to meddle, it's good. Your darling son had a conflict with someone at a nightclub last night and injured someone. I won't help you deal with it anymore. You can meddle it yourself."

Nannie frowned.

"Why is he ... Bob, you must do something. He's your cousin."

Bob looked at Nannie with disdain, and his eyes were full of sneer.

"In your eyes, I am an unfilial person. I am neither his father nor his mother. Why do I have to worry about him?"

Nannie frowned and looked at the people who were looking at her in a weird manner.

She said through clenched teeth, "Alright, you guys are a family. I'm an outsider who likes to cause trouble. I have no right to bother you, okay?"

After she finished speaking, she snorted and turned around to leave.

As she walked out, she muttered, "You're so ungrateful!"

The door was slammed.

Rose thought for a moment and quickly walked out.

Bob grabbed her wrist and asked doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

Rose smiled at him and said gently, "Aunt Nannie has always been targeting me like this because of the misunderstanding between me and her. I can't keep the wedge between me and her. We have to move on."

Bob frowned and said, "You don't need to go. You can't be weak with her."

However, Yates showed admiration to Rose.Problem needed to be solved, or it would double.

Therefore, Yates said to Bob with a serious face, "Let her go."

Bob looked at Yates in displeasure and said coldly, "Don't you know what your sister's nature is?"

"No matter what her nature is, she is your aunt. I cannot kill her, let alone make her non-existent. Therefore, if you two want to avoid trouble for a long time, it's better to face it than running away."

Bob said with disdain, "Does Nannie know how to be reasonable? You spoiled her so she is good at messing around."

Just as Yates was about to say something, Rose said, "Bob, I want to give it a try. At the very least, I have to have a clear conscience on this matter."

Bob thought for a while and finally let go of her wrist.

"I'll go out with you. Don't worry, I won't interfere in this matter. I just want to protect you from afar. Otherwise, my aunt may attack you in anger or embarrassment. Let's go."

As he spoke, he hugged Rose's shoulder and walked out the door.

Rose tilted her head and smiled at him gratefully.

No matter what she wanted to do, as long as she made it clear, Bob would not stop her.

The feeling of being protected for no reason was ... really good.

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