95. How Should I Live If You Died!

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Miley looked at him in horror. He could have survived...

Kenneth smiled, as if he didn't fear at all.

But Miley was extremely scared.

Countless thoughts came into her mind for an instant.

However, she gradually became unconscious after she fell heavily.

The moment before she fell into complete darkness, she was surprised, as if ... it was not as painful as she thought...

Miley thought that she would never have the chance to see this world again.

But unexpectedly, she opened her eyes again.

She saw the things in the room faintly.

She could feel mist kept coming from one side of her face towards her cheeks.

She could vaguely hear someone's crying and Jeffrey's voice.

It was Daren that cried.

Jeffery was comforting him.

"Daren, you shouldn't keep crying. It will disturb your mother's rest."

"When can mom open her eyes to look at me? I miss her so much."

Daren was still crying, but he kept his voice down.

Miley thought to herself, 'I'm still alive, what about Kenneth?'

She wanted to widen her eyes, but she failed.

She heard Jeffrey saying, "Miley, Miley? Doctor, her eyes are moving."

Then several doctors came in and examined her with all kinds of instruments.

Miley was in confusion.

Why did she know what others were doing to her, but others did not know she was awake?

After the examinations, the doctors left the ward.

Jeffrey followed them.It was quiet again in the ward.

Miley fell into unconscious again.

When she woke up again, her vision finally became much clearer.

She first saw the white curtains.

Then she saw Jeffrey sitting beside the bed and dozing off.

This time, she could see all things clearly.

She raised her hand forcefully. Now, her hand could move.

Miley was a little excited as she gently placed her hand on Jeffrey's.

Jeffrey suddenly sat straightly in shock.

He shook his head.

Seeing Miley's eyes open, he tightly held her hand and exclaimed, "Miley, are you awake? Can you see me?"

Miley nodded gently.

"Thank God. You're finally awake."

Jeffrey was so excited.

He didn't know what to say.

Miley's voice was a little hoarse, "Where's Kenneth?"

Jeffrey paused.

Then he stood up and said, "I'll ask the doctor to come."

Miley frowned.

Jeffrey's reaction made her scared.

Why didn't he tell her how Kenneth was doing?

Was he avoiding her question, or...

Miley suddenly felt so sad.

Could it be that Kenneth was no longer alive?

When Jeffrey brought the doctor in, Miley lay on bed and was not moving, only her tears streaming.

"Miley, what's wrong with you?"

Miley closed her eyes and burst into tears.

"Miley, is anything wrong with you? Don't cry. Tell me, what's wrong?"

The doctor passed Jeffrey and went forward to examine Miley, "Congratulations. Mrs. Moore is over the hump. She just needs to rest in the hospital for some days."

"Doctor, are you sure? Why is she crying like this?"

Jeffrey was puzzled.

The doctor looked at Miley and was also confused.

Why did she keep crying like this?

"Miley, the doctor is here. If you feel uncomfortable, tell the doctor. Then he could examine you carefully. Miley, stop crying. Say something."

Miley raised her hand to cover her aching eyes.

"I want to see Kenneth. I want to see him."

Jeffrey looked down and said, "You can see him when you recover. But now you can't."


"Mr. Moore, he..."

Jeffrey hesitated.

Miley closed her eyes and cried loudly in despair, "Why didn't I die? Kenneth, why did you die for me? You are a bastard. Why did you jump down with me? What should I do if you died? I still have a lot of things to tell you. Kenneth, come back, come back to me, okay?"

The entire ward was filled with Miley's sound.

Miley kept crying and venting her sadness.

That year her sister and mother passed away, she was extremely sad, just like now.

At that time, she felt she couldn't live anymore.

She was absent-minded every day and didn't want to do anything.

Great sadness and despair tortured her.

Now, she felt she was tortured again.She managed a lot to obtain happiness.

Now, she lost everything.She regretted she didn't ask Kenneth why he abandoned her.

Why didn't she think that Kenneth might have saved the wrong person?

At that time, she thought she got heavily hurt because she loved Kenneth deeply.

She would feel sad when just seeing him.She hated Kenneth to abandon her at that time.

She had always felt that Gabriel gave her hatred, while Kenneth gave her pain.

She felt so painful. Every night she woke up, she hugged herself tightly and felt dead inside.

Jeffrey bent over and held her shoulders, "Miley, calm down."

But Miley was unable to remain calm.

"Do you really love Kenneth?"

She heard a familiar voice and stopped crying at once.

She opened her eyes and looked around.Jeffrey moved away. She could clearly see Kenneth standing in front of her.


Miley bit her lips, with tears falling down.Kenneth was once tall, mighty, and handsome.

But now he was...

Tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

She should be glad. At least Kenneth was still alive.

But why did she still feel so painful?

"I'm sorry..."

Miley's voice was hoarse.

Kenneth smiled, "You don't need to apologize. You are my wife and it's my duty to share weal and woe with you. But now, I just want to know, do you really love Kenneth?"

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