44. I Loved You!

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When Bob heard all, his heart couldn't help trembling.

He gently put his hand on Rose's injured leg and gnashed his teeth, 'It is a blood feud, I must take revenge.'

Seeing how sad Bob was, Miley didn't know how to comfort him.

She went out to call her uncle and asked him to bring breakfast for everyone next morning.

Jeffrey agreed without any hesitation.

More than two hours later, Rose finally woke up, opening up her eyes slowly.

Seeing the pure white overhead and feeling pains from her face and legs, she couldn't help frowning.

Noticing the signs, Bob who always kept eyes on Rose immediately stood up and nervously asked, "Rose?"

Rose turned to look at him with confusion.

Upset by her gaze, Bob anxiously asked, "Rose, look, I'm Bob. Do you still know me?"

Tears flooded;

looking straight at Bob's eyes, Rose said emotionally, "Bob, you're finally here."

Bob stretched out his hands to wipe out her tears gently, "It was my fault that I shouldn't have left you in fear and dread for all these days. I am sorry for being late."

Staring at him, Rose was choked and tears blurred everything.

"Rose, tell me, who did it? What was his purpose?"

Bob coaxed softly.

"It's Zion Brown. Zion Brown is still alive. He is currently working as manager in that club. That day he saw me in that club with clients, and plotted. When I went to bathroom, he tied me up and locked me in a tool room. After my companions left, he hid me in an empty box and asked someone to watch over me."

Suddenly, her voice filled with anger, "Last night ... he came to beg for my forgiveness, asked to be on good terms as before, and wished me to help him revitalize the Browns. After I scolded him, he intended to rape me, so ... I jumped out of the window..."

"Such a fool!"

Bob hugged her tightly with aching heart, and reproached, "Didn't you know that you might die that way?"

"If I let Zion get what he wanted, I would rather die."

Rose looked at Bob firmly.

She had lived with Bob for five years. Although Rose never said ' I love you', Bob was her life and future.

She loved him.

She would never accept stains left by one whom she didn't love.

Therefore, she would rather die for Bob.

After kissing her hands and cheek, Bob whispered, "No matter what happens, I love you. But I want you to be alive, so don't do anything stupid in the future. Protecting yourself is more important than anything else."

Rose sniffed.

Although her voice was choked with sobs, she laughed, "But ... God still loves me. It didn't take me away, but sent me back to you and our children."

Bob nodded and gently kissed her again.

The desperation he felt when knowing her disappearance exceeded the joy of seeing Rose again, and it was so strong that he never wanted to experience a second time.

Responding with a deep kiss, Rose looked at him affectionately and said, "Bob, do you know what I was thinking about at the moment when I jumped out of the window?"

Bob caressed her cheek and whispered, "What was it?"

"I was thinking, if dead, I wouldn't be sorry for our children, as I was confident that you would raise them well; but I would definitely regret that ... I regretted of never saying 'I love you' to you. Bob, I love you."

Bob's heart trembled at these words, and he bent over to hold her tightly,

"I love you too, so much. Thank you for being fine. Never hurt yourself again, eh?"

Rose sniffed and nodded, "I promise you, in the future, I will definitely avoid Zion and all dangers, and accompany you for the rest of my life."

At the word of Zion, Bob clenched his fists, let go of Rose, and said firmly, "Don't worry, I will retaliate against Zion. Take a rest first, I'll go..."

When Bob got up, Rose grabbed his hand and said, "Bob, are you leaving?"

Aware of her anxiety, Bob sat down again, soothed her by putting one hand on her forehead and said softly, "I'm not leaving. I'll get you a glass of water."

Only then did Rose let go of her hand.

Bob poured her a glass of water and let her drink with a straw.

Then he picked up his phone and made a call.

As he had expected, Zion already run away, after Rose had fell.

But... this time, how could Bob let him go?

He wanted to kill him!

Derek came to Dean again.

Because no one was better than Dean at detection.

In just half a night, Zion was caught in the neighboring city.

Bob charged Zion with attempted rape, attempted murder, tax dodging, and transfer of property of the Clinton's Group.

What awaited Zion would be endless tortures in prison.

And Bob would never let him leave prison alive!

Early in the morning, Miley brought breakfast from her uncle.

Seeing Miley, Rose felt grateful.

Before fainting caused by her jumping out of the window, Rose saw Miley running towards her.

In that instant, she begged for help in her heart.

Miley was smart enough to grasp her intention immediately, as she shouted out for help at once, attracting bystanders.

Only confirming that she would never be taken away again by that bastard Zion, Rose fell into endless unconsciousness...

She smiled and expressed her gratitude to Miley.

Miley was no longer the poor one when Rose first knew her a few years ago.

Now she was bright and dynamic. Miley smiled and said, "Rose, I just did what I should do, no big deal."

"No. I am truly grateful. Without your help, whether I could leave that club alive would still be a question."

Rose said warmly.

Miley smiled and said, "Of course you could, because you have always been blessed."

Rose smiled at her and inquired purposely, "I haven't seen you for so many years, how are you?"

Miley nodded and said gently, "Well, I'm fine."

Bob frowned at Miley's insincere smile and felt that she wasn't as happy as she seemed to be...

Could the rumors he had heard of be true?

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Miley, do you have a boyfriend?"

Miley smiled and did not answer.

Bob added, "Would you like Rose and I to introduce a good man to you? Come back to Philadelphia, so we can take care of you."

Miley immediately waved her hands and said, "Thanks, but no, Bob, as I'm ... married."

Bob stared, "To that Robinson of California?"

Miley's heart ached at the mention of the Robinsons for a moment, and then she murmured, "No, he is ... from New York. Kenneth Moore."

Kenneth Moore?

On hearing this name, Rose and Bob involuntarily exchanged glances with each other...

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